chapter sixty: seeing stars (pt 3)

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Octavia stumbled out of the portal on uneven feet, she'd have to get used to that dizziness from now on. Though, while still disoriented she stumbled back into a man who promptly started yelling loudly, causing her to back up and bump into other people. Who were much like her mother in a way, loud and aggressive.

"Ugh, what?" She looked around finally realizing she wasn't exactly where she intended to be, was this the place too see azathoth's tears? If it was. The skies were far too muggy, the air smelled like car exhaust and cigarette butts, this place was similar to hell. Really similar actually, she moved down the side walk, looking around desperately. "Uh- excuse me-" she'd start, trying to get the attention of a man who brushed her off.

"Wait! Do you know where-" she went ask another but got cut off as a flier, or maybe a little map of sorts smacked her in the face. She peeled it off, slightly annoyed before peeking up. There was a tour for seeing the stars! She looked around catching the buss, passing by the alleyway she came out of.


"What do I do?!"

Stolas cried out, gripping his hat tightly, his feathers ruffled as he paced around. "Well-"

Moxxie was cut off, "Octavia is up in the living world somewhere! Probably scared! Oh, I'm a terrible father." Stolas continued pacing about. Blitzø was busy kinda scolding loona, who deliberately hadn't said a thing to let anybody know that Octavia had broken in and took the grimoire.

"Oh, why would she do this?! She doesn't know how to work the grimoire!" Stolas said, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but y/n lightly intervenes with the panicked owl. "Can't you make a portal? Without the grimoire?"

Stolas paused taking a breath, "well, yes! But what's the use in doing that if I don't know where exactly she went off to?" Stolas said looking back at y/n as loona left the desk, heading to the spot where Octavia last was. Giving a few sniffs, "found it," she said, catching everybody's attention. She gave a couple more sniffs, "desperation," she gave another sniff cringing, "corruption... Smog, yep. She went too, LA"

Moxxie frowned, before speaking up. "And you got all of this... From...?" He trailed off not getting a solid response as stolas makes a portal too la.

"Okay, Millie Moxxie, you both will go together, loona will-" blitzø started, instructing them what too do as stolas changed his form into that of a skinny man with a slightly narrow waist, gray hair, and red eyes, his outfit resembling the regal one he wore before changing.

Y/n, with a snap of her fingers got rid of her ears, tail, horns and wings, it was pretty simple, she already looked human, she just needed to get rid of the other nonhuman parts.

"Me, stolas and y/-" blitzø was cut off as loona grabs her hand, leading her down the sidewalk, following the scent p, hopefully it didn't go cold, because then she'd have too rely on Octavia's social Media account, which she didn't know whether or not she posted, or if she would post pictures of where she's at.

"Y'know, my dad has been acting pretty weird after you decided too stay with stolas, right?"

She started looking through her phone before looking up at y/n, "well... Um... I didn't notice... I thought that was blitzø being... Well blitzø." She responded with a slight shrug. In all honesty she's noticed, but decided to not really look into it, it was normal for blitzø too be clingy, a bit crazy right? Right.

Word count: 617

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