Chapter 3: Summer & Trouble

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~* Chapter 3 *~

~* Summer & Trouble *~

~* Summer & Trouble *~

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TW: Child abuse

Cordelia's father pulled the young girl into the house and dragged her into her bedroom. He was able to maintain his anger about the house sorting at the beginning of the year and he let it all out as soon as they returned home.

"You are grounded for the summer. You will stay here in your room until you are told otherwise. Dobby will bring you food during meal times. I am incredibly disappointed to call you my daughter. You are a disgrace," he said with venom in his voice as he slammed the door shut, leaving the blonde girl to cry alone.

The summer was a very boring one for Cordelia. She was thankful to have her mother who would let her out when Lucius was at work. During these times, she was allowed to move about the house and gardens without fear of punishment.

Cordelia didn't mind staying in her room when her father was home because it meant she didn't have to deal with him. She was grateful to have an attached private bathroom in her bedroom, and for Dobby bringing her food during dinner time. Her mother had placed a silencing charm on her bedroom so she could play her cello without disturbing the other family members, and she wrote to her friends often.

She was unaware when Draco went snooping around her room one day while she was wandering around the garden to admire the flowers and enjoy the fresh air. He found her ukulele hidden under the bed. He placed the discovered item back in it's place, but he was still curious about the small musical instrument, as a ukulele is purely a muggle instrument and he had never seen one before. Draco couldn't stop thinking s out of the unfamiliar instrument throughout the day and, instead of asking his sister about it, he had decided to ask his father about it when he got home that night.

Lucius was furious when he learned that his daughter had brought a muggle item into their home. He slammed the door open and found Cordelia sitting at her desk. She looked up from her unfinished letter with a frightened look on her face. She could see the anger etched on her father's face and all she could feel was fear.

Lucius silently and gracefully walked over to her bed and pulled out the instrument from underneath, looking at his daughter with more fury than before. Lucius continued his silence as smashed the ukulele on the ground, breaking it into multiple pieces.

"Father! That was a gift! It made me happy!" Cordelia cried out, but Lucius ignored his daughter's cries and grabbed her by her hair, throwing her onto the floor. He began hitting her with his cane as she screamed and pleaded for him to stop. Breathing heavily, he stopped after a few moments and started to walk towards the door.

Cordelia was relieved that it was over until her father turned around and pointed his wand at her.

"CRUCIO!" he yelled, his face distorted in anger and fury. Cordelia involuntarily screamed while her body twitched and squirmed. He stopped and took a breath before he yelled the curse again, infecting more pain onto his daughter. The torture only lasted for a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity for the girl.

"You will learn to follow our beliefs, or I will continue to beat it into you," he said before shutting and locking the door.

Cordelia layed on the floor as blood seeped from various parts on her body. The teeth from the silver snake head on the top of his cane had left puncture marks all over her arms and face. All of her joints and muscles were in pain from the curse. Dobby appeared in her room and helped her into bed.

"Dobby is so sorry this happened to you, Miss Cordelia. You is too good for this," he said as he used his magic to heal her. "Dobby cannot heal the bruises. They will have to go away on their own, I'm afraid... I will go get Miss Cordelia some water and food." He apparated out of the room for a few moments before returning with food and water.

"Thank you, Dobby. I am grateful to have you here. You make living here somewhat barrable," said Cordelia, giving the House-Elf a sincere smile.

"Dobby will always be here to help Miss Malfoy. You are always so kind to Dobby." Cordelia ate her food and drank her water with shaky hands while Dobby snapped his fingers, fixing the ukulele in an instant.

Cordelia spent the remaining weeks of summer even more afraid of her father. Draco had apologized for getting her into trouble, as thst was not his intention. Cordelia forgave her brother, but she still refused to leave her room after the incident and spent the last couple of weeks by herself unless Dobby or her mother visited to keep her company.


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