Chapter 46

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A woman appeared at the doorstep of the warehouse the next morning at 9am.

Sunggyu looked around, making sure that she didn't have any back up. None.

He signaled to Woohyun and Hoya who went up to open the warehouse doors. "Sandara Park." Hoya smirked.

The woman bowed her head. "I'm here. So let Jiyong go." she growled softly.

"Fiesty." Woohyun cooed. "No wonder she's a Park."

Both of them held onto the woman, one arm per person. The woman had no way to run away.

Woohyun, being the girl fanatic he was, peered over at the woman. He let out a low whistle. "If we have time before handing her to Madam Kwon, I really don't mind banging her. She's fine." he snickered.

Hoya just rolled his eyes at his hyung's lust.

The woman tried hard to bite back her words of protest. *Seunghyun would kill you if he heard what you said.*

Sunggyu waited impatiently as his two dongsaeng's dragged the woman towards him. Sungjong beside him let out a squeal of excitement.

Was this really it? Infinite really caught Sandara Park?

Sunggyu walked forwards to the woman and tilted her head up. His eyes widened. "Holy Crap. Bom?"

Bom smirked as Hoya and Woohyun loosened their grip and she ripped her wig off. "Surprised Leader Gyu?"

That was the last thing Sunggyu heard before he toppled over on the ground, clutching his groin in pain. "What the hell you could have aimed some other place!" he hollered.

Bom smirked as she punched Dongwoo who tried to grab her. "Not when this place is where it'll hurt the most." she grinned cheekily.

"GUYS!" she screamed.

All of a sudden, seven people charged into the warehouse. Seven feared and intimidating people. "CRAP! Its Big Bang and 2NE1!" Myungsoo shrieked as he threw a chair towards them.

Youngbae caught it with one hand and flung it back at Myungsoo, knocking him on the head. "Bingo." he smirked.

CL and Seungri worked as a team. Seungri bent down and acted as a support for CL as she laid on his back. She kicked off the ground and used her legs to knock the Infinite members.

They fell down groaning in pain and Seungri high fived her. "My dear cutie honey pie is the best!" he grinned cutely.

TOP didn't care about the other Infinite members and he charged solely at Woohyun. The younger yelped as he dodged one of TOP's blows. "What's your problem!" the Namstar yelped.

"My problem?" TOP roared. "You freaking wanted to bang my girl you idiot!"

Woohyun glanced at Bom who gave him a serves-you-right look. He paled as he turned back just in time to see TOP throw him a deadly punch.

"Bastard." TOP spat as he dusted his palms.

The fight didn't take long. Big Bang and 2NE1 were too experienced compared to Infinite. They were the best fighters of the Park Clan for a reason.

The Infinite members were left groaning and wincing in pain on the floor at the end of five minutes.

Daesung smiled in triumph and Minzy gave him a hug.

Dara looked around and didn't spot Jiyong anywhere. "Where is he?" she screamed anxiously.

Sungyeol coughed weakly. "Upstairs."

Dara dashed up the stairs to the second level where the lighter goods were kept. She saw Jiyong tied up and crouching at the corner.

Her heart broke and she ran to him immediately. Jiyong's eyes widened and watered when he saw her.

Dara untied his arms and legs in a flash with her experienced hands and yanked the masking tape off his mouth.

She expected his first words to be along the lines of "Ssantoki Jiyong's so scared!" or "Ssantoki why didn't you come faster?"

But instead...

"Ssantoki!" Jiyong hugged her tightly once his hands were free. "Believe Jiyong, Ssantoki! Jiyong really loves you the lovers way! Please believe Jiyong.." he muttered into her hair.

Dara gasped lightly. "Ji..." she whispered. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Jiyong loves Ssantoki.." He repeated into her neck. "Jiyong really really loves Ssantoki. Really really really.."

"Ji." she turned to face him. "I love you too." she smiled softly.

"The lovers way."

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