chapter Thirteen: murder family (pt 2)

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The class falls silent, "I forgot it's my husband's birthday! I didn't get him anything special," she says, sad and guilty for forgetting her husband's birthday.

A blonde little girl speaks up happily, "maybe if we call him, we could do a happy birthday surprise!"

She heads over to the computer, turning it on she rings the computer in their bedroom up, it taking a moment for anybody to answer before finally. A sock hits the computer screen along with a pair of underwear, her eyes widen as she catches her husband having an affair on her with another blonde busty woman, her face turns red with anger, she doesn't bother to cover the students eyes or anything.

She gets up, moving away from the computer screen, expression void of any joy or happiness she previously had. "Wait! Mrs. Mayberry!" The blonde little girl shouts out, running up to grab her teacher's hand, to possibly try and rationalize with the upset teacher. "Remember what you taught us?" She says, hoping to remind her teacher of the moral lesson, "think, before you act-" Mrs. Mayberry's hand clutches the girls throat, her face going red as she's thrown through the roof.

The students watch in silent horror, a little brown boy with glasses staring up at the roof that now had a hole in it, Mrs. Mayberry leaves the class silently, the students rush from the computer to the window watching in silent horror still as she gets into her car, which was a light blue maybe a light green color, the ignition turns on with a roar and the car speeds off with reckless care of anything in its way, running over half of the one beautiful white picket fence, destroying a bush on the way out.


"So, what I'm getting from this story is- you killed a child, and caused property damage?" You interrupted, not hard to see why Mrs. Mayberry was in hell now.

"..." The silent glare she gave you was enough to shut you up, and to shut blitzø up from making whatever joke he was about to make.



The students rush back to the computer, watching in terror as they watch their teacher burst into the room, holding a chainsaw and a shotgun. "Oh, shit! Sweetie, what are you doing here?"

Her husband asks fearfully, the brown boy with the glasses covered his mouth, the kids flinching in fear, but unable to tear their gazes from the computer screen.

"Shut up, jarold!" Mrs. Mayberry snaps out, the students flinch at the hate in their teacher's tone, they had never seen such anger from their usually happy teacher.

The busty blonde woman screams in terror as gun shots are fired, "you scream like a bitch!" Mrs. Mayberry shouts, continuing to shoot, the students all stare jaws dropped open. The little brown boy turning away from the screen, covering his ears so he couldn't hear the screams of terror from Mrs. Mayberry's husband or the loud roaring from the chainsaw ripping into the woman as blood splattered across the computer screen.

The dunce boy in the corner cowers in fear, having caught a glimpse of the computer screen.

"Oh, dear god! What have I done?... In front of you all!" She sobs, her blonde hair all over the place as she wipes the blood off the computer screen seeing the faces of her beloved students, the terror in their eyes being too much for her to bear. "I'm so sorry, my children! Don't forget to work on your time's table!" She sobs before putting the gun to her head, not really thinking to do it off screen as she pulls the trigger, more blood splattering over the screen once more, brains and Chunks of bone splattered across it.

The kids reach their breaking point, each and everyone of them finally passing out from sheer terror.


"You do everything right, play by all The rules... And still get sent down here with all the hitlers and epstieins of the world!" She exclaims, taking a puff out of her cigarette.

You look at blitzø, a blank expression on your face before looking back at Mrs. Mayberry, "... So... You killed a kid, caused property damage, showed basically porn to minors, than proceeded to do a homicide, before killing yourself in the view of said minors? Is... Is that what I'm currently hearing?" You say, bluntly recaping everything that happened.

You weren't sympathizing with her at all, she definitely deserved to be down in hell, no way she was getting to heaven, not with their tight rules, and if she did she'd probably need to pay hush money to shut the interviewer up in heavens waiting room up.

"... Can you... Just shut up?" She says, ignoring your question before continuing on.

"After one measly massacre, propelled by blind rage, so that's why I'm here." She flicks the cigarette a bit coming out of the shadows, leaning in. "To get my revenge."

"... Yeah there's no win-wins here." You say, concluding that there really was no winning in the situation, she was a crazy bitch. She would've been sent to hell regardless because they have standards that even you are lucky to have met to have even live up there.

Word count: 880

Back from having flu B, or whatever the complicated name is, I'm calling it flu B though.

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