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  Wei Chong's location was almost on the opposite diagonal of the city from Tan Yao and his group, and they took the ring road directly. However, there seemed to be a lot more vehicles on the road that day than usual, and the vehicles whizzed past in the rain.

  When turning a corner, they encountered a traffic jam ahead, and vehicles were still pouring in from behind. This road was a one-way street, so Tan Yao and Xia Yan were stuck on the road.

  The car was forced to stop, unable to move forward or backward.

  Tan Yao's brows, which were originally relaxed, quickly knitted together. His whole face was filled with gloom. His tightly clasped fingers suddenly separated, his finger bones curled up forcefully, and the bones made several dark sounds.

  Xia Yan turned to look at Tan Yao and saw that his brows were furrowed. After all, they were friends for many years and he knew that Tan Yao's behavior was a sign of his anxiety. After thinking for a moment, Xia Yan used his cell phone to contact someone to send another car.

  There's no way to tell how long this traffic jam will last, so they might as well just change cars.

  There was an umbrella in the car, and the person to be contacted was not far away and might arrive in more than ten minutes. Xia Yan got out of the car first to get the umbrella at the back, and then walked to the passenger seat. Tan Yao saw Xia Yan standing in the heavy rain with an umbrella, and opened the door and walked out.

  Although the umbrella is big, it is still a little difficult to cover two adults.

  The rain was heavy and rapid, with occasional thunder rumbling. Gusts of cold wind were blowing in the air, bringing the rain down in torrents. The two people's shoulders, which were exposed outside the umbrella, were already mostly wet before they had completely walked off the highway.

  By the time they contacted the person who sent the car and got in, Xia Yan and Tan Yao's clothes and trouser legs were dripping with water.

  Xia Yan gave his car keys to the man and asked him to get on the highway to find his car.

  There were tissues on the control console in front of the car. The car started and Xia Yan controlled the steering wheel with one hand. He tore off some tissues to wipe the water off his face. He caught a glimpse of Tan Yao next to him from the corner of his eye. He saw that he had the expression and posture of an old monk in meditation and was motionless. He passed the tissue in his hand to Tan Yao.

  "Wipe it off."

  Tan Yao's calm eyes turned and fell on Xia Yan's face. Xia Yan was no longer silent as before and started talking to Tan Yao.

  "We'll be there soon. If Wei Chong happens to be there too, what are you going to do? You don't look well." Xia Yan controlled his speaking speed.

  Tan Yao raised his eyes slightly and looked straight ahead at the blurred scenery eroded by the heavy rain.

  "It's even better if he's here. It just so happens that there's a bill that hasn't been settled yet." As for Xia Yan's next question, Tan Yao did not answer.

  He knew very well how his body was. Maybe it didn't look that good from the outside, but so what? No one could stop him from doing what he had decided to do.

  Xia Yan used paper to wipe away the rain that was running down his forehead. He had always been clear about Tan Yao's character and knew that if the other party was really determined, he would not be able to change his mind.

  "I will help you." Xia Yan turned his gaze back, a light flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice. From a certain perspective, he was actually helping himself.

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