chapter twenty three: bodyguards and loo loo land (pt 3)

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Loo loo turned to blitzø who was next to him, watching. "That chick's creepy, huh?" Blitzø shrugs turning to look at the mascot briefly. "Eh, wait till her dad tries diddling your holes." He says walking up ahead to you and stolas, leaving loo loo somewhat confused on what blitzø meant.

Loo loo turns to Millie and moxxie, "what's that mean?" He says confusedly as moxxie scrunched his face up, his hands on his wife's shoulders getting ready to move Millie and him away, "don't talk to me! I know you're a pervert under there!" He says, moving him and Millie away from the mascot who deflates slightly.


Moxxie and Millie continue down the pathway, moxxie sweating from having to kinda run to catch up to his happy and excited wife. He comes to a stop, to catch his breath and composure, "you really like this place?" He says confusedly looking around. Millie nodes taking off her black shades looking around with a soft smile, "I love this place! My parents would bring me and my siblings here when we could swing it. money-wise." She says holding her shades.

Moxxie looks over to a couple of imps who were wheeling in wheelbarrows piled to the brim with money into a nearby gift shop, him and Millie approach the window of the gift shop where novelty cups are being sold for the price of at least twenty nine souls, and stuffed apples are on sale which isn't really much. "Yeaaaah. The prices do seem rather criminal. I mean, that much for a novelty cup that you use one time?" He asks, looking at Millie who smiles, "Cause, it's Loo Loo Land!"

Blitzø comes up behind the two, loaded up with merch, like a novelty cup, a hat that has drinks attached to it with can holders and straws and two heart lockets that were seperate, one for him, and one for you.

"Listen to your hoe, Mox," he says as he takes a swing from his novelty cup, "how's 'bout me and y/n take the first watch while you two have a little-" he takes off his shades and winks. "Fun?" He suggests putting his shades back on.

Millie smiles immediately picking him up and carrying him over her head, "OOOOOH! We gotta do my favorite ride!" She says excitedly rushing towards a rollercoaster. Moxxie gulps looking around from his position, "oh, yeah? Wh- which one?" He says nervously.

His eyes finally land on the sign above the rollercoaster, paling with nervousness. "Oh, crumbs!" He says terrified as she carried him into the rollercoaster.

Blitzø runs off after you, stolas and Octavia catching up to you, "y/n! Look! I got you this." He say handing you the heart shaped locket, having his own, "awh, thanks!" You say smiling you put on the locket, it's red hue contrasting against your pale skin vary strongly.

Blitzø smiles tail wagging as he puffs his chest out, his face tinged a redder color. "No problem!" He said waving you off dismissively while also screaming on the inside trying to keep his cool confident composure and not openly fawn over you. You giggled, smiling you leaned in giving his cheek a kiss, before being pulled along by stolas.

Blitzø deadpanned, jaw hanging open face redder than the color red, the white scars on his face tinged red, that's how red he was in the face. "Oh my god, she kissed me! Me! She kissed me! Wow she had some soft lips. Heh not like I didn't know that but wow. Soft, vary soft lips," he thinks snapping out of his thoughts when a gun shot goes off, you having shot for the first time, killing an imp that had tried to toss a rope around stolas. "Fantastic job n/n!" He said coming up behind you, blew the imps jaw clean off, "really? Thanks!" You say, you didn't think you had a vary good form when it came to shooting but if blitzø said you did good than you must have done it right.

Walking up ahead of stolas you and blitzø keep watch, both of you peeking into alleyways for anyone with intentions to hurt stolas. A shiver runs down your spine as a slender finger goes up it, hot breath against your ear and neck, "you know, it's quite thrilling to see you and blitzy on the job." Stolas purred out close to your ear.

Blitzø scoffs stepping in between him and you, "save it, bitch, we're working." He said, blitzø pushing you to his side, away from the horned up owl with marriage issues.

Octavia looks at the three of you, disgusted, annoyed and unhappy all in one. "You all need to get a room." She says, blitzø's frowns, "hey, we are not a day hooker." He said as a mother with a baby in a baby carriage passes you and him by gasping in disgust looking you and blitzø up. "Hey! He just said we're not day hookers you crusty old prune!" You shoot the woman the bird, offended at the notion of even being considered something so filthy.

Stolas gasps grabbing Octavia's shoulders shaking them lightly and excitedly pointing to a large circus tent. "Via! Look!" He said happily. Recalling all the times he brought her to loo loo land and how she dried tears of joy at the show with the little robot clown ignoring a mother with a clearly terrified child crying not wanting to go in. "You used to cry such tears of joy at this show!" He said, recalling a 'happy' memory that wasn't a vary happy one in Octavia's mind, "oh, no..." She whispered feathers ruffled as she recalls being small and absolutely terrified of the robot, being pushed forward in the crowd closer to it at a young age, it's horrifying laugh echoing in her mind like senseless taunts made by her mother to her father

"I hate that fucking clown." Blitzø and Octavia say at the same time, both of them having unpleasant memories of the place. "... Wait... C- clown? There's a clown in there?" You say feeling your throat dry up.

There were a few things you hated in life, only a few. You're mother for reasons, your step father for reasons who were both currently in heaven living their best lives, spiders, because ew. No, why the hell do you need so Many eyes and legs when you already look intimidating enough and clowns.

"Uh- y'know I don't feel so-" you're yanked along inside by Octavia this time, if she's suffering, you, someone who's close to her age group, even if you were like twenty three, you were going to suffer with her. "Oh, no you don't." She said, already deciding you were her friend because you didn't make any weird comments to her father like he does to you and blitzø.

"Oh... Oh lordy." You say being dragged behind Octavia pale as all hell. Blitzø carries in stolas who had a grown sack over his head, stiff and unmoving he sets the owl down who doesn't move, because owls or any avian birds don't move when covered by a sack or anything blocking their vision. Annoyed Octavia yanks the sack off his head, causing him to tilt his head slightly before returning to normal returning to being less rigid in his seat.

Word count: 1'238

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