Chapter 70

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"G-Dragon?" Madam Kwon raised her brows as a man stepped into view.

Dara's breath hitched as she turned her head slowly. Her eyes widened, and a tear trickled down her cheek even before she knew she was crying.

Jiyong. Her Jiyong was back.

He looked the same, except a little unkempt with a rather carelessly shaven face, and the loss of the innocence in those eyes the past Jiyong had. He looked manlier, tougher and colder, but when he met eyes with Dara, she knew he was the Jiyong she fell in love with.

Murmurs and whispers spread throughout the Kwon clan. They were surprised that their Next-in-line leader had suddenly appeared after missing for several months. And most importantly, it was the first time that G-Dragon appeared in front of them bare faced, without his mask.

"That's G-Dragon? Wow he looks even more handsome that I imagined." Gongchan gasped cutely.

"G-Dragon hyung?" Junhyung raised his brows. "I wonder where he went these few months."

"That's G-Dragon??!" The Infinite members were the most shocked. They were the ones who had attempted to kidnap Jiyong in exchange for Dara before. "But!! That's Jiyong!"

Jiyong turned to look at his mother with pleading eyes. His cold eyes finally showed some emotion in front of his fellow clan mates, as he softened. "Umma." he said in a soft voice.

Madam Kwon narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't umma me. I'm Madam Kwon." she hissed. "And I haven't even punished you for disappearing on me for the past few months. But it's okay, at least you're back for our triumphant moment."

Jiyong bit his lip and took a step nearer to them. Dara, despite the circumstances, could not focus on anything else except the fact that Jiyong was in front of her. She didn't hear a word that was exchanged, her eyes fixed on him as she drank in the view. *I never knew I missed him this much.*

"Umma please." Jiyong ignored Madam Kwon's disapproving look. "Can we just call off this war with the Parks?"

Gasps rang throughout the room, and they didn't just come from the Kwon clan members. Even the Park Clan members were surprised, why did the hostile G-Dragon want to call of the war? He was the one who seemed enthusiastic about taking the Park Clan down in the past.

"Are you insane?" Madam Kwon raged. "Have you forgotten what I've told you since your father died? The Parks are our enemies, that can never change."

"No it can." Jiyong's gaze flickered to Dara for a moment. "It can." his voice softened. "We don't need to kill each other, we don't need to be so hostile. We are the biggest two clans in Seoul, why must we fight? I'm tired of this, umma. Just let it go."

"Let it go?" Madam Kwon shrieked hysterically. "How can I let it go if this Park is the one who broke our family apart?"

"Look Umma." Jiyong cut in. "I know you said that Park Leader caused the death of Abeoji, but-"

"EXCUSE ME?" The Park Leader roared. "Can you repeat that? Because I most definitely DID NOT cause the death of your father."

Jiyong looked confused while Madam Kwon growled softly. "Yes you did. You didn't kill him, but you indirectly caused his death."

Jiyong got even more confused and he looked at his mother with doubtful eyes. "What do you mean by he didn't kill Abeoji?" his voice was dangerously low. "You always told me he was responsible for Abeoji's death! I assumed he killed Abeoji!"

"He did!" Madam Kwon shrieked. "He caused it indirectly!"

Jiyong's blood boiled. He had a feeling he had been lied to, and he didn't like it. He wanted solid facts, not assumptions, not perceptions. "Park Leader, tell me what happened." he growled softly.

"There is no need to listen to him!" Madam Kwon shrieked. "They are our enemies! We must kill them!"

"Shut up!" Jiyong pointed his gun at his mother. "Shut up and let me listen to their side of the story. If he deserves dying..." he glanced at Dara. "I' something about it." *In my way.*

Jiyong nodded at the Park Leader and the latter began to pour out the exact happenings, years ago.


The Park Leader then was only a twenty two year old lad. He had a great life, with a best friend and a great wife.

He loved his wife dearly, she was the reason for all his smiles. She loved him even though he was a gangster, and willingly married him even if he didn't manage to give her any wealth or comfort.

His best friend, Mr Kwon, was pals with him since they were young. They shared everything: baths, clothes, secrets, and most importantly, friendship.

If there was something the young Mr Park couldn't have in his life, it was these two people.

The story begins when Mr Kwon found himself a wife too, getting married not long after Mr Park did. Mr Park wanted to congratulate his pal for finding love at last, but something was holding him back.

"Babe, don't you think Kwon's wife looks familiar?" Mr Park frowned, deep in thought.

Mrs Park narrowed her eyes and gasped softly. "Remember that time when we saw a female fan stalking Kwon back home? We warned her and chased her off, remember?" she gulped. "I think that's her."

Mr Park's eyes widened in disbelief. How can his best friend marry a stalker? It wasn't like him. Kwon didn't like any of those fangirls that screamed his name, not to mention stalkers that followed him home.

Mrs Park placed an assuring hand on Mr Park's shoulder. "I'm sure we misunderstood her. He must know what he's doing."

Mr Park watched as his best friend walked down the aisle with his new wife. *I hope so.*


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