Chapter 21

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Everyone expected Dara to return to her normal life at most three days later.  

After all, Jiyong's sudden entrance to her life wasn't supposed to be permanent. He came suddenly, and he went just as abruptly.  

They didn't think Jiyong would stay with them for a long time anyway. They thought Dara would think that way too, so Jiyong leaving wouldn't be much of a big deal.  

But they were wrong.  

After a week after Youngbae sent Jiyong away, Dara was still moping around the house. She refused to go to school with the others, making her total absence from the school a total of one month. TOP had to bribe the school's secretary to keep her attendance rate presentable.  

She didn't even want to step out of her house, worried that Jiyong might find his way back to the house and no one would be home to open the door for him.  

She didn't talk much, and much less to Youngbae.  

It hurt him that Dara was willing to forgo their long friendship, and on his part, love, for this guy that she just met.  

He couldn't figure out what Dara's feelings were to Jiyong, but he knew that the little man was just godly important to Dara.  

He had to admit sometimes he regretted it a little that he caused Dara such misery. But he had to do it. That guy was messing up Dara's life. He was taking the Dara he originally knew away from him.  

He sighed as Minzy came out of Dara's room with a tray of uneaten food.  


"Hey! We're at the club!" TOP patted Youngbae's shoulder. "We should be having fun!" 

Youngbae growled softly and dunked a cup of alcohol. "Why would it be fun if Dara's at home herself?" 

TOP sighed and sat down beside her. "Man. All of us didn't expect Dara to be so affected by Jiyong's departure." 
Youngbae gripped the cup tightly. "No way did I expect." he said in a low voice. "But it just tears me seeing her this upset now. I don't know what to do..." 

TOP frowned. "Then why don't you just tell Dara where Jiyong is? If Jiyong returns she'll be happy again." 
Youngbae lowered his gaze, his eyes a mixture of guilt and defiance.  

TOP raised his brows. "You're scared." he observed.  

Youngbae whipped his head up to face the Hyung. "What?" 

"You're scared that Jiyong would be more important to Dara than you." TOP smirked. "You're afraid all these years of you crushing on her would go to waste if Dara happens to fall for Jiyong. You're frightened by how easily Jiyong got close to her." 

TOP neared Youngbae with a smirk. "That's why you sent him away."

Youngbae froze. He really was the Hyung, he saw through Youngbae in a flash.  

"All those about Jiyong being a burden and what not, those are concerns, but it isn't the main reason why you sent him away." TOP smirked. "You're scared Dara will be stolen by Jiyong." 

Youngbae stared at his Hyung for a moment and let out a small sigh. "Yeah." he confessed. "You're right." 

TOP's gaze softened. His dongsaeng was suffering, he could see that. He was torn between his conscience and his feelings.  

TOP patted his shoulder. "Let the relationship take it's course." he advised. "If Dara's meant to be with Jiyong, sending him away would make her long for him even more." 

Youngbae bit his lip as TOP continued. "If Dara's meant to fall for you, she would regardless if Jiyong's here or not." 

"If she's yours, she'll be yours." TOP said firmly.  

Youngbae hesitated for a while. He was so afraid that letting Jiyong back would mean that Dara wouldn't be his anymore.  

But TOP was right too. If Dara was his, she would be even if Jiyong was there.  
Youngbae had to have faith in himself.  

"Arraso." Youngbae sighed. "Jiyong's at the KiHwa Orphanage at Mokpo." 

TOP smiled a gentle smile. "Glad you made that choice man." 

Youngbae nodded and dunked another cup of alcohol. He just hoped Jiyong coming back wouldn't take Dara away from him.  

*She's too precious to me.*  

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