Chapter 13: Attacks & Accusations

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~* Chapter 13 *~

~* Attacks & Accusations *~

It was Halloween and Cordelia was excited to spend time in Hogsmeade with her friends. They spent the day visiting all of the shops and drinking Butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks.

The Halloween feast was as delicious as ever. Cordelia had eaten more than she should have, and she knew she would regret it with a stomach ache later.

The Three Hufflepuffs were about to turn down the corridor to their common room when they heard a commotion.

"It happened one floor up! We need to see what happened!" They heard a seventh year student shout. Instead of continuing on their path, they turned and followed the older student to see what was going on.

The students didn't know what to expect, but they most definitely did not expect to see a horrifying sight. There was a massive amount of water on the floor, as if someone left a tap on. Above the water, was a message written in blood. Next to the message was a cat who hung stiffly by its tail.

Cordelia's eyes were wide and her breath was shaky. She fiddled with her bracelet as she caught sight of the twins.

"Please say this is a horrible prank," she pleaded as she stood next to them. Fred silently shook his head and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir beware," Draco read the message on the wall out loud. All of the students were silent in shock, so everyone now had their attention on him.

"You'll be next, Mudbloods," he added, looking straight at Hermione.

Cordelia gasped. "Shut up, Draco! That is horrible!"

People nearby looked between the two siblings, surprised to see her speak to her brother. No one saw them on the train last year, so no one had actually seen the two interact, except for the Golden Trio who only saw it one time.

Fred smiled proudly at the girl. He loved seeing her put Draco in his place. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he found it attractive.

After some arguments with the professors and Harry, Dumbledore declared that the cat wasn't dead, but rather Petrified. All students were sent to their dorms.

Fred reluctantly removed his arm from her shoulder as they said their goodbyes, going in different directions.


Everyone in the castle was on high alert after the attack on the cat, Mrs. Norris. People tried to stay in packs and avoided being alone. No one knew who attacked Mrs. Norris, and they were afraid it would happen again. There were rumors that more safety rules were going to be put in place, but people were already taking precautions.

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