chapter fifty three: the silence is growing louder, and louder

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Blitzø drunkenly called out as his daughter carried him over her shoulder, plopping him down onto the couch. "What?" She said softly, she found him stumbling around drunk, which was new, and she guessed it had something to do with you.

"Is n/n home?" He whined out, voice muffled by the arm of the couch as she puts a blanket over him. She sighs, her ears flicking before responding. "No, she hasn't come back, don't you remember you dropped her off with stolas?"

"What?! When?!" He said drunkenly trying to get up and grab his car keys. He didn't remember doing any of that, just what was he thinking? Leaving you with stolas, that deranged bird.

"Relax, she texted me she's fine, that she got a bruise, but she's fine and will be staying at stolas's place for the night" Loona said checking her text messages, leaving out the part where you state you'd be living with stolas for awhile.

"Hmph..." Blitzø let's out laying his head back down.

"Do you need to throw up?" Loona asks, looking away from her phone as she turns it off, giving him another blanket.

"No..." He mumbled out, feeling the bile rise up, slowly crawling and burning its way up his throat. Loona laughs softly, "yeah, you do. Get some sleep, okay dad?" Loona said, he wouldn't remember anything in the morning.

The door shuts behind her and for a moment everything is silent, and dark, and lonely for blitzø who immediately throws up the side of the couch, coughing slightly. "Fuck... Guess I did need to throw up."

Before immediately passing out on the couch curled up, his phone on the floor.


"This arrangement will have to do,"

Stolas said with a hum, he had his servants go out and buy you new clothes and a new phone since the one you had was chipped, for whatever reason.

He stepped back after rearranging the vast closet, dresses, simple nightwear, undergarments he had the servants buy for you mingled with his.

"That looks expensive. You didn't have too..." You say still holding the ice pack to your swollen cheek, still a bit uneasy with how fast he could switch from being utterly cold towards Stella, to scarily nice.

"Oh, but I simply had too, you're more than a guest my dear, much, much more." He said with a gentle coo, moving towards his bed. Picking up the grimoire, patting a spot next to him gently.

You move towards the spot, sinking into the soft velvet of the sheets. His slim fingers turned the pages, stopping on one with an orange crystal, before flipping past it abd shutting it.

An uncomfortable silence fell over you, maybe not stolas who seemed content in just staring at you, but you were definitely feeling the tense and uncomfortable atmosphere.

Like a hot knife cutting through butter, but not just as smooth as it does, stolas breaks the silence.

"You know..." He started, his hand resting on your thigh as you tensed up, "we can watch that new soap opera that came out, I only just watched the first episode, didn't finish it though."

He offered a smile, feeling your tense body posture as he moves his hand, snapping his fingers as the TV turns on, the episode plays, but your not really hearing it, just do aware of his closeness, mind still on the fact that... He could be violent, and that you didn't know exactly the extent of which Stella has pissed him off too.

Stolas's eyes flick towards you, small and still tense as ever, probably from seeing his little outburst. The smile that had been on his beak slowly falling, "you know..." He starts, voice soft. "I'd never, ever hurt you... Right?"

"... Yeah, I... I know..." You mumbled out, looking up at him, still holding the ice pack.

He frowned, still sensing the tension in you, but wouldn't push any further.

His mind wandering off, his gaze flitting to you and the TV.

~>~ (flashback)

A small, gray owl laid in bed, hooting softly in his sleep as a butler entered, turning on the bedroom light. Boxley moved towards the vanity stand, opening a little container of high quality hair gel. "It's time to wake up, young prince." He said softly, his face emotionless.

"Wouldn't want to be late for your-"

Stolas's eyes snap open, the sleepiness no longer there as he realizes what day it is. "My birthday! It's my birthday!"

The little owl jumped out of bed, beaming with new energy as he cheered excitedly. "Calm yourself, young prince, you know excitement is unbecoming of a goetia." Boxley reminds gently, dabbing his hand into the gel before slicking stolas's hair back in a clean and kept manner.

"Right." Stolas says taking a breath, containing his excitement, boxley grabs his cape, putting it on him as stolas continues talking, "but, father told me, today is the day, I am old enough to know my purpose and responsibility!"

His eyes gleaming with excitement as boxley set the gel down, fastening the lid shut. "Of course," boxley says, grabbing the tiny crown and putting it on stolas's head gently.

"I'm sure it will be wonderful."

Stolas follows the butler through the long lavish hall, pictures of when he was just an egg up in gold frames, showing him as a chick, then a fledging to now.

Boxley pushes the large doors leading to the throne room open, stolas following in behind him.

"Ah, there he is... Um... The little owl boy!" Paimon says, looking over at boxley, "what's this one's name? There's so many of them..." Paimon muttered softly to the butler who sighed softly, "it's stolas, sir."

"Right! Stolas! I knew that." Paimon straightened up clearing his throat as he leaned down towards his son, the grimoire floating at his side.

Whatever paimon was saying was lost to stolas, he only heard; "great responsibility" and "watching over the stars", so it surprised him when his father added on that he was to be married to... Stella. His horrid bully, and then he couldn't stop the tears from leaving his eyes, like a never ending river as he cried, moving away from the photo of her.

"Oh, cease your insistent bitch crying." Paimon said, patting his head, "it's useless, now, would taking you to the circus stop your bitch crying?"

Stolas sniffled, saying nothing as the tears stopped.


"Are you okay stolas?"

You're voice snapped him out of his thought, "hm? Oh, yes, quite alright dear." He said, voice thick with emotion. His childhood was shitty, despite growing up as royalty.

His marriage is shitty, at least he had you and blitzø... Well, just you.

"I'm fine." He added looking at the TV as the next episode played.

Word count: 1'137

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