Chapter 22: Futures & Quidditch

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~* Chapter 22 *~

~* Futures & Quidditch *~

Cordelia was enjoying her summer with her family and the Weasleys

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Cordelia was enjoying her summer with her family and the Weasleys. At first, she thought things would be awkward between her and Fred after the kiss, anxiously thinking he didn’t like it, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. Fred began to flirt with her even more. Neither teen mentioned the kiss, but the dynamic had changed for the better. Of course, George and Cedric picked up on the change, but they didn't say anything in front of her. Though, Fred did get relentless teasing from George when he was told about the kids.

The twins showed her all of their ideas to open a joke shop, and she was fully supportive of this. She couldn’t think of anything better for the two brothers.

Cordelia wasn’t sure what she wanted to do yet. She loved music, but didn’t want to make a career out of it. She loved Herbology, but did not know what to do with it. She knew that she wanted to help people, help society, in some way. She just wasn't sure how yet. She was happy that the twins had found a way to use their passion and it inspired her to find a way to use hers. That was going to be her new goal this year: figure out her future.

Their letters for the following year arrived in August, along with their OWL results. Cordelia was nervous to see her results as she reluctantly read the letter:


Passing grades:
Outstanding (o)
Exceeded Expectations (E)
Acceptable (A).

Failing grades:
Poor (P)
Dreadful (D)
Troll (T)


Carms…………………… E
Potions…………………... O
Transfiguration………………….. E
Defense Against the Dark Arts……..O
Care of Magical Creatures………………E

Cordelia sighed in content at her exam results before switching with Cedric to see he had fine just as well:


Carms…………………… O
Potions…………………... O
Transfiguration………………….. O
Defense Against the Dark Arts…………..O
Care of Magical Creatures………………E

Adele squealed before she hugged her children and kissed their cheeks. “I’m so proud of both my children!”

Amos patted both teens on the back.
“Good job, kids. You both did very well.”

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