Chapter 31

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"Were are we going Youngbae?" Dara asked curiously.

Youngbae smiled at her mysteriously. "Just wait and see Dara ah, I'll make it a fun day don't worry."

"I'm not worrying!" Dara protested, as she looked in the rear mirror to look back at the house.

Youngbae sighed softly. *I'll make you forget Jiyong that burden, I'll make you forget everything but just fun, Dara.*


"Where is this place Youngbae?" Dara hopped out of the car and looked around curiously.

Youngbae grinned. "This is the water park you babo!" he pushed her forehead affectionately. "Don't you know?"

(A/N: Honestly I don't know if there's a water park is in Busan but let's just go with that shall we^^)

Dara's mouth fell open. "THE WATER PARK?!" she shrieked. "YES YES YES I'VE NEVER BEEN TO THE WATER PARK BEFORE THANK YOU YOUNGBAE!" she squealed, giving him a quick hug before running into the park at top speed.

Youngbae's face flushed bright red. "Oh look at that guy! He blushed when his girlfriend hugged him! So cute!" people pointed.

Youngbae ran in after Dara, embarrassed. *Sandara Park, you're the only one that can make a badass gangster turn into a sweet mushy love sick puppy in an instant.*


"OMO This is AMAZING!" Dara gaped at the indoor beach. "Why haven't I been here before?"

"Because you're the daughter of the leader of one of the deadliest gangs in Seoul who's arch enemies with your father's gang, so that's why you were locked up all the time because of the danger and-" Youngbae began.

"Yeah yeah I know." Dara rolled her eyes. "Let's buy the swimsuits and go swimming Youngbae!! KYAAAH WATERRRRR!" she squealed and ran off.

Youngbae chuckled to himself. *Sometimes, I wonder who's the five year old, Jiyong or her?*

Dara soon came out in a not so revealing dark blue swimsuit, and she looked around for Youngbae. She saw him nowhere and she frowned. "Where's he?" she muttered.

Instead, she saw a whole crowd of girls crowding at the corner as if an idol was spotted. She went towards the crowd curiously, only to find that they were just oggling at a guy with heavenly abs.

Dara wasn't really interested so she walked away, though she had to admit that guy's body was really hot.

Just as she walked away, she heard someone calling her. "Dara ah!"
She turned around, only to find that heavenly body moving towards her. "Youngbae?!" she shrieked, when she realized who it was. She looked him up and down several times, her mouth fully opened. "Is this you?"
Youngbae chuckled and ruffled her hair. "That shocked to see me topless? We bathed together when we were young Dara!" he teased.

Dara gaped at him. Youngbae smirked and grabbed her wrist, pulling her along. "Stop starring and let's go have some fun Dara!" Youngbae mused. The girls stared at Dara in envy. "So she's the girl he said he was waiting for!" they pouted.

Youngbae pulled Dara to the shallow part of the waters and Dara flinched. "Owww man this water's cold!" she exclaimed.

Youngbae grinned slyly at her. "What do you think it feels like if you were suddenly thrown in the water?"
Dara's eyes widened. "Oh no you wouldn't." she shook her head as she took a step back.

Youngbae smirked as he took one step nearer to close the gap. "So if I wouldn't why are you walking backwards?" he teased.

"I-I-It's because.." Dara stuttered. Youngbae smirked and whisked her up bridal style, cutting her off. "DONG YOUNGBAE!" Dara screamed.

Youngbae laughed and ran into the deeper part of the water, completely soaking both of them from head to toe. "YOUNGBAE I HATE YOU!" Dara shrieked as she surfaced out of the water. Her whole body was covered in goosebumps with the sudden contact with that cold water.

Youngbae chuckled. "And I love you too." he teased. Dara missed the underlying meaning and rolled her eyes.

"At least I came down with you didn't I?" Youngbae chuckled. He looked into her eyes. "I would never leave you alone to face any trouble, no matter how big or small."

Dara softened. "You're my bestest friend Youngbae!" she hugged him.
Youngbae smiled bitterly. *Yeah friend. I'll do anything to get rid of that title.*


Dara and Youngbae played for the whole afternoon, without even getting sun taned. Dara never had more fun in her life, since she was always guarded like a precious gem.

Youngbae was happy that he was able to make her smile and laugh. It was the most beautiful sight in the world.
But somehow, he knew she was thinking of Jiyong. He caught her staring blankly at some kids, muttering to herself, "Ji would have loved it here."

He needed to be the only man she sees. No Jiyong. Just Youngbae.
He cleaned both of them up and they went to the restaurant in the water park for their dinner. Youngbae felt the bracelet he bought in his pocket and smile softly.

Dara was thoroughly engaged in eating as usual, when Youngbae sudden held her hand. She blinked at him confused.

Youngbae chuckled and wiped away the tomato sauce at the side of her lip with his thumb. "Why are you so clumsy Dara ah?" he mused.

Dara pouted. "Yah I'm not!"
"You are." Youngbae notified amusingly. He smiled at her frustrated face. "But to me, you'll forever be-"


Dara brightened and Youngbae's eyes widened. *OH MY F***ING GAWD.* Youngbae cursed. *Just kill that brat already.*

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