chapter fifty eight: seeing stars (pt 1)

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You flung out of bed falling onto the floor groggy and with a hangover. Goodness heaven's that was the last time you ever drink, you look up, blurry eyed and tired. "Yeah via?"

The teen was beaming with energy, smiling brightly, her feathers poofed up to the max. "C'mon! Dad is taking me too see azathoth's tears, or meteors. Whichever." Octavia Said grabbing your hand and dragging you out no hesitation, you didn't have any time to react as you were dragged down the hall, over the stairs. Your sides were definitely bruised and into the kitchen.


She said frowning, looking around the empty kitchen, "maybe he's outside-!" Before you could finish what you were saying you were once again dragged over stairs outside, to where stolas was up, still in his red robe squeezing an imp Butler tightly as he spoke into the phone.

"Yes! I know!"

He spat out into the phone, his feathers were puffed up out of anger as moving imps pushed stuffed into their van, struggling with the more expensive stuff.

"It will be there!"

He spat out again, his normally soft caring demeanor gone replaced with anger and a mix of exasperation. "Of course they're being careful!"

He casted a uncaring look towards the movers, honestly he didn't give two fucks about what happened with Stella's stuff, if they had too break the shit to get it into the moving van so be it.

Octavia frowns releasing your hand as she approaches her father confused, he was supposed to be taking her to see the stars.b"dad? What's going on-?"

Stolas stops moving the phone a few distances away as he looks at Octavia, "apparently, you're mother can't exist somewhere for two minutes without the entirety of her possessions-"

Stella Squawks out in response, yelling something you can't really make out but it sounded like she was accusing him of turning Octavia against her. "What? No! I'm not turning her against you- yes Stella!" He snapped out derangedly.

Octavia frowned, did he forget what day it was? "Dad?" Stella continued yelling into the phone. "Is this going to be done before tonight?" Octavia asked, fiddling with her fingers.

Stolas who was only half paying attention responded still squeezing the imp tightly. "Hm? Oh, I hardly think so. Knowing your mother this could take all night-" he turned towards the moving imps, "don't be gentle about it! Break anything you have too, to get it all in!"

"What?!" Stella's voice screeched out of the phone, "what did you tell them to do?!"

Octavia frowned, looking up at him, "but, tonight was-" stolas sighed holding the phone away again as he spoke taking a breath. "Darling, can we not talk about this right now? Your mother is being a real B-I-T-C-H."

You flinched yet again as Stella screeched, clearly hearing him and understanding what he spelled out. "The fuck do you mean-"

That was all you heard before he returned to yelling back at Stella, gripping the phone so tightly you were sure it would break. "Well, how was I supposed to know you can spell?! I've never seen you read!"

He walks off aggravated deeply as the moving imps finally shoved everything into the moving truck. Octavia was silent, frowning and looking down. "Hey... I'm sure it'll be done sooner-"

"No it won't." She said, "he'll be too busy yelling at her to even pay me any attention." She said frowning before leaving to her room, you listen as the door slams shut out of frustration before sighing softly shoulders slumping forward.

Teens, stressful little beings full of raging hormones and confusing feelings. You never knew how your parents dealt with you, you shake your head standing up and dusting yourself off humming softly.

"God, that woman..." Stolas muttered returning back, the phone off and away as the moving truck drove off. "Y/n, did Octavia go to her room?" Stolas asked fixing his robe before running a hand through his feathery hair. "Yeah, she's in there."

Stolas hummed softly, "I feel awful, but I'm so busy. Especially with the divorce. And moving Stella's things out..." He sighed, exhausted. Both emotionally and physically, before he perked up. "Maybe you can take her to that stylish occults place. That might cheer her up."

You nodded, hearing what sounded like a thud but thought nothing on it, the bushes rustling as Octavia snuck off to I.M.P.

If her father couldn't keep a promise then she'd go to see the stars on her own without him, how hard could it be? It was simply a few words said and a portal would open, she's seen her father do it countless times.

Word count: 793

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