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The Big Bang and 2NE1 members were sitting at the dining table having lunch at Dara's house. They were chatting easily with no restraints or fear, unlike times back at Seoul where they had to be constantly be aware of their surroundings lest the Kwons attacked. 

 TOP chuckled as Bom wolfed down her third stick of corn, her eyes landing on the corn on his plate. 

"Do you want more?" TOP pushed his share to her. 

Even being a fighter like her, Bom blushed. "T-t-thank you." she stuttered. 

 Seungri reached over CL's shoulder and took a piece of her ddukbokki. He plopped it into his mouth gratifyingly. 

"Ah~ Delicious ~" he grinned. 

CL rolled her eyes. "Can't you be sweet like TOP or something Seungrat?" 

 Seungri shrugged and smiled sweetly at her. "If I'm that nice, you wouldn't like me anyway Chaecat!" 

CL pursed her lips. "Yeah right." she scoffed. 

Seungri smiled cheekily. "Of course I'm right honey pie~" 

 "Honey pie? Please spare us!" Minzy gagged. 

 "Right on honey!" Daesung nodded. 

 Dara and Youngbae just chuckled softly and continued with their lunch. Just then, the doorbell rang. 

"Oh that must be the delivery man!" TOP exclaimed. 

"The toaster must be here!" 

 "Why did you buy a toaster Hyung (older brother)?" Daesung asked curiously. 

 TOP shrugged. "Cause Bom likes her corn roasted." 

Bom blinked and her cheeks were sent to another pink frenzy. 

 "I'll get it." Dara giggled as she opened the door. 

The young delivery man stunned for several second at her beauty. 

 "Hello? Are you here with the toaster?" she asked politely. 

 The delivery man blinked. "Ah yes." he stuttered. 

He gave her a slip to sign and handed her the large box of toaster. Dara smiled at him gratefully, making the young man redden ever so slightly. 

"Can I help you carry it in?" he asked bashfully. Dara chuckled. 

"Its fine. I can manage really." she assured. 

 Just then, Youngbae appeared at the door. "Need my help Dara?" he offered.  Dara passed him the large box gratefully and bade goodbye to the delivery man. 

"Thank you for your help! Bye!" she chirped. The man blushed again. 

"B-b-bye!" he waved cutely. 

 Dara closed the door and followed Youngbae into the house. 

"That dongsaeng (younger friend/sibling) was rather cute." she giggled to herself. 

 Youngbae's ears perked up and he stared at her. He remembered his member's words. 

*Better confess to Dara before she falls for some other cute guy in Busan.*  He stiffened. 

*They're right. Dara's so gorgeous, many guys must be after her. I must confess quickly!* 


The afternoon saw Youngbae in a jewelry shop, creasing his brows as he looked from one display set to another. 

"Are you looking for a necklace for your girlfriend sir?" the sales lady smiled good-naturedly. 

Youngbae nodded bashfully. "I hope she'll be my girl though." 

The sales lady smiled knowingly. "A confession?" she asked. 

"Then I suggest this series of necklaces, they're sincere and pure, just like how love is from the beginning." Youngbae peered at one of the necklaces and a smile curled at his lips. 

*This is it.* He smiled softly at the saleslady. 

"I think I'll have this one." he pointed. 

The saleslady went to wrap his order and Youngbae just waited, thinking of nothing but Dara. 


A young Youngbae was struggling to keep awake as his hunger pangs became increasingly difficult to withstand. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to close all thoughts of steak and wine. Nobody paid attention to the beggar child at the side of the road, much less lingering long enough to give him some money. Youngbae felt like dying. He didn't want to be a beggar, he didn't want his stomach to crave for food every second, he didn't want to live his life in uncertainty. He tried to sleep, hoping that death would take him away as soon as possible. 

"Are you okay?" Youngbae snapped his eyes opened, irritated that someone disrupted his prelude to death. 

He met eyes with the most gorgeous girl he had seen in his life. Her soft locks of hair were tumbling down her shoulders, her eyes wide with curiosity and concern, her lips pursed with concentration. 

"Are you hungry?" she asked. 

 Youngbae gathered his strength to nod. The girl looked at him sympathetically and helped him up. 

"I'll bring you to my father to ask him for food. Maybe you'll also be able to join the gang!" she smiled. 

Youngbae looked at her hesitantly at the concern she was showing. 

"Who are you?" He breathed softly. The girl turned to him smiling. 

"I'm Sandara Park. You can call me Dara." 


From that day on, Youngbae had never wanted death. He never felt unhappy as long as she was around. She was his reason for living. 

*I hope you feel the same way for me as I feel for you, Dara.* Youngbae smiled softly. 

 His phone rang and he picked it up quickly, seeing that it was from a senior from the clan. 

"Youngbae! Gather Big Bang and 2NE1 for help!!" the voice said. 

 Youngbae gritted his teeth, panic rushing through his veins.



Hyung - literally means 'older brother'.  Hyung is a word used by Korean males to address another male older than them who they are close to.

Dongsaeng - it is used to refer to one's younger sibling or a friend that is younger than oneself.

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