Chapter 72

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The loud bang from both guns resonated throughout the room. One of the two gun holders jerked backwards, and collapsed limp on the floor.

Dara felt her heart stop when she saw Jiyong fall. "No." she whispered as her face began to be rapidly stained in her tears. "No!!!"

Madam Kwon had aimed at her son's heart to kill.

Jiyong had aimed at his mother's hand to disarm.

And Madam Kwon had won. Jiyong was the one with a bullet wound in his chest while she only had a badly broken and tattered hand.

She cackled evilly. "G-Dragon?" she smirked. "Don't be merciful if you want to be a Kwon. Disarm me? What the hell were you thinking?"

Madam Kwon threw her empty gun away and bent down to take Jiyong's loaded one. Just then, the Park Leader jerked away from the stunned Kikwang and Changjo and grabbed the gun before Madam Kwon.

The woman's eyes widened in surprise as the gun was pointed at her, before a loud bang resonated and her body dropped on the floor. Dead.

Dara yanked herself out of Sungyeol's grasp and rushed over to Jiyong. He wasn't moving. His front of his chest was completely covered in blood. There was no way she could imagine him to survive that gunshot.

"Ji.." Dara cried as she cradled him. "Please Ji... don't leave me."

The Park Leader roared as he struggled up. "MORONS!" he shouted at the Kwon clan members. "You better save your leader to be, or you'll be left with no leader! Send Jiyong to the hospital! NOW!"


"Babe." TOP held out his hand to Bom who was laying in the hospital bed next to him. Bom took his hand and his large fingers wrapped round her slim ones.

"Seunghyun." Bom sighed softly. Her right leg was propped up high in the air since it was broken and her left hand was covered in a bandage.

"Babe. You didn't have to take those blows for me earlier." TOP whispered guiltily. "Just let them hit me. I don't want you hurt."

Bom looked at him. "Seunghyun. I might as well both of us are hurt a little, and we get to live the rest of our lives together even if we lose a limb or two. Rather than you being so seriously hurt that I lose you forever. You get that, right?"

TOP softened as his grip tightened on her hand. "If not for our state now, i would really have kissed you." he sighed.

Bom giggled. "Then payback after this, Seunghyun. I'll be waiting~"

The others were also injured, but not as much as Bom and TOP. They had bandages here and there, but it didn't stop them from making out in the hospital despite the nurses and doctors throwing them disgusted looks.

Sohee almost fainted when she saw Youngbae with a bandaged chest but Youngbae quickly made her forget with an earth shattering kiss.

Minzy and Daesung cuddled in the hospital chair while CL had to avoid all of Seungri's kisses since her lip was busted.

In the mean time, Dara was sitting on a chair next to Jiyong's bed in the emergency ward. She almost kissed the doctor in happiness when he told her that Jiyong had made it, though barely. Apparently, the bullet was just three quarters an inch away from his heart. It punctured his left lung, but fortunately, he managed to stay alive.

"Ji... My Jiyong." Dara whispered softly as she watched his chest heave up and down in a beautiful fashion. Beautiful because it represented life.

She watched over him and waited for hours, until the rest of the clan had already returned. Her eyes grew heavy after hours of waiting and she laid her head down, her hand still clutching his.

She began slipping in and out of consciousness. She dreamt of walking down the red carpet with her father, Jiyong waiting at the end to take her hand. She dreamt of the times Jiyong would sneak a kiss when she wasn't looking and when she turned to scold him, he'll kiss her again. She dreamt of his hands twitching under her touch...

Dara snapped up. She stared at Jiyong's hand and saw his fingers moving slowly. Jiyong's eyes fluttered opened slowly as he regained consciousness.

"Ji!" Dara flung her arms round his neck and embraced him with all her passion she had. "Ji I'm so glad you're alive."

Jiyong smiled softly as he wrapped his arms round her gently. "I'm glad I'm alive too."

Dara looked him up and down. "Are you feeling alright Ji?" she asked tenderly.

Jiyong nodded. "Never better."

Dara pulled back and smiled at him brightly, only noticing how his eyes dimmed slightly. Jiyong pushed her away and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Ahem." he bit his lip. "Sandara Park. I'm thankful that you stayed back to for me.. But since we are-"

"Ji." Dara looked at him amusedly. "What are you doing?"

Jiyong blinked. "Eh?" he blurted. "I ..I thought it was polite to know.. Thank you since you were .. Err still being nice to me since we parted."

Dara giggled softly as she cupped Jiyong's cheek. "My boyfriend is so cute, even though he isn't a five year old now."

Jiyong raised his brows. "B-b-boyfriend?" he stuttered.

Dara nodded amusedly. "I knew we parted.. But you didn't exactly say let's break up to me didn't you?" she giggled. "So I assumed- mmhhhhffff-"

Jiyong yanked her towards him and captured her lips. Dara's eyes widened in surprise but they quickly fluttered close as she responded back.

She had waited so long for this. Too long for him to come back to her.

And so did he.

He pulled her on his lap and circled his arms round her petite waist tightly. He deepened the kiss as he drew circles on her back.

They pulled away, panting and dazed. Jiyong leant his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes. "I missed you so much, Dara. You don't know how long I've waited to do this." he smiled softly as he intertwined their fingers.

Dara smiled. "I've waited for a long time too. My boyfriend."

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