chapter thirty six: cosmic date

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"... Wow..." You muttered looking up at the massive mansion, raising your dainty hands you gently rapped your raw knuckles against the large white doors.

The door creaked open, "yes?" A soft voice spoke, looking down you spot the person answering the door, a vary, vary short old butler imp. "Oh, uh- stolas had called earlier, asking to see me..." You say trailing off.

"Ah, so you're miss y/n. My apologies, please come in, prince stolas is in his library." The butler said stepping aside letting you in, "thanks." You say following the butler as he led you to the library.

"If I may ask... Miss y/n... What happened to your nose?" The butler inquired, "oh, yeah. Uh- got into a fight..." You say ears flapping slightly, embarrassed because you rarely ever let your anger get the best of you.

"Oh... Oh, my..." The butler murmured his tail twitching slightly as he raised his small red hand, knocking on the library door. "Excuse me, prince stolas, you're guest is here-"

"She is?!" You both flinched in surprise at the sound of feet quickly moving, "ow- fuck- just a minute!" He called out, quickly finishing his makeup up, fixing his cape as fast as possible.

He yanked the door open panting slightly he straightened up, clearing his throat. "Um... Thank you boxley." He said, trying to hide his breathlessness, he steps aside letting you into the library.

The library was ginormous, literally huge, with an open ceiling leading into the cosmos. "As you know, tonight is the full moon, and I just wanted to take you... Um out on a little date, to get to know eachother so you're not all that uncomfortable." Stolas said gesturing to the table in the center of the room.

"Oh, well... That's sweet..." You say taking a seat looking around. Stolas quickly took a seat, albeit awkwardly because he's never really been on a date or never really took anybody out on dates, "so... Ahem." He coughed harshly and in came maids carrying trays, glasses of champagne. "Uh- what exactly do you do... Y'know. Working." He said, "god, that's a stupid question." He thinks to himself cringing slightly.

"Oh, well, I'm technically blitzø's assistant." You say taking a sip of the champagne. "Ah... Okay... Um... What did you do up in heaven?" He asked sipping his champagne to keep himself from panicking.

"Oh, well, I used to work at a cafe, than I switched jobs." You say setting your cup down. "Ooh, so... How did you... Um... I assume the topic of your clipping is sensitive but how did you fall?" Stolas asks in the least insensitive way.

"It's... It's pretty stupid." You say ears flapping from embarrassment, "apparently I was too curious about... Well what it was like down here. So they... They clipped my wings, and sent me down here," you say looking over your shoulder at your pathetically small slowly regrowing wings.

"Oh... Oh, that's... That's awful." Stolas says his hand gently encasing yours, "well, how are you... Fairing here in hell?" Stolas asks, his thumb rubbing the top of your hand gently. "Oh, actually it's going quite well! I... I didn't really think I'd survive in hell, because y'know, no good shampoos or conditioners." You say with a smile.

"Well, that's nice to hear," he said softly sipping his wine. "What's it like... Up in heaven," stolas asks curiously.

"Oh, well, it's... Paradise. Perfect, nothing new, nothing strange. The same thing each day, it's always sunny and never cloudy." You say with a soft sigh, it was so mundane up there.

"Oh..." Stolas said, he didn't really think heaven would be so... Perfect. He's heard about it, but hearing about it from an actual angel was a whole new thing.

"Crazy to think but I've never actually seen stars before." You say glancing upwards gazing at the cosmos up above. "Really?" Stolas says surprised.

"Really, nighttime up in heaven is vary short, only an hour or two, and that's usually in the daytime, it doesn't give any time to actually let the stars out at all." You say softly looking up.

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