Chapter 50

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"WHAT THE HELL?" CL roared. "I can't believe you asked him to do that!"

Seungri pouted. "What's wrong?" he asked innocently. "Jiyong couldn't do that to Dara last time because they weren't together yet. But they are now! It's okay for couples to have sex!"

Daesung covered Minzy's ears. "Don't listen babe."

"But Jiyong's like a five year old!" Bom shrieked. "You can't corrupt a five year old's mind like that!"

Seungri pouted. "Yeah yeah I get it. Anyway he didn't continue didn't he?" he shrugged. "I don't think he stayed long enough when I was watching the video to get to the actual part. He only saw the foreplay. No harm done."

"Oh hell that's good enough a harm done. Look at how flushed Dara is." TOP pointed.

Dara was sitting at the side, her cheeks still flushed red. She could not forget how she almost gave in, and how she wanted him as well.

They would have done it, if Jiyong had known what he was doing, and if they didn't get interrupted.


"LEE SEUNGRI!" Dara roared.

Now she realized who was responsible for her boyfriend's strange out of his mind behavior.

"That Seungri!!" Dara sat up and gritted her teeth. "How dare he pollute Ji's mind like that! Ji doesn't know what he's doing and Seungri is the one who made him do these things! That Seungri! I must tell Chaerin about this so she can stop his sexual activities!"

She pumped her fist in the air, only to realize that her shirt was half way up her tummy, her hair in knots, her heart still racing.

One word: Aroused.

*Oh my gosh. I almost did it with Ji!* she flustered. She realized that she had suddenly blanked out of their session and Jiyong wasn't saying anything.

*Did I make him angry?* Dara bit her lip, flustered. *Should we continue? But it's...I'm not ready! ...eotteokhe? I don't dare to face Ji now!*

She gulped and slowly turned her head, expecting to see Jiyong glaring at her for stopping abruptly.

Instead, she saw him sleeping peacefully and snoring softly. His mouth was slightly opened, lips bruised and swollen, the only evidence that he had been engaged in a naughty activity just minutes ago.

"Mmhhhnnff.." Jiyong mumbled and rolled to his side. His arms felt round the bed for his usual "pillow".

Dara had to giggle. Who would have expected him to fall asleep amidst it all?

She laid down beside him and his arms naturally wrapped round her possessively. He pulled her head against the crook of his neck and rested his chin on the crown of her head.

He sighed softly in content and continued sleeping.

Dara smiled softly. *I guess I shouldn't have worried myself over those things. Ji wouldn't have done it anyway.*


"But the scary thing is that I wanted something to happen!" Dara buried her face in her hands. "Now I feel like a pedophile!"


Seungri crept up to Jiyong who was eating his cereals happily. The other members had forbidden him to interact with Jiyong one to one after the incident.

Seungri somehow felt sorry that he had polluted an innocent mind and he wanted to make up to Jiyong somehow.

He took the chance when the rest of the guys were playing Wii and the girls polishing their nails. He crept back to Jiyong and plopped himself in the seat next to him.

"Hello Jiyong!" Seungri smiled.

Jiyong grinned. "Seunggie!!" he smiled widely. "Thank you for telling Jiyong about what to do yesterday! Jiyong didn't know he could kiss Ssantoki now! I like kissing Ssantoki!"

Seungri smiled. *That's the furthest this kid can get anyway.*

"Well, I want to help you and Dara more." Seungri winked. "I'm going to give you more tips to make Dara love you more!"

Jiyong's eyes brightened. "Really?"

Seungri nodded. *No more naughty things now. My knowledge on pleasing women will surely be put to good use!*

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