chapter forty eight: a date gone wrong at Ozzie's (pt 1)

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Walking around was a hassle, especially after last night, damn blitzø and his bear traps. Him and stolas are too kinky for you too handle. "Woo! That was a fuck ton of lumberjacks!" Blitzø exclaimed excitedly hopping through the portal his arms raised.

"Yesss!" Millie hissed out in agreement, aggressively excited as she held her bloodied axe, "I'm still so jazzed up!"

"Wish I had that kinda excitement." You grumbled, ears flat and slightly flapping, blitzø smirked leaning over you, "somethin' wrong n/n? You gotta a funny walk to ya."

"Yeah, you, stolas and your bear traps." You responded grumpily as he 'awwed' at you, pinching your cheek gently, "you know you loved it." He cooed out.

You huffed, "would've loved it even more if I didn't have a funny walk." You muttered casting a look over too moxxie as he walked up too Millie. Grabbing her axe he tossed it too you, which you caught it.

"Well, you better stay jazzed up, babe-" moxxie said, shooting Millie finger guns before continuing. "Because, guess where I'm taking you tonight?" Blitzø steps in, interrupting moxxie, "don't you dare, finish a filthy pun in my presence moxxie, Besides drinks are on me! Let's hit up that new dive down the street, I heard the upper floor has a club." He said, winking at you, moxxie frowned, pushing blitzø's arm off of him. "Actually, sir. It's me and Millie's one-year anniversary. So, I'm taking Millie to Ozzie's in the lust ring."

Millie gasps squeezing your arm out of excitement as she looked at her husband. "Ozzie's?! No way! That place is always booked." Moxxie nodded with a smile, "yeah, well. I've been planning it for quite awhile."

She jumps into his arms, "moxxie!" She squealed out in excitement kissing him all over his face. Blitzø groans making a face at the pair french kissing so blatantly in front of him, and you. "Can you two not?"

Moxxie leaned back catching his breath, face flushed as Millie snuggled into him smiling. "I'm... I'm sorry, sir. Maybe another time?" He suggested going out some other time, like next week but knowing blitzø it would be difficult to get him too understand that tonight was him and his wife's anniversary and he wanted it to be special.

Blitzø shook his head, waving moxxie off as he grabbed your arm, his hands were slightly sweaty and shaky. "No! It's fine. I- we'll just come with the two of you. Help you celebrate your boring as fuck monogamy." He said, voice a bit shaky.

Blitzø didn't like being excluded from people who he considered to be a family, it left him feeling anxious and alone, and the silence was always louder than any thought he had, he'd know. He spent a lot of his time alone, before he met moxxie or even adopted loona, and that shit sucked ass.

Moxxie frowned, casting you a look as if too ask you too help, because blitzø would listen to you. "Uh- blitzø, I'm sure they want some personal time... To themselves... Alone..." You added slowly, being gentle as possible. "... Without you... Or me..." You added as his grip became tighter. He really didn't like that suggestion.

Moxxie hopped in deciding too try and help. "The reservation is just for me and millie," he said, blitzø nodded smiling, not hearing what either you or moxxie were saying. "Uh huh."

"Just them." You hopped in, reiterating what you had early said, and what moxxie was saying but blitzø just nodded with a smile. "Mhm!"

Moxxie frowned deciding to be a bit more forward in his words. "Without you there, explicitly without you." He said, but blitzø only heard what he wanted too hear.

"We'll wear something nice. It's a big deal after all." He pulls them both into a side hug, roping you in with them. "Blitzø that's not what they-"

"C'mon n/n! Let's go get ready!" Blitzø said tugging you out the door with him as moxxie grumbled. Millie sighed softly cupping his cheek, "relax Hun, don't let him get to you today," she said softly before pulling him out the door."let's just go home and change our clothes." She purred out, distracting him from his previous annoyance with blitzø.


Blitzø dragged you into the apartment behind him towards the bedroom. Where he kept most of the good suits were. "Blitzø. Don't you think it's best if we leave them alone?" You say in protest as he chuckes over his shoulder a pink and purple fade design dress too you. "Nah! They want us to be there! What's family for anyways if we're not there too celebrate with them?"

"Well. It's their anniversary, if it were me I'd want privacy." You say, trying too reason with him as you headed into the bathroom too change your clothes.

"Well, we're family, and family sticks together." He said defiantly, getting into a slightly different suit from his own usual one. "I think they'd appreciate it if their 'family' didn't barge in on their anniversary date." You retorted back but he was already in his own world. As usual, things wouldn't end well. You had a gut feeling on that, because nothing went well when it came to blitzø.

Word count: 882

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