chapter fifty two: seeing clearly

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Stolas's groaned still passed out shifting around his brows furrowing.

"Hey... C'mon, stolas you can't stay asleep in your garden."

With a groan stolas slowly got up, swallowing back vomit as he groggily looked around, mascara running down his face in rivulets because of the tears he cried. You weren't all that hot either though, but you were more worried about stolas than anything.

"... H... How long... Have I... Been out for?" He asked softly moving the green bottle of wine away from him, reaching up to take your hand. The moon was well up, high in the sky, stars gleaming brightly, it would've been a beautiful sight, had it not been for the shitty incident that happened.

"Awhile now, you had me worried." You say pulling him up and steadying him, so he didn't fall over. "... Ugh, I feel like shit, like the scum of the earth..." He sighed out slumping slightly, "you ain't alone in feeling like a fat pile of crap." You say with a sigh, your eyes puffy and red from crying, your ears flicked back at the sound of heels, Stella. You could see her silhouette in the main room, on the phone screaming at someone, whatever, at least it wasn't stolas.

"Let's head inside, get you- and I cleaned up," you say wrapping your arms around his forearm, leading him inside, "sir! You look... Ahem- how was your date?" The butler asked looking inquisitively at him and you, his gray brow raised, "... It's fine... It was fine."

"Ah... Well, sir, I'll be here if you need me."

The butler said returning to the kitchen, you lead stolas down the hall, before spotting the bathroom that was cracked open a bit. You pushed the door open, ignoring the picture of you on the wall framed for whatever reason, stolas hobbled towards the sink, cringing at his state, he sighed turning the water on, scrubbing his face, half heartedly at most because mascara was still there. He weakly reached out towards the bottle of "happy" pills, knocking the container over.

With a tired sigh he grabbed a handful of the pills popping them into his mouth swallowing them down as you quickly wiped your face clean before helping stolas to his room as he went through pictures of him and blitzø, the old ones, to the newer ones of him, you, and blitzø. Some at cafes, the most recent one being after that full moon session, not really, because he had to switch the rendezvous date.

But the most consistent thing in each photo? It wasn't your bright smile, it was blitzø's miserable expression, like he'd rather be dead than in the picture.

It had been a stressful few months, but when blitzø had mentioned you it had intrigued stolas, seeing how he seemed so... Lively talking about you, it... Well, made him envious of you really. He never had anyone talk about him so passionately before, so he was... Vary envious of you... At the start of course, only getting to hear how great and kind you were. Now he saw it, well, he saw it during the first official meeting but he really saw it.

The way you looked up at him with concern and care, how could such an angel like you ever fall? No, there had to be some ridiculous reason you fell, like maybe you weren't as perfect as other angels, or were too headstrong. Well, he'd never know, and didn't care to know, heaven fucked up when they ripped your wings and halo away, because they were never, ever getting you back. Not if stolas could help it.

He sighed softly turning his phone off, his hands holding onto his forearms, "owl in a cage, you show your age, your sweetness has run foul," he released his forearms moving towards his bookshelf, swaying slightly.

"Without a change you're lost, exhausted by your time on stage..." He pulled out the Grimoire flipping it open, the room slowly forming into a bluish color, like the galaxy, stars floating around you, shooting stars shooting up head before a pair of hands cupped your face. "Then you walked into my life, and like sparks in the dark life was suddenly thrilling and new," he released your face turning his back to you as he thought of blitzø.

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