chapter forty four: left waiting

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"guess by now I outta know my place," the little girl watched sadly as her father gave her a passing glance, setting the picture she made down. "Do your humble duty with a smile, on your face," she smiled up at him, even if it was a passing glance, he acknowledged her.

"Father knows how much I love him, but he's always doing other things," she ran towards the door reaching out too tug his pant legs, "where are you going?" She asked softly.

"To work." He responded patting her head gently, a bag in his hand as he left, the door open for het to see him get into his car. "But-"

She's cut off by her mother scooping her up, shutting the door and walking back to the living room, towards her room, which was left side of the house which was empty as ever, sad and lonely.

"So I'll keeping waiting in the wings..."


"I crave so much, yet I kept on waiting," you gazed down at a photo, blitzø's family photo, with his mum, his sister, and his father. "One glance, one touch, and I just kept on waiting," you sighed setting it down.

"And when it came, it came with strings," you're ears flapped slightly, lowered down. "So I kept waiting... In the wings."

All you're life, you were left wondering what you ever did wrong to make him leave, you always blamed yourself, maybe if you had tried harder he would've been in your life.

"Heya y/n!" Blitzø's loud obnoxious voice snapped you out of your depressing thoughts, perking you up, "you good? You've been standing there for awhile now." He asked softly now, in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." You say turning away from the phone, a smile on your face. "... Yeah I don't believe that but for your sake I'll leave this topic alone..." He said, which was smart of him because you didn't want to talk about it.

"Anyways! We have another client tonight, you can have your break, after that whole shit fest at the harvest moon festival," he said patting your shoulder. "So, you have the night to yourself, and all." Blitzø said, failing too mention the cameras he put up. For safety measures of course! Nothing more, "um... Yeah." He said grabbing the van keys he heads out, loona was probably sleeping in her room, or at the office.

You yawned softly, plopping yourself down on the couch, too wallow in your self loathing, that is til your phone rings with the ID caller being unknown. "Yes?" You say answering the phone.

"Ah! Y/n! Dear, could you come to the hotel, you are a worker here after all!" Alastor's loud voice rang out from the phone, "... But-"

Suddenly, without warning your teleported onto the hotel's couch, in only your PJs. "... Cute." Angel dust said, liking your fluffy pjs.

"... Oh..." Alastor said awkwardly before snapping his fingers, changing your outfit without a problem. "There! Much better!" He said.

Husker frowned, "really alastor? That's just a Gatsby dress! Give the girl an actual outfit," husk gruffed out. Alastor's smile strained, "I think it's absolutely beautiful on her-"

"Because that is from your time, alastor." Husk spat out, finishing up with cleaning some glass cups.

Alastor rolled his eyes snapping his fingers again, changing you out of the Gatsby dress with a simple dress that was less lacy, "better?" He asked with mockery, husk shooting him the middle finger downing his booze.

You watch the sour petty exchange between the two of them, both equally salty and bitter towards eachother for different reasons.

Word count: 608

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