Chapter 24🎆

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Jiyong sprang up from the couch and ran to the door, embracing Dara in a big teddy bear hug. "SSANTOKIIIII!!!" he squealed excitedly.

Dara smiled and patted his head. "Did you wait long? I'm sorry Ji." she apologized. "Were you bored in Big Bang's house? Where's Seungri?" she looked around.

Her brows frowned when she realized that the maknae was nowhere to be found, leaving Jiyong alone in the house.

"Rat boy's in the room." Jiyong pointed.

Dara stormed to the maknae's room and pounded on the door. "YAH SEUNGRI!" Seungri jumped from his seat and switched his computer off in a blink of an eye.

"Noona?" he poked his head out meekly.

"How could you just stay in your room and leave Jiyong outside like this?" Dara growled. "He's like a five year old and leaving him like that, he may just get into an accident or something!"

*I can't possibly let him see what I was watching anyway...* Seungri pouted.

"Sorry noona. I thought Ji as a man." he nudged Jiyong. "You're a man right Jiyong?" he winked.

Jiyong smiled widely and patted his on chest. "Jiyong's a man!" he exclaimed. "It's okay Ssantoki. Jiyong's hungry..."

Dara softened and nodded. "Arraso. I'll make you some ramen." she ruffled his hair. She led Jiyong out of the door and shot a glare at Seungri. The latter shivered. "Remind me not to anger noona in matters concerning Jiyong..." he muttered.


"WAAAH MAASHITTAAA~~~" Jiyong gobbled the ramen, not minding the hot boiling soup. Dara giggled and used and tissue to wipe the side of his lip. "Eat slowly Ji."

Jiyong smiled at her and held a spoon full of soup to her. "Ssantoki eat too!"
Dara giggled at his cuteness. "It's okay Ji. You can eat it yourself."

Jiyong pouted and continued eating. Dara read a magazine at the same time and Jiyong peeked at her through his bangs. *Why didn't Ssantoki eat? She couldn't praise me then..* he pouted.

*I want to make Ssantoki praise me!* he smiled.

When he finished with the bowl of ramen, he took it to the basin and attempted to wash it. Dara raised her brows and took the bowl from him. "It's okay Ji. I'll wash it."

Jiyong frowned. "Jiyong wants to wash it." he insisted.

Dara laughed and patted his head. "It's alright Ji. I'll wash it. Go watch Power Puff girls, it's playing now."
Jiyong pouted and buried his head in the couch.


Jiyong fidgeted on the bed as he waited for Dara to finish washing up and coming to bed. Dara blinked confusedly when she saw Jiyong watching her intently. "Anything the matter Ji?"

Jiyong shook his head and patted the space next to him. "Seat here Ssantoki!"

Dara smiled and went to sit, expecting a hug or a cuddle. To her surprise, Jiyong pushed her down on the bed and hovered above her.

"J-J-Ji?" Dara reddened. She seemed to suddenly notice how close his body was to her, and how madly her heart was beating.

Jiyong gulped as he neared Dara. His lips captured hers in an instant, and his heart burst in a thousand million ifferent vibrant colours.

Her lips were soft and sweet, tastier than any candy he had ever eaten. He could forgo a thousand episodes of Power Puff girls for just one kiss.
*Jiyong likes this. Jiyong likes this a lot.* He closed his eyes as he deepened the kiss. Dara found herself kissing back. All sanity and common sense, all form of restraining herself left her once those heavenly lips touched hers.

It wasn't until Jiyong's hand began travelling beneath her shirt and towards her bra that she snapped out of her daze and pushed him off.

"What were you doing Ji?" she gasped as she covered her mouth.

Despite being so beautiful, Dara hadn't had a boyfriend before. That was her first kiss.

Jiyong's eyes rounded in confusion. "Aren't you going to praise Jiyong?" he scratched his head confusedly.

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