Chapter 16: Anxiety & Surprises

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~*Chapter 16 *~

~* Anxiety & Surprises *~

~* Anxiety & Surprises *~

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TW: Panic attack

The summer before Cordelia's fifth year was spent doing her usual favorite activities: Playing her ukulele under the tree, swimming and playing quidditch with Cedric, as well as baking and gardening with Adele. The summer, however, turned out to be different after the first two weeks.

She saw the Weasleys only twice at the beginning of the summer. Once was when the Diggorys visited the Burrow right after they returned from school. The second time was when the Weasleys announced that Arthur had won a contest at work. The large family would be visiting the oldest child, Bill, in Egypt. Cordelia was happy for the Weasleys, but a part of her was sad that she would not be able to see them this summer.

Another thing that was different was the escape of a dangerous murderer who was running loose in society. Sirius Black had escaped Azkaban, the wizard prison, and the entire wizarding community was on the lookout for him. His escape caused Amos and Adele to be more protective of Cedric and Cordelia. The teens were no longer able to venture into town or explore the fields near their house on their own. They needed to be accompanied by an adult if they were to go anywhere outside the garden.

On a warm summer night, the Diggorys had invited a guest over for dinner. He was a friend of Amos and Adele from their days at Hogwarts. He had a bald head, dark skin, and light blue robes. Cordelia found his personality to be strong, yet quiet. He seemed as if he could be very intimidating when he needed to be, but had a great sense of humor when relaxed.

"Cedric, Cordelia... How about you two go upstairs and find something to do while the adult a catch up," said Adele in a soft, yet commanding voice as she cleaned up dessert.

The teens mumbled as they made way upstairs, knowing Adele's tone wasn't a suggestion.

Cordelia and Cedric sat at the top of the stairs, watching Amos and Adele have a conversation in hushed voices with Kingsley. They knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but they were too curious not to listen in on the adult's conversation.

"I'm in charge of the task force for his recapture. We're doing everything we can," said Kingsley.

"I know you are, Kingsley," Amos assured the man. "I know you're very capable, but I still worry about the kids."

"Amos, keep your voice down," Adele scolded her husband. "We don't need the kids to hear. I'm sure they're stressed and frightened already."

"You don't give them enough credit, dear. They can handle more than we think they can," argued Amos.

"Just keep doing what you're doing," advised Kingsley. "Keep the protective barriers up and don't let them leave. Keep your precautions, and they'll be safe."

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