Special Chapter V: Jiyong the Drama Queen

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The 2NE1 girls came over to the Kwon mansion the next day together with the Big Bang guys. The Big Bang guys were worried about Dara's condition, and they sympathised with Jiyong.

The 2NE1 girls found time when the guys were talking, and snuck into the bedroom to have a talk with Dara about Bom's marvellous plan.

"How was it?" Minzy asked curiously. "Was Jiyong oppa very sad? He seemed like he was about to breakdown yesterday when the doctor told us about your condition."

Dara nodded happily. "Neh! He seemed so sad when I said I don't remember coming to this place." she beamed. She sighed dreamily. "The Kwon Leedah still cares about me."

"Of course he cares about you!" CL retorted. "He almost fought with Youngbae when Youngbae just asked him what he was going to do with you like that. He thought Youngbae was telling him to abandon you or something." she recalled. "I quote his words,it doesn't matter if she's acting like a twenty year old Dara or a five year old one. I won't abandon her like that."

"Awww~" Dara beamed happily, hearing her husband's words from someone else made her want to melt inside. She desperately wanted to run out of the door and give him a hug. Aigoo that sweet dragon.

"He loves you." Bom nodded. "But we've got to keep this act longer. This act made him remember his love for you, Dara, and we can't let him forget it anytime soon. We've got to drill it into him. DRILL."

The girls shuddered at their Bommie's evilness. But we love her right? Thanks to her we got to laugh at that stupid rabbi-- *Ahem* Mianhae GD. Just kidding~

"I'm your husband."

"Hmmm? What's that."

"That means the one you love, and the one who loves you. The one who's going to spend the rest of your life with."

"Housebarn? You're my housebarn? I don't wanna! I want Seunghyun oppa to be my HOUSEBARN!!"



TOP hid behind the curtains fearfully, scared of GD's wrath, and even more afraid of his girlfriend Bommie's anger. That girl was a devil in disguise.

Dara darted towards him and beamed cutely, tugging at his arm. "Seunghyun oppa what are you doing here?" she asked confusedly. "Do you want to be Dara's housebarn? Dara doesn't weird Ahjusshi to be my housebarn..." she pouted.

Jiyong clenched his fists. Sandara park you're going to far!! How dare you pout those kissable lips in front of another man! *You'll get it once you 'regain' your memories Ssantoki.* Jiyong growled inwardly.

TOP wailed. "Dara noona! Just let me off alright? I want to live till I'm 26 years old!"

Dara ignored his protests and cuddled his arm. "Seunghyun oppa, why do I have to live here with strange ahjusshi? Dara wants to live with you!" she whined.

TOP's eyes widened, and Jiyong's jaw dropped to the floor. The other Big Bang members pretended to look away, inwardly praying for TOP's safety. That man must have created some deadly sin to have karma like that.

Bom grinned to herself. Dara was doing a great job, she could see Jiyong getting jealous, and she herself did too. But that only gave her a chance to torture TOP at night. HOHOHO~

"Dara noona, you've got to live with Jiyong cause he's the one you love." TOP pushed her away courteously, sending a fearful look at Jiyong who was glaring at them. "The one you love is Jiyong not me."

"Ani! Dara LOVES Seunghyun oppa~" Dara continued exclaiming.

Jiyong's jaw tightened. *Sandara Park if that's how you want to play it.* he smirked inwardly.

The gang was surprised when Jiyong suddenly kneeled on the floor and buried his face in his hands. Dara blinked in surprise as she gaped at him.

"TOP hyung. Just bring her with you." Jiyong 'sobbed'. "It's apparent this new Ssantoki doesn't want me anymore. She wants you. I love her, Seunghyun hyung, but you're the one who can give her happiness now, not me. So take her with you and promise me you'll give her happiness."

The other Big Bang and 2NE1 members were touched beyond words. Did Jiyong just give Dara up because he loved her? Dara on the other hand was close to crying, seeing her husband sob for her sake. She didn't know that he had to bury his face in his hands for fear that he might laugh.

Bom wasn't taking it well. Jiyong had proven he was a worthy man, but did he just ask her boyfriend to take Dara from him? What about her? She's TOP's girlfriend!"

"J-Jiyong..." TOP stuttered. "Do you know what you're saying? You love Dara!"

"Yes I do. That's why I have to let her go." Jiyong continued sobbing. "I don't want her to be unhappy if she doesn't love me anymore." he looked at TOP with red eyes. "I hand Dara over to you, hyung."

"Jiyong!" TOP gaped.

"Please take care of her." Jiyong ended off dramatically and trudged back to the bedroom to "cry." Dara looked at CL and panicked. If Jiyong sent her off, did she really have to go off with TOP? But she doesn't want to! She loves Jiyong!

*Eotteohke?!* Dara panicked and ran after Jiyong, tugging at his shirt. Jiyong punched his fists in the air in his mind.

"Wae? Ssantoki?" Jiyong turned to look at her with sad eyes.

Dara bit her lip. What was she going to say? She's supposed to not remember him now. She's supposed to not love him. She's supposed to be in love with Seunghyun!

"Uh...." Dara gaped at him.

Jiyong smiled softly and brushed her hair out of her face. He gazed at her adoringly. "I love you Dara, don't you forget that." he kissed her forehead softly. "Go on with Seunghyun hyung now."

Dara shivered and frowned. She's not going to leave!

"I...I..." Dara panicked. She bit her lip. "DARA LIKES THE BED HERE!"

Jiyong raised his brows. Oh Ssantoki... "You...like the bed." Jiyong tried hard not to laugh.

Dara nodded vigorously. "Neh! Dara won't sleep in any bed other than the bed here." she exclaimed firmly.

She looked at him, willing for him to make her stay. *Make me stay Jiyong, make me stay!*

"Then I guess..." Jiyong muttered, while Dara crossed her fingers behind her back. "I guess.. you can take the bed with you."

Dara nearly fainted. "EHH??!"

Jiyong looked back at the bed and sighed. "Well we do have many passionate memories on that bed..." the Big Bang members gagged and looked away. "But I guess if you like it, you can have it. I'll get a single bed then, so it won't look as empty when I sleep alone."

"Seriously Hyung?" Seungri interjected. "Don't push Dara noona away. Try to make her remember! That's what you said you'd do!"

Dara nodded furiously. Jiyong looked at her painfully. "But she doesn't love me anymore. " he muttered brokenly.

"Dara..Dara..." Dara muttered. "D-Dara doesn't want to stay with Seunghyun oppa anymore!" she blurted. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so Dara wants Seunghyun oppa to love me more. Dara isn't going."

TOP heaved a sigh of relief, while the 2NE1 members tried hard not to laugh.

Jiyong pretended to look estatic as he hugged Dara. He chuckled into her hair and shook his head. *Ssantoki. You're such a dork.*

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