Chapter 35

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Jiyong had dumped Sohee roughly on the bench and was prepared to go off immediately to Dara, when he Sohee clung on to him furiously. "Jiyongie please stay with me for a while!"

Jiyong frowned. "Jiyong wants to go back to Ssantoki."

Sohee rolled her eyes. "She already has Youngbae. I'm sure she wants some private time with Youngbae as well."

"She does?" Jiyong gasped. He didn't like it, he didn't want his Ssantoki to be with another man, ALONE. "But Jiyong doesn't like it."

Sohee puffed her cheeks. "I'll treat you to waffles later if you stay with me for a while okay? PLEASEEEE~~~" she whined.

Jiyong pouted and looked back at the ice rink for Dara. His eyes widened when he realized she wasn't standing at the orginal spot he left her. "SSANTOKI!" he panicked.

All thoughts of Sohee immediately left his mind and he skated into the rink instantly, going round in circles like a lunatic, looking around for his dear rabbit. In the end, he did find her. But with Youngbae. Under the tree. Kissing.

"You can't do that to Dara EVER AGAIN!" Jiyong recalled Youngbae telling him that he was forbidden to kiss Dara. But what was that man doing now? He was kissing her too.

Jiyong didn't know why but he wanted to be the only person who could touch those lips of Dara. He didn't know why the kiss seemed so important to him, even though he still didn't know what a significance of a kiss was.

"Ssantoki!" Jiyong pulled Dara away, anger boiling in him. It took all of his resistance in his five year old mind, to not wail and shout right then and there. "Jiyong wants to go home now!" he pulled her away from Youngbae as fast as possible.

He didn't know why he felt so angry and hurt. But one thing he does know, he will never let any other man touch Dara like that, again.


"He finally confessed? KYAAAAAHHHH!!!" Bom squealed and jumped on her bed.

Dara had gone over to 2NE1's house for a while, while Jiyong was busy watching his Power Puff girls. She was perplexed over Youngbae's "sudden" confession and she needed advice.

"What did you say to him Dara?" Minzy asked interested. "Did you say yes?"

Dara bit her lip. "I didn't get to say anything since I was so shocked, and Ji told me he wanted to go home and he pulled me away."

CL growled. "Man why must he cockblock at that romantic moment!" she threw her hands in the air.

Dara blinked and looked at how her sisterly friends were feeling so excited for her.

Why doesn't she feelt the excitement for herself? Why doesn't she feel like it's a pity that Jiyong came in at that moment? In fact, she had to admit she was rather relieved he appeared at the right time.

Is this the way she was supposed to feel?

"When are you going to say yes to him, unnie?" Minzy asked.

Dara looked at her surprised. "I don't know if I'm going to say yes." she admitted.

The 2NE1 members looked at her shocked. "Why wouldn't you say yes?" Bom demanded. "He's the best guy there ever is for you! He suits you, he understands you, he loves you! Why are you hesitating!"

Dara bit her lip. "I don't know..." she confessed, confused. "I didn't know he loved me."

"Oh come on Dara, every one knew except you!" CL rolled her eyes. "He was so obvious! What are you to say when he always waited for you with an umbrella in the rain when you went to play at our house? He could wait for hours and not a single complaint came from him!"

"Yeah!" Bom nodded. "And what about Valentines day? He rejected every single chocolate, flower and gift from girls that came from all around to see him. And on White's day, he always made it a point to leave a rose at your doorstep!"

Dara's eyes widened. "So it was him?" she gasped. "I didn't know..." she muttered.

Minzy puffed her cheeks in disbelief. "You're the only one that doesn't know Unnie! He loves you so much! How about the times he got injured for you when the Kwons attacked us? You never ever got injured in any of the attacks before. You coul have thanked the other gang members, but Youngbae Oppa would always be the one who would make sure no one would go near you, even at the expense of his own safety."

"He's such a great guy Dara ah." Bom sighed. "What are you waiting for?"

Dara flinched. "I don't know.. it just doesn't feel right when I'm with him." she confessed. "I never thought of him as anything more than a brother. I don't know about this..."

"Then you can start thinking now." CL urged. "He has waited for you for so many years Dara, it's time to put some effort in your relationship with him. I"m sure you'll fall heads over heels in love with him once you see him as a man."

"But..." Dara hesitated. "What if.. he's just not the one for me?"

"Who else would be then?" Minzy asked sacarstically. "Jiyong?"

Dara froze. That was the exact person he had in mind. Maybe Jiyong was the one for her?

"You can't be with Jiyong, Dara ah." Bom shook her ead. "You don't know where he came from, you don't know his background. He has no capabilities, he can't support you nor protect you. He is cute yes, but can he give you happiness? You're the one that has to take care of him all the time, Dara. A girl has to be loved, not love. Jiyong isn't for you."

Dara had the urge to protest, but she knew she would be shot down in no time. She thought about what they had said. It made sense, in an odd manner.

"Just give Youngbae a chance Dara ah." CL suggested. "Maybe then you'll find that the one you have feelings for is him and not Jiyong."

Dara fingered the bracelet Youngbae gave her and nodded.

Maybe..just maybe. She could fall for Youngbae. But she knew to do that, she had to erase all traces of Jiyong from her mind.

And Heart.

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