Chapter 55

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"Ssantoki, say ah~" Jiyong beamed at Dara, putting a spoon of strawberry yogurt at her mouth.

Dara blushed, wondering how in the world Jiyong got that idea to feed her. But oh well. ITS JIYONG.

Dara swallowed the yogurt shyly, blushing furiously under Jiyong's intense gaze. She felt like she was the only thing he saw, all his attention was directed at her and only her.

She felt blessed and special. No one had been able to make her feel that way ever.

"Is it good?" Jiyong asked affectionately.

Dara nodded, amused since she was the one who introduced him to yogurt in the first place. Soon, another spoonful of yogurt appeared in front of her mouth as Jiyong attempted to feed her again.

She ate it again, not noticing that some of the yogurt had gotten on her lips. Jiyong blinked at the pink yogurt on the top of her pink luscious lips.

Without being shy or hesitant whatsoever, Jiyong bent forward and kissed her. Dara's eyes widened at his sudden actions, her heart speeding at an insanely speed.

Jiyong licked the yogurt off slowly and pulled back to beam at her. "Whhaa?" Dara asked, unfocused. Jiyong grinned cheekily at her. "Jiyong watched Secret Garden."

Dara mentally smacked herself for letting him watch that show. But oh well, she would have had a yogurt kiss otherwise.

The couple entertained themselves by feeding each other and Jiyong stealing kisses from Dara once in a while. They were suddenly broken from their cute and sweet moment by the doorbell.

Dara went over to get the door. She almost got a heart attack when she peered out of the hole.

"Oh my god." she breathed. Without hesitating, she ran to Jiyong and pulled him up the stairs. Jiyong followed her blindly as she pushed him into their shared wardrobe that was big enough to accommodate a Jiyong.

"Ssantoki?" Jiyong blinked at her confusedly.

Dara put her finger to her lips. "Shh." she whispered. "Ji, I need you to do me a favor. Stay in the wardrobe until I come and get you. And remember. Stay very quiet."

"But why?" Jiyong asked curiously.

Dara's heart stopped again when the doorbell began ringing again. She pecked Jiyong's lips. "I'll be back soon to get you out okay? Just stay here for a while, please?"

Jiyong nodded. "Anything for Ssantoki." he grinned as he shifted uncomfortably in the small wardrobe. Dara smiled softly as she closed the door, making sure to leave a small gap for air circulation.

She ran down to the front door in no time and opened it, but not before putting on a bring smile. "APPA!!" she squealed and tackled the Park Leader with a tight hug.

The Park Leader chuckled and patted his daughter's head. "Alright alright. I miss you too." he smiles tenderly. "Invite me in to your house?"

Dara nodded enthusiastically and pulled her father into the living room and getting him a tea. The Park Leader looked around the house. "This place is not bad." he commented. "But this is far from what you've been living in, Dara."

Dara just smiled, her mind half on Jiyong who was still in the wardrobe. "What brings you here today, Appa?"

The Park Leader grinned. "What? I can't meet my own daughter?" he mused. "It's been too long since we met. I figured I could take time off things to visit you. How's life here?"

Dara blushed at the thought of Jiyong. "Good." she confessed.

The Park Leader raised his brows. "Really?" he asked, surprised. "I had expected you to be begging and pestering me to let you go back to Seoul to help with the fights, once I step into the house."

Dara bit her lip. She had almost forgotten the Kwon Clan and G-Dragon since Jiyong had entered her life. He was her priority.

"Well..." Dara said slowly. "I guess maybe life in Busan isn't as bad as I imagined." she smiled softly.

The Park Leader looked confused for an instant. He knew his daughter inside out, and how she was behaving now wasn't anything he had expected. It was as if...she was in love.

He spotted the two cups of yogurt on the table with two spoons and he grinned knowingly. *Oh. So Youngbae finally got her?*

A loud thump snapped the Park Leader from his thoughts. It was followed by a soft, almost non-existent grunt that no ordinary man could hear. But the Park Leader was no ordinary man.

He saw Dara freeze momentarily and her gaze flew up to the direction of her room for a moment. The Park Leader smiled to himself. He figured out as much. He just hoped he would have grandchildren soon.

*I guess I shouldn't make that poor guy stay in the wardrobe for too long.* The Park Leader stood up. "I'll get going then Dara. Things still need to be done in the Park Clan."

He could swear Dara heaved a sigh of relief. However, she said," That soon?" she walked her father to the door. "I missed you, Appa."

The Park Leader smiled as his daughter pecked his cheeks. "I missed you too, Dara. I promise that you'll be able together back once we defeat the Kwons."

Dara nodded and waved her father goodbye. Her father drove off, while another car came into the driveway. Youngbae got out of the car, slightly missing the Park Leader.

Dara heaved a sigh of relief. If her father had known that she was letting an unknown guy stay in her house, with no background or whatsoever, he would definitely blow his top off.

"Hi Youngbae." she smiled as she hopped up to the second floor to free the poor Jiyong.

The Park Leader on the other hand, drove off with a happy smile. "Hmmm Youngbae is quite a nice guy for my son-in-law. Maybe I did think he wasn't that fitting for Dara, but I guess love has it's ways." he mumbled.

He began reminiscing the past, and grew a little reluctant at the thought of Sandara Park becoming Sandara Dong.

"Sounds not really good.." he muttered. "But oh well. I hope they have Dong babies soon!"

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