Chapter 18

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"Hey guys." Dara smiled as Big Bang and 2NE1 began filing into her house after school.

Seungri's eyes wide when he saw what state Dara was in. She had dark rings round her eyes, her clothes crumpled because she couldn't find the energy to iron them, her hair up in a messy bun.

"Woah." Seungri gasped exaggeratedly. "You look worse than us who went through torture  in school."

Youngbae immediately cast an accusing look at Jiyong who was playing. He was the reason why Dara was so tired and missing school.
"How was school then?" Dara laughed.

"Bad." Bom wrinkled her nose. "But at least I got to do a project with Seunghyun, so it makes up for everything." she smiled cutely, and snuggled into TOP's chest.

"I got to do a project with Daesung Oppa too." Minzy grinned.

Dara raised her brows at CL who rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah I was UNFORTUNATELY paired up with Seungrat."

Dara giggled. She looked at Youngbae expectantly. "I'm paired with you." he smiled softly. He held out a bag of materials. "I brought the stuff to work on it with you."

Dara nodded. "Thanks Youngbae."
Jiyong didn't understand what project was or why they had to do it in pairs, but he just didn't like his Ssantokie being paired with that bad man.


"Wow." Youngbae's eyes were wide as saucers. "Wow. Wow. Wow."

Dara giggled as she continued to sketch a draft of a building she and Youngbae were supposed to be designing. She had only taken five minutes, but the whole architect was already evident and bore significant style.

"Wow." Youngbae repeated, another five minutes later as she finished her draft. "This...this is awesome!" he exclaimed.

Dara giggled. "So I guess we'll be working with this model?"

"Hell yeah." Youngbae nodded vigorously. "If we are able to make mini model that replicates this design, we'll be sure to score."

Both of them began laying out the materials to make a small version of their architect. Dara's brows furrowed in concentration and she bit her lip slightly as she tried to measure to dimensions.

Youngbae snuck peeks at her fondly when she didn't notice. *No one can be prettier than this girl.* he smiled.
All of a sudden, a paper ball hit Youngbae's forehead. Youngbae blinked and shot a glare at the direction where it came from.
He saw Jiyong smiling cheekily and sticking out his tongue. He growled deeply. Dara looked at him. "What happened?"

Youngbae forced a smile and shook his head. "Nothing. Let's continue."
Dara nodded and continued with her careful work. Youngbae glared once at the slit of the door and continued with his cutting of the boards.

After a minute or so, another paper ball landed on his head. He whipped his head towards Jiyong who grinned happily.

*That guy.* Youngbae clenched his fists. He looked over at Dara who was still concentrating on the first floor of their mini model.

He decided not to bother her and swallow all this anger. He would forget it if Jiyong doesn't do anything else.

Unfortunately it turned worse.
Not counting the numerous other paper balls thrown extremely accurately at Youngbae's head, Jiyong sang the Power Puff girl's song loudly outside the room they were working in, and he even had the nerve to run in and pester Dara for food.

What irritated Youngbae the most was that, no matter how irritating Jiyong was, Dara never seemed angry. She didn't seem to have to ability to be angry with that guy.

She always smiled and attended to Jiyong's needs. Youngbae couldn't stand the smile that she gave him. He couldn't pin point what was wrong, but it was different from the ones she gave everyone else.

Youngbae's snapped up irritatedly as Jiyong came asking Dara for food the seventh time in the past hour.

"Yah!" Youngbae growled. "Don't disturb us anymore! How can you still be hungry?"

Jiyong puffed his cheeks defiantly. Dara softened. "He may really be hungry Youngbae, I'll make him something. Be back soon." she assured.

Jiyong threw Youngbae a victorious look and followed Dara out.

When Dara came back few minutes later, Youngbae looked at her seriously. "We can't even do our project in peace because Jiyong keeps disturbing us. Why do you keep him anyway Dara? He brings you so much trouble."

Dara twisted her lip. "Not really. It's still manageable really." she assured. "Jiyong's not that bad."

Youngbae took a deep breath. "I'm giving him one last chance Dara, if he does anything absurd again, I'll do something about it."

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