Chapter 33

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"Waaahhhh!!" Both Jiyong and Dara exclaimed.

The ice skating rink was bright under the dark sky, the trees at the side were all decorated with Christmas like white and pink lights, glittering in the darkness. It was pretty and picture perfect.

There were many couples already there, playing together and having a great time.

Jiyong smiled at Dara who smiled back. "Ssantoki!! This place is a like fairytale!" he exclaimed excitedly.

Dara laughed and ruffled his hair. "Yeah it is."

Youngbae brought them to rent their skates. Out of four of them, three of them didn't know how to skate. Jiyong, Dara and Sohee.

Sohee clung onto Jiyong. "Jiyongie! I don't know how to skate I'm afraid I'll fall!" she whined.

Jiyong shook her off. "Jiyong doesn't know how to skate too. Go hold on to those rails."

Jiyong shuffled off and Sohee had nothing to hold on to. She tumbled down immediately and landed on her butt. Jiyong didn't even look back at her.

Youngbae helped Sohee up and began teaching the three how to skate. "Use one hand to support yourself on the railings first." he instructed.

The three of them obeyed like little kids learning ballet. Youngbae then showed them how to balance themselves and finally letting go of the railings.

Jiyong was an awesome learner and within five minutes, he was twirling round the ice skating rink expertly.

Dara blew a raspberry. "Humphs. I bet Ji was some sort of ice skating national athlete in the past." she mumbled.

Jiyong smiled at her and waved. Dara used the hand that was supporting herself to wave back, and soon she too fell on the cold icy floor.

"Dara!" Youngbae wanted to rush to her, but Sohee who was just beside him slipped and fell too.

Before he could make a decision of who to help first, Jiyong came skating towards Dara and pulling her up. "Ssantoki! Are you alright?" he asked worriedly.

Dara smiled shyly and nodded. "Gwaenchana."

Jiyong took her hand and led her away. "Just follow Jiyong, Ssantoki. Jiyong won't let Ssantoki fall." he promised.

Youngbae looked at them desperately and down at the girl who was trying to get up herself. Being the gentleman he was, he helped Sohee up.

"Jiyong went off with her again!" Sohee whined. "Ggaaaahh!"

Youngbae pitied her and offered his hand. Sohee sighed and took it, balancing with his help. She tried hard to catch up with Jiyong and Dara, but the two had already disappeared in the crowd.

Jiyong held on to Dara's hand firmly, leading her round the rink and expertly avoiding any other skaters. Dara puffed her cheeks. "Ji, you skate so well." she mumbled, with a tige of jealousy present.

Jiyong giggled. "Ssantoki can also skate as well if Ssantoki holds on to Jiyong." he held out their intertwined hands. "Like this."

Dara blushed, her heart skipping a beat. She grew conscious of the warmth that was radiating from his palm, the way she felt secure and safe when she's with him, even if he was just supposed to be a five year old.

She peeked at him. He was handsome, deadly handsome.

Girls around were looking at him, marveling at his good looks. But Jiyong paid no attention to any of them.

Only to her. And it has always been her. She suddenly wanted herself to be everything that Jiyong saw. She didn't want him to look at any other girls.

Dara blinked. *What am I thinking about! It looks like I'm in love with him!*

She gulped. *Am I?*

Dara didn't look where she was going and almost collided with another man. Jiyong yanked her towards him immediately, successfully avoiding the collision.

Dara swallowed as she felt Jiyong's warm breath on her forehead. His arms were wound tightly round her, and her head was pressed against his chest.

"Is Ssantoki okay?" Jiyong asked worriedly.

Dara nodded, not trusting her voice. Jiyong smiled and hugged her tighter, knocking all the way out of her. "Jiyong was scared Ssantoki might be hurt." he mumbled softly.

Dara felt her heart racing, her body warming even though it was supposed to be cold at the rink. "Ji, let go now." she commanded in a small voice.

Jiyong shook his bead defiantly. "Jiyong likes this position. Jiyong wants to hug Ssantoki."

Dara gulped as he brought her hands to grip round his waist and he held her tenderly but firmly.

She could feel his heart beating in that crazy fashion, mirroring her own. *This is mad. Why am I feeling this way for a five year old man?* Dara bit her lip.

"Ssantoki.. Jiyong has something to say." He mumbled in her hair.

"Eh?" Dara blurted, not focusing. Jiyong rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Ssantoki is Jiyong's favorite person in the world. Jiyong likes Ssantoki very much." he whispered.

Dara turned to look at him, and he smiled softly back. Dara felt this warm exciting feeling spreading throughout her body.

"I like you too Ji." she mumbled shyly as she buried her face in his chest again.

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