Chapter 23: Terror & Kissing

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~* Chapter 23 *~

~* Terror & Kissing *~

The kids were in the Weasley tent after a fierce and exciting game

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The kids were in the Weasley tent after a fierce and exciting game. Cordelia sat with Kiana, Cedric, and Hermione as they watched the twins dance and sing. George had taken an Irish flag and was using it as a cape, swooshing it as he danced.

Cordelia laughed as she watched the boys' antics. "I still can't believe the twins were right... Ireland won, but Krum caught the Snitch... Crazy!"

"There's no one like Krum. He's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete. He's an artist," Ron declared as he stood in the middle of the tent while the twins chanted "Krum" repeatedly and danced around him.

"I think you're in love, Ron," teased Ginny, placing a hand on her brother's shoulder while smiling.

"Shut up," said Ron, looking offended.

"Viktor, I love you," sang the twins in unison. "Victor, I do!"

"When we're apart, my heart beats only for you!" Harry had joined in the singing while the others laughed.

There was a large "BANG" outside that sounded like something exploded.

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on," Fred commented with a smile, the others laughing at the thought.

"Stop! Stop it," shouted Arthur, as he and Amos ran back into the tent. "That's not the Irish. We need to get out of here. NOW."

Those sitting immediately stood up, grabbing their wands just in case. Cedric stayed close to Cordelia and Kiana as everyone made their way outside the tent to find the campground in chaos. People were running and screaming in panic. Some tents were on fire, while others were being trampled on.

"Remember to use your wands if you need to," instructed Amos. "You won't get in trouble for using magic if you need to protect yourselves."

"We're going to help the ministry. Everyone get back to the portkey. Fred, George... Ginny is your responsibility!" Arthur shouted instructions to the kids while he and Amos ran off towards the source of chaos.

The teens started running towards the forest. Fred and George each grabbed one of Ginny's hands and took the lead. Cedric took hold of Kiana and Codelia's hands with his following behind the twins. The Golden Trio took the rear, holding onto each other as they ran as fast as they could.

Cordelia gripped onto Cedric's hand tighter while running to keep up with his longer legs. Her blood ran cold when she saw a frightening sight. Some people with pointed hoods and silver masks could be seen carrying torches, marching through the camp and chanting ominous noises.

People were bumping into each other, running in different directions, everyone trying to get to safety. Suddenly, a large man who was not paying attention slammed into Cordelia with full force, causing her to lose Cedric's hand and fall to the ground, dropping her wand in the process. Her foot got caught by a tree root on the way down and she could feel a shooting pain go through her ankle.

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