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A/N: After many months! Yay! I'm sorry guys for the long many things happen that I almost forgot about this but whatever I'm back and I promise to finish it. Enjoy~


Bom concentrated on chewing her corn, while CL was watching TV like there was no bother in the world. Dara just sighed softly as she reads magazine.

Minzy was the only one that was pacing around the room,  feeling fidgety and jittery.

"Do you think oppas would be alright? " she asked, scared.

CL rolled her eyes.  "Don't worry Minzy,  they're Bigbang for God's sake.  Of course they'd be alright."

Minzy bit her lips. "But that G-Dragon is one tough fight..." she hesitated .

Bom giggled. "Worried about your Daesung? " she teased. "Don't worry Minzy, they'll take care of it ."

Dara nodded. "Yeah,  how many times have they  attacked? We are still fine  aren't we?"

Minzy sighed. " I  hope so. But Beast  isn't there, and so are we. The only good fighters left are oppas, I'm still worried."

CL ruffled the maknae's hair. "Its going to be fine. Just get yourself a magazine or some food to keep your mind of your dear Daesung oppa or something."

Minzy  pouted and plopped  herself  on  the  couch. Dara giggled to herself, her dongsaeng was sure cute inlove.

"Minzy ah, do you want bibimbap? Unnie will make it for you." Dara offered.

Minzy brightened. "Really?! Okay!"

Bom frowned. "I don't think there's any food left on the fridge the last time I checked it for corn" she mumbled.

Dara frowned. "Then I'll go out to get some?" she smiled.

CL shake her head disapprovingly. "Its dangerous to go alone Dara."

Dara pouted. "Chaerin ah, its 2pm in the afternoon for God's sake! And we are in Busan! None of the Kwons know I'm here. I'll be fine."

"Yeah." Bom nodded. "She'll be fine. Just let her."

CL nodded grudgingly and Dara smiled. She skipped out the house happily. *Some sort a freedom for her  at last!"


Jiyong got off his bike and scanned the rural area. It was much more rundown than in Seoul, but nothing he hadn't seen before. He frowned slightly as he realized how big Busan was.

How the hell was he supposed to find that darned girl?

"Girls like shopping right?" he asked himself. "I'll try the shopping mall first."

He headed to the nearest shopping mall, his eagle like eyes darting around and scanning the crowd for any signs of that familiar girl he had always tried to get. 

Girls that having their pleasant shopping trip stopped in their tracks when they saw Jiyong walk passed.

Blame it to not-so-attractive Busan guys or Jiyong's extraordinary charms, by the end of three minutes, there was a full fifty strong crowd following Jiyong as he scanned the area.

They were chattering loudly, squealing and shouting, snapping  pictures of him like he was some sort of superstar.

Jiyong touched the G-Dragon mask in his pocket and cursed himself for not wearing it earlier. Maybe if he hid his face, it wouldn't  be that bad.

After trying for another five minutes, Jiyong gave up on the place and strode out of the mall as soon as possible. The girls followed him along, like paper clips to the Jiyong magnet.

Jiyong hopped on his bike and rode off in an instant, leaving the girls in awe and admiration. "Wow he's so  cool~!"

Jiyong rolled his eyes. *Girls*

Be bit his lips as he scanned the surroundings. There was nothing special, just some housing estate and some grocery stores around. His eyes landed on a convenience stall and he just realized how deprived from water his throat felt.

He got off the bike and strode quickly to the convenience stall, irritation from the fangirls a while ago still not disappearing. He came out soon after with a bottle of ice cold coke and he drank it all down in two.

He squashed the can flat with just one hand and threw it behind his head. "YAH!" someone winced in pain and Jiyong smirked. *Lucky aim* he thought.

The victim of his coke can came storming over and Jiyong wrinkled his nose in disgust. It was only 2pm in the afternoon and this guy is already reeking in alcohol, dead drunk.

"Yah! You! You threw this on me!" The man waved the can of coke in one hand, his other hand cuddling his precious bottle of cheap beer.

Jiyong rolled his eyes and walked away. The man felt angered and rushed forward, stopping Jiyong by the shoulder. Jiyong didn't want to picked a fight with someone with such standards, and he just elbowed the man such that he fell, before walking away again.

The man growled. *Another one that looks down on me.*

He stood up and took a deep breath.

Before running to Jiyong at top speed and crashing that glass of bottle of cheap beer on Jiyong's head.

Jiyong's eyes widen as he felt liquid flow down his cheeks. He touched it. Blood.

He turned around and saw the drunk man giggling happily and running off. Jiyong winced in pain. "FUCK!"

*I could beat a whole gang, but I lost to a single drunk man?!* Jiyong thought, as he collapsed in the middle of the road.

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