chapter fourteen: murder family (pt 3)

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Blitzø leaned back slightly in his chair, "I mean, was she hotter?" He asked dismissively. Mrs. Mayberry's fingers dug into the desk, her teeth gritted together as her glare hardens, blitzø smirks, amused and not taking this seriously. "I'm just saying, I had a hard time understanding the unprompted melodrama you just spat at me, tits." He says.

Mrs. Mayberry seethes in anger, a hiss of anger leaving her as her hair floats on its own accord, most definitely because of her unbridled anger.

"Anywayyyy, I don't think you quite understand how we're operating down here." Blitzø continues on, standing up as Mrs. Mayberry glared at him, he sets his hands down on your shoulders as he continued speaking.

"See, we take revenge out on the living, and it sounds like the core cast of your sitcom of death…" he trails off slightly as Mrs. Mayberry clenches her hand shut tight into a fist.

"…frankly are all probably down here in Hell with you. Boop!" He finishes, booping her nose smiling. Mrs. Mayberry finally speaks, her claws digging more into the desk, leaving jagged claw marks in the wood. "Not... all of them. That whore survived. Now, they all call her a hero." She spat out venomously.


A bandaged blonde woman laid in a white hospital bed, her entire body bandaged up expect for a blue eye, a reporter held a microphone up to her, cameras pointed at the blonde woman who was surrounded by her husband and two kids. "How does it feel to have survived such a crazy bitch?" The reporter asks.

The blonde woman blinks innocently, "I just hope that sick woman finally finds peace," she says, the reporter commends her. "You are so brave. Here's two million dollars!" She says, handing the blonde woman a golden check.

The woman smiled innocently, batting her eyelashes as she takes the golden check. "Ohhh! Thank you!"

She holds the check up as the camera man snaps a photo of her, her husband and her two kids.

"Between the talk shows and the donation bullshit, she made so much goddamn cash... getting shot was the best thing to happen to her!"

The woman who had previously been in the hospital stands now at a podium with "VNN" On it. A news reporter holds out a microphone among the several other microphones, asking questions and getting answers.

"You're a hero!" The one says, feeding into the blonde woman's ego. Later that day the blonde woman is out jogging, with a tanned woman with blonde hair. "You're a hero, girl!" She says.

The woman us seen yet again, checking her groceries out at a checkout, a vary happy, cheery cashier is there checking the items out when the busty blonde woman's son, who's wearing a beaver skin cap happily says, "my Mama's a hero!"

To which the happy cashier smiles and nods, agreeing with the little boy. "She is a hero!"


You kinda zoned out after that, thinking about heaven and your cat only to snap back to reality when Mrs. Mayberry slammed her fists onto the desk, cracking it as she explodes with anger, "SHE IS NOT A HEROOOO!" She yells out.

Blitzø and you are leaned back, him nodding frantically, his red slender finger repeatedly mashing into a button on the underside of his desk. "Mm-hmm. Yeah! Okay, yeah, my thoughts exactly." He says frightened.

The buttons on the underside of his desk were labeled "deranged client", which was the button he was mashing at that current point. "More coffee" was one of the other labeled buttons along with "soiled my pants", "horny client", "client giving birth", "ghost" and the last one being labeled as "stolas", which you had been there to exactly know why there was a button for, but that's just a minor thought.

You were more concerned about the "client giving birth" button, you'd ask blitzø about that one later though, when you both weren't in danger.


Outside the room, in the lobby shaking was moxxie who held a crossbow up, practice aiming at a happy family photo that loona was holding up, she was on her phone, laying on the lobby couch not really paying attention.

"Moxxie, stop shakin'! Your gonna shoot our only hellhound!" Millie said, standing off to the side watching her husband shake nervously.

Loona's ears flick slightly, the couch she was laying on was gray and old, as if it had been found off the streets. Her phone in hand ad she mindlessly scrolled, the photo in her other hand. On the wall are drawings of blitzø in a horse shape, and a picture of a robotic imp with an arrow sticking out of it.

"Wow, I feel so loved here," loona responds sarcastically, not taking her eyes off her phone.

Millie ignores loona, walking up to moxxie, gently grabbing his shoulders. "just take a deep breath-" she takes a deep breath, showing her husband what to do, "and let it out!" She says with a smile.

Moxxie frowns, "but... It's a family! Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?" He asks, setting the crossbow down slightly looking at his wife.

Millie shrugs, "I mean... If it's what the clients want."

Moxxie frowns, coming up with reasons as to why it would make sense to kill one, "maybe like a shitty dad, or a mob family," he mimicks a stereotypical Italian accent, "that's understandable-" he returns to speaking normally looking at the picture that loona held up, "but to eradicate an entire innocent- seemingly, in this instance- upper middle class family bloodline?" He says, finishing making his point, trying to see reason in doing that.

He could understand killing a terrible family, but an entirely innocent family? He couldn't fathom it.

Word count: 968

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