Special Chapter IV: Dara the brat

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Jiyong put on his caring expression as he guided Dara back to their apartment, which was actually the pent house of a luxury condo.

The Big Bang and 2NE1 members had followed along since they were still "worried" for Dara's condition. The Big Bang boys were scared out of their minds, but the 2NE1 girls...not that bothered about Dara's *ahem* fatal condition. <*evil girls... Shakes head*>

When they reached the apartment, Jiyong opened the door and led Dara in, holding onto her hand tightly. "Do you remember this place, Dara?"

Dara looked around and puffed her cheeks. "Ani! Dara never came here before!" she exclaimed.

Seungri let out an emotional sob and CL had to roll her eyes. Jiyong pretended to look crestfallen as well and caught the glee in Dara's eyes. *Babe you can't hide anything from me.*

"I think we should go. Give you guys some time alone." TOP suggested. Dara's expression turned horrified. "ANDWAEEEE!!" she shrieked.

Dara quickly ran and latched herself on TOP's arm. "Seunghyun Oppa!" TOP's eyes widened. "You can't leave Dara with that strange Ahjusshi!" Dara protested. "Doesn't Seunghyun Oppa love Dara? If you do, don't leave!!"

Jiyong felt his jaw clench tight. Oh my dear Ssantoki sshi...you may be acting, but your husband's not taking it very well. *OPPA??!!!* Jiyong shrieked in his mind. *Love? Oh TOP Hyung, you'll meet your doomsday in a couple of minutes.*

TOP looked dumbfounded. "Eh? What?"

Dara pouted cutely, making Jiyong want to rip her away from his Hyung. "Seunghyun Oppa! Dara asked if Oppa love's Dara!

"EHHH??!!" TOP looked utterly shocked. He shot a glance at Jiyong who seemed like he could kill the oldest member of Big Bang any instant. And he was once the cold blooded G-Dragon. His glare was no joke.

TOP looked back at the Dara latched on his arm with the cutest expression possible. "Ahh..." he gulped. "Of..of course I...d-d-do.." he stuttered.

He quickly redeemed himself by plucking himself away from Dara and running to hide behind Bom. "But the love of my life is Bom! Let me off Dara!!" he shrieked in fear.

Jiyong unclenched his fists. *Okay...maybe TOP hyung's doomsday can be postponed till further notice.*

Dara looked crestfallen. "Wae?" she stomped. "Dara wants to be the love of your life too, Seunghyun Oppa!"

Bom raised her brows. *Okay...so maybe my dear Park sister got too absorbed in acting... BUT THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND SHE'S HITTING ON!!!* she screamed in her mind.

"I think we better go." Youngbae ushered them out. "We shouldn't bother them anymore."

The gang left instantly (with TOP flying out of the door first), leaving the apple couple awkward in the living room.

Dara peeked at Jiyong who seemed to still be fuming, but was trying to control his temper. He raised a brow teasingly at her, and Dara blinked in confusion at his change in emotion.

"Dara wants to sleep." she blurted. "Where's the bed, Ahjusshi?"

Jiyong bit his lip trying not to chuckle. He took her hand softly and led her to their bedroom. "This is our bedroom, Dara. Don't you remember?" his voice cracked.

Jiyong cheered inwardly. *Kwon Jiyong. You should be an actor. Actor man!*

Dara frowned cutely. "Ani! Dara said she never came here before." she insisted and flew to jump on the bed. She rolled a few times on the bed and sat up when she saw Jiyong staring at her while taking of his shirt.

Her face turned red and she looked away with a yelp. "AHJUSSHI!" she shrieked. "What are you doing!"

Jiyong smirked. "Changing so I can sleep. What's wrong Dara?"

Dara felt blood rush to her cheeks as she recalled that image of his delicious delicious hard chest and abs.... <*drools*>

She tried to distract herself by diving under the bed covers and closing her eyes, pretending to sleep. Jiyong shook his head in amusement. *Can't stand my hotness Sandara Park?* he thought.

He sauntered over sexily, peering over at her. One of her eyes that was opened quickly shut as Jiyong settled into the covers with her. Dara gulped, her heart thumping loudly in her chest.

Jiyong purposely let out a sexy groan as he stretched. "Ahhh~" he moaned.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Dara's body stiffen and he smiled in victory. That stupid rabbit was having such a hard time with the sexy dragon just inches away from her!!

He bit back a smile and moved closer to her as he moaned again. "Ahhhh~~"

Dara squeezed her eyes shut. *What is Jiyong doing now! Why is he making those.. those.... SINFUL NOISES!!! MY EARS!! MY BRAIN!! MY HEART!!!*

"Ahjusshi why are you making such weird noises?" Dara blurted. Jiyong stifled his laugh. "Eh? Don't mind me Dara, I was just stretching."

*Ah~ Just stretching.* Dara heaved a sigh of relief. *What were you thinking Dara? He was just stretching! Just innocent innocent stre-*

Dara suddenly stiffened as Jiyong threw his arm around her waist and buried his face in her hair. "Goodnight Dara." he muttered huskily. He took a deep whiff of her hair. "Hmmm you smell so good."

Dara gulped. *S-s-stretching?*

Jiyong pressed her closer to him as he kissed her neck softly. Dara's body was now so stiff, you could have used her as a hammer to hammer your nails and she'd still be as straight as a stick!

His naughty hands drew circles on her back and slipped beneath the fabric of her shirt. Dara's mind was in red alert when his fingers caressed her bare skin, sending shivers through her body. *I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!* Dara screamed in her mind.

"Dara's going to the toilet!" she squeaked as she rushed out of the room and slammed the door of the toilet.

Jiyong laughed and shook his head in amusement. "Never been here before, Ssantoki? I don't recall telling you where the toilet was located." he mumbled.

*This is going to be so fun.* he thought.

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