chapter twenty six: bodyguards and loo loo land (pt 6)

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You stood behind stolas as he calmly walked out the burning park, "what in the heavenly father's name happened here?!" You say quickly leaving the burning park, just as it explodes. Moxxie, who had two odd duck panda things lands on his face, blitzø not far from him burnt up and Millie was out for the count face in the dirt unconscious.

A small black kitten dragging her out of sight, "h- here you go..." Moxxie said, handing you the odd duck panda, it's arms were purple and it's body pink, it had a beak and some flippers, confused but appreciative you thank him and take the stuffy, watching as he collapsed onto the ground groaning out, "way to ruin another good thing sir!" His voice muffled.

Blitzø briefly lifted his head up, "that slutty clown had it comin'!" Was what he said before passing out, stolas looked briefly at the three before his daughter, "so, what would you like to do now?" He asks as Octavia thinks for a brief moment. "Can we go to stylish occults? Oh! Can y/n come with us?" She asks smiling.

Stolas pretends to think, to not look so weirdly eager to have you come along, "hmm, alright." He said, walking to the exit of the park. You're lifted up, a soft purple hue around you, stolas using his powers to just lift you up and carry you along with him like an accessory.

"You know dad... You're okay," she says to her father chuckling softly, stolas smiles looking down at her, still using his powers to drag you along. "Thank you via, thank you."

"... So I got no choice huh?" You say floating next to stolas because of his powers. Octavia smiles at you, "nope! You're too outdated for my liking! I'll show you all the cool things the stylish occults have to offer, including like the angelic stuff." She says, a happy coo leaving her whenever she spoke to you, oblivious to the world round her as she spoke and told you about the other things in stylish occults.


The click of shoes echoed down the empty halls that were filled with family photos and portraits, a click of an apple theme cane also echoed along, with the jolly hum of a man.

"A fallen angel? In hell?" He says, tone light and thoughtful, now why didn't he hear if this? "Yes, sir. She's believed to be in the greed ring currently."

The man hummed, "how strange, sinners and fallen angels aren't supposed to be able to travel to the other rings. Well, I'll have you fetch her for me wick."

"Yes sir. Of course." The winged butler said, bowing slightly as a sign of respect as he takes the the gem gently. The gem was a deep red color, smooth, shiny and sleek, the gem he had gave him the ability to go ring too ring without the Hassle of any paperwork and such.

"Thank you wick." The man said smiling, his red irises trailing after the butler before he finally disappeared from sight. "A fallen angel... Huh, didn't think there'd ever be others." He mused heading towards his basement where his projects were, his beloved rubber duckies, the things keeping him sane and calm.

"Hmm... I wonder how Charlie's doing." He said softly closing the basement door behind him.

Word count: 563

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