Part 2: Chapter 73

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Panel 1: Onaga roars and moves at a blinding speed across the battlefield,  clashing with Shao Kahn as the two of them meet. They begin to brawl again.  The two massive fighters engage in a headbutt clash, pressing their foreheads against each other and glaring.  The area around them erupts from their combined energy. The rocks float in the air at a rapid pace. They headbutt each other again. Shao Kahn drives a knee into Onagas body and uppercuts him before grabbing his horns and kneeing him in the head. He ends it with a shoulder charge.

Panel 2: Raiden and Fujin attack next,  Raiden landing thunder infused strikes before forming lightning blades around his wrists and using them to slash at the tough scaly hide of Onaga. Fujin uses his sword as well as wind blades to also slash.  They then land a double combined uppercut that launches Onaga high into the air. Scorcher flies up and lands the same kick Vegeta did against Second form Cell. He then blasts him down to the ground with a massive Hellfire beam and proceeds to crash into his back with a big elbow drop. Goro lands a stomp,  adding further damage. Onaga grunts and gets up, although he's looking far worse for wear, visibly damaged and bleeding heavily.  He shakes his head.

Onaga: Tch! I despise this, but it seems that damn fool was right! I was getting far too complacent in my  power!

Shao Kahn: Now you finally see the truth! Unfortunately for you it's far too late.

Onaga: Ha! I'll be damned if I allow myself,  the mighty Dragon King, to be bested by the likes of you! I've yet to use my full power. It appears that I have no choice.

Shao Kahn: Unleash it! It won't help your inevitable defeat!

Panel 3: Onaga roars in pain as he heals his wounds, before unleashing all of his energy,  unleashing a gigantic purple aura. The entire area trembles and shakes as he continues to unleash more, leaving everyone visibly shocked at the overwhelming pressure.  He suddenly moves fast, grabbing both Goro and Kintaro by the face and violently slamming their heads together before violently using his tail to whack them. Fang goes to attack but Onaga lands a big right straight punch and left uppercut before smacking him with a tail swipe and a blast. Orissa gets whacked out of midair by another blast.  Raiden steps up next. Onaga flies up into the air and Raiden chases after him.

Panel 4: The two beings of incredible strength clash again. The sheer impact causes a massive thunder clap to erupt.  The battle is fierce and seems even, neither one giving in. They lock forearms and share an intense glare.

Onaga: My power has no end Raiden!

Raiden: Neither does mine Onaga! I will prove that not even the Dragon King can defeat the Thunder God!

Panel 5: They clash again,  two titans engaging in a battle of attrition.  Thunder and purple energy erupt as their fists slam against each other.  Raiden grits his teeth and unleashes a point blank thunder blast into Onagas face. The smoke clears and we see the Dragon King grinning mockingly,  unfazed. Raiden, however,  is undeterred,  and goes for a kick,  but Onaga grabs his leg and slams his fist into Raidens stomach,  causing him to double over in pain.  Onaga goes for a killing blow, but Fujin prevents it from happening,  using his powers to walk on the air and interrupting with a wind blast. This only serves to merely annoy Onaga. He backhands Fujin away from him, before grabbing Raiden and tossing him directly into his brother.  He flies forward and continues the attack,  kneeing Raiden in the stomach and uppercutting Fujin with his tail.

Panel 6: He isn't done yet. He uses his tail to smack Raiden and Fujin around before knocking them down to the ground. He flies in after them only to be intercepted by Scorcher in his Balrog form, who manages to land a flush knee.  Onaga isn't affected and merely punches him down to the ground, knocking him out of his Balrog form in one blow. He knocks Raiden and Fujin down to the ground as well and descends. Lucy and Alice land a powerful combined attack with their swords, but he shrugs it off and smacks them away. He goes to attack but Damian interrupts by shooting him with a minigun loaded with Hellfire infused bullets. This actually stops him for a bit and causes damage,  but he eventually stops the barrage by unleashing a flame breath. Reiko pulls Damian out of the way in the nick of time in order to avoid incineration.

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