chapter thirty one: new pets and frightening realizations

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A/n: alrighty, y/n is now a goat girl, lore accurate, because I adore the fan art of her being a goat. Too adorable, Check out LAZY-EMMY-ART if you don't know what I mean.


"What the hell does she have you wearing?" Vox asked exasperatedly, looking you up and down, "um...-"

"Ugh, whatever,  just c'mon before anybody else feels like manhandling me." Vox grumbled out, put in a sour mood as he led you into the penthouse. "What are you exactly?" He finally asked looking you up and down, you looked normal save for the horns and tiny wings you got.

"Uh... what- what do you mean?" You say confused, wincing slightly you tug your white floppy ears out, the makeup artists had accidentally caught your ears in the twin buns, your ears finally free.

"... Ahh... Okay, that makes a lot of sense. You got a tail too? Where are you hiding it?" He says circling you tugging at a light reddish tail with white in it, how drunk was he too think it was a belt? He was definitely laying off the Barbour. "... Cute. C'mon. Did you eat yet? Yes? No? Too bad, I'm ordering takeout. McDonalds or Wendy's? Doesn't matter." He said, barely letting you get a single word in as he ordered from Wendy's and McDonald's.

You're ears flapping in frustration at him, you've never been more annoyed by someone, not even blitzø. "Sit." Vox said flatly gesturing to the pristine white couch, "... Okay but I'm a-"

"Sit." He said cutting you off, you stare blankly ears flapping harder you're cheeks puffed out you sat down on the couch, "okay but I'm a vegetarian-"

"Shush." He said taking his phone out and snapping a photo of you sending it to his fling or boyfriend... He could never tell.

"Think she'd look cute in one of those gold collars I got?" He texted to Valentino, who replied quickly. "Hm, she'd definitely look better in a collar and one of the pink dresses I have mi amor,"

He turned his phone off heading towards the door grabbing the stuff he ordered. He wasn't insensitive either, he got you the vegetarian meal or whatever it's called. "Here's your leaves and carrots." He says handing you're salad, at least he took into consideration what you ate and didn't eat.

You're tail curling up as you happily ate your salad, Vox chowing down on his burger, watching something called voxflix or something like that.

You're ears twitching as you relax on the couch, eating your salad, "thanks." You say smiling softly ears flapping.

"Mmhm." He says, not paying attention also relaxed on the couch eating his fries, so much for politeness, there's only so long he can last, you can't really blame him, you're own social battery was drained.

He finishes his food tossing his trash into a garbage can in his kitchen before returning to the couch. "So... Are you a normal sinner?" He asks, you never really answered his question when he first asked it. "I'm a fallen angel." You say, vox's screen glitching out in surprise. "Huh, I mean, wouldn't have thought it at all." He said.

He had a free collar, and having a pet angel does sound... interesting, "so you already have a job right?" He asks, you nodded setting your salad down. "Yeah, I work for I.M.P. I'm not all that interested in modeling clothes or working at the hotel." You say returning to eating your salad happily.

"Huh, you are pretty damn cute, how'd you feel on being my uh-... Guest on my tv show?" He said leaning forward with a soft smile. "Um... Okay, but some other time." You say, you still wanted to get back to imp city.


"Sera..." A tall man who was in entirely white clothes, a white suit and a white top hat. " Y- yes? Sir." Sera says, sweating bullets as she turns around to fully face god, trying not to look guilty. "Where's y/n?"

A simple question, which should get a simple answer, "oh! She's uh- she's working right now..." Sera says, forcing a calm and composed expression on. "... You're lying." He says flatly, angry and disappointed with her.

"No! Of- of course not sir." She said calming herself, "are you suggesting I'm wrong?" He says, "no! I..."

Caught, she's definitely in trouble now, "what reason was y/n tossed out for?" He asks walking around her in circles, "I... uh- well, she was just too curious-"

"So, for no reason." He says flatly leaning down to her height, all his eyes glaring at her, "not for no reason! She was too curious! Others were curious!" Sera said with desperation. She knew how god favoured you like he favoured Micheal. You were the definition of an innocent angel because everyone else had bought there way into heaven.

"Because you couldn't control her? That's why you tossed her into hell?" He repeated her words, making her sound... Somewhat stupid. "I thought I knew you sera, but I guess not, I want y/n here now," he said firmly.

"... I'm sorry but I-" he holds a white gloved hand up, quieting her, "sera, I will tear your wing off and break your halo myself so help me if you don't get down there or send someone to look." He warns, "I'm a busy man, I get that I'm not around as much as I should be, but I have... Other problems." He tossed a glance at the Eldritch in the meeting room, he looks back at sera, "and I don't want to be disturbed by my upset son because of the injustice you committed towards his friend," he says flatly.

"Yes, sir." She says bowing her head down, he stars at her for a long moment before leaving, the air still vary tense. "... What am I gonna do? I can't tell him now." She whispered tugging at her braided hair, he wouldn't react well to the knowledge of the fact that she couldn't exactly track you down.

Shit. She wasn't cut out for running heaven in his place, she quickly flew away, thinking of ways to properly locate you because at the moment something was interfering with the tracker.

If she didn't find you, who knows what god would do, what Micheal would do, she knew Michael was attached to you as Lucifer had been, and he wasn't a nice person when mad or upset. Her halo would be revoked and wings taken from her, she didn't want that.

Word count: 1'095

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