chapter fifty four: queen bee's party

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You laid in bed, next to stolas who hooted away softly in his sleep, his arms thrown over you, encasing you like a cocoon. His beak buried into your hair, his breath hot against your furry white ears that twitched at every creak in the house.


The little sound going off, signaling that you had received a text message. Slowly moving your arm out you grasped at your phone, quietly and slowly sitting up as stolas's arms slide off you with ease.

You typed in your password, the background picture for your screen saver and lock screen being blitzø, you and loona who looked disinterested in everything.

"You want to come with me to this hell hound party?"

The text reads, being sent from loona. It was about one am, you didn't know why she was up, but you quickly typed away.

"What's a hell hound party?"

You sent the text, watching the three little moving bubbles at the bottom of your text, signifying that loona was typing back.

"Y'know, like... Crazy parties? With hell hounds?"

She typed back as you responded back, stopping as stolas groans softly turning on his side.

"... I have no clue what that is, but sure."

Her response came quickly, faster than ever, like she already had it fired up, and was waiting to send it.

"Great! I'll come pick you up in a taxi. Blitzø has the van keys in his pockets and I don't feel like waking him up."

You turned your phone off, getting up quietly and moving towards the closet, quietly wincing at each creak in the floorboards.

You assumed a party was like a ball, or a gathering, which meant you had to wear something nice.

Not too showy either, to bad this entire wardrobe is expensive, it's so expensive looking it puts heavens VIP hotels, five gold star rated restaurants and mansions look barely expensive.

"This'll have to do," you muttered quietly, holding up a light pink, pastel dress that had matching pink pastel heels with little pink bows on them. You quietly moved to the bathroom, shutting the door as quietly and softly as possible as it gives a light click, signaling that it's shut.

You begin removing your nightwear, putting it aside in a laundry hamper before getting into the dress, you'd put the heels on outside, didn't want to be making too much noise, that's for sure.

"... A little makeup wouldn't hurt."

You mumbled deciding to do a little makeup before leaving tiptoeing out the bathroom and into the barren dark halls, the curtains shut as moonlight creeps in, casting shadows and little light.


"This the place?"

The taxi driver asked stopping in front of a large mansion. Loona looked away from her phone to look out the window, "yeah,"

She nods watching as you make your way out of the mansion, slipping into your heels before getting into the taxi.

Loona wore, a simple red dress, that's it, her hair was done up a little bit more in a kept clean manner, she really wanted to impress vortex.

"Ready?" She asks looking over at you for confirmation before telling the taxi driver to take you and her to the gluttony ring, taking a breath as she calms her nerves.

It's been awhile since she went to any party. Especially after that one incident, that she'd rather leave in the vary back, forgotten part of her mind that she preferred it that way.

"Yeah, but I can't stay for long." You say as you clip your seat belt in, loona rolls her eyes, always taking precaution as usual, but what did she expect? You were from heaven after all, all you knew was safety and to at least try and stay in the rule limits.


Adam was growing impatient, he knew sera was hiding something, there was no way you were brought back, sure he saw you get tossed out, but he didn't think they'd keep you out forever.

God clearly knew with how nervous sera was too, who wouldn't be nervous of god? You were his favorite winner after all, even if you weren't exactly a full angel, he and most of the others knew how envious sera was.

You were always the subject, whenever god was talking, he overheard the big man himself saying he would've chosen you to run heaven for him, but rules are rules, even he had to abide by them, Seraphims and arch angels along with the ancient ones were only allowed that type of power, the lower ranking angels, like cherubs- nasty little buggers that they were- were lower tier like exterminator angels, him, lute, and then the winners were just above them, but below the arch angels and Seraphims.

Than there had been you, forbidden as ever, a half breed between a human and angel, had somehow got into heaven when you eventually passed, which was possible of course, nobody was immortal, angels only aged more slower than humans did, and when they passed, they were reborn again. Circle of life.

"Sera. Cut the shit," he said frowning, his fingers relentlessly tapping against the marble Desk in front of him as lute remained Stoney face as ever, a blank expression on.

"Y/n's not here, is she? You didn't bring her back like you said you did, it's been nearly a month, maybe two, I lost count but that doesn't matter!" Adam said, getting back on track as sera looked down at him with a false calm expression on her gray face.

"What matters is that she's lost in hell, could be in any of the rings- because someone didn't restrict the rules on half breed angels like they did with fallen angels staying in the pride ring.

"I know, which is why I sent some exterminator angels to go look for her."

Was Sera's calm response. Another lie, she didn't know how many rules she was breaking, didn't keep count. But god knew, she knew that. She was fairly close to breaking a vary important rule too, one that could get her permanently kicked from heaven.

"Just be patient Adam, they'll find her."

He scoffed slapping Sera's hand away, he didn't want to be touched, he didn't even feel like bragging anymore or eating ribs. What was the point in bragging if he couldn't show off to you? Didn't make sense to him.

"I'll go look for her, if you can't." He said flying off in a rage, lute following in suit.


"Woah... So... This is a hound party,"

Loona chuckles at your awed expression, "yeah, let's head inside." She said paying the taxi driver before grabbing your hand and pulling you into the party.

There were so many different hounds, Chihuahuas, great Danes, then some regular dogs, poodles and what not.

"Heeey! You finally made it! Oh- and you brought your friend along too! I assume your y/n, right?"

A tall dark gray, black hell hound said, his arms were beefy and large, and he had a nasty scar on one of his eyes. A kind smile on his muzzle as he extended his hand out. "The name's vortex, but you can call me tex,"

You smiled shaking his hand, you felt right at home, he exuded this warmth, the kind god did. "It's nice to meet you too tex," you say with a kind smile, wincing slightly, you almost forgot about that bruise, you had covered it up with foundation before you left, but it still hurts.

"This your first hell hound party?" He asked setting his hand on his narrow hips, tilting his head slightly, his ears twitching slightly as loona creeped off, heading towards the beverage table.

"Yeah, first party ever actually." You say with a smile, "really? Sell than, I'm gonna make sure it's a good first time then- hey! Fellas! Come meet the new face!" He said, calling his group of friends by a howl who responded in kind surrounding you and greeting you.

Tall beefy and slightly fluffy hounds greeting you kindly, and being fairly gentle because of your small size.

Word count: 1'356

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