Chapter 28

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"Bye Ssantoki!" Jiyong waved as Dara drove off. Dara chuckled and waved back, before going off to school.

Jiyong puffed his cheeks slightly, rather reluctant to let her go. "It's okay. Jiyong can see Ssantoki at night." he mumbled.

He hopped into the kindergarten and greeted the teachers. The other kids regarded Jiyong as their idol, since he was the tallest and strongest out of them.

"Jiyong Hyung!" a kid named Jaehwa came running. "I wanna play aeroplane!"

Jiyong nodded and lifted Jaehwa up. Jaehwa squealed happily and spread his arms wide. "Yipee!!! I'm flying!"

Jiyong smiled happily. He liked to see others smile, and the smile he loved the most was the one on Dara.

Soon, the teacher had some activity for the kids to do. She laid out paper and some crayons. "Hey kids!" she smiled. She glanced at Jiyong and nodded. "And Jiyong."

"Here's some paper and crayons!" she exclaimed. "Today, you are going to draw something for someone you treasure! Your mom, your dad, your brother or sister. Make sure you make it pretty and give it to them tonight!"

Jiyong smiled happily and began right away. There was no doubt who he would give the drawing to. It would most definitely be Dara.

He tapped his chin, thinking what to draw. "I must draw a rabbit for my Ssantoki!" he decided.

He picked up the white crayon and began doodling furiously on the white piece of paper. Of course, white on white doesn't show, but Jiyong didn't think about that.

He was ready to burst into tears since the rabbit he drew just didn't turn out right. "Waaahhh!! Why does my rabbit keep disappearing?" he sobbed.

The teacher came right then and helped him out. "Use a different colour crayon or paper Jiyong." she suggested.

Jiyong nodded and took pink instead. He began to draw very intently, the best of his abilities. He drew a rabbit and a carrot next to it, and rainbows for the effect.

But Jiyong wasn't very good at drawing, and it turned out to be a whole mess of colors just mixed together. He even exceeded the paper and the table was full of his crayon marks.

He pouted at the mess he made and he looked over to the little girl sitting beside him. He frowned even more when be saw that the girl had drawn a perfect unicorn.

He puffed his cheeks. "Jiyong can't give this to Dara. This won't make Dara smile at all..."

He chucked the piece of drawing into his bag and began venturing to the playground to find something to amuse himself with.

He stopped when he saw a little boy and little girl sitting at the top of the slides. The girl was crying because she didn't dare to go down the slide.

The boy looked flustered and he didn't know what to do to stop her from crying. "Don't cry Mihye!!" the boy flustered.

The little girl wailed. "I don't want to slide down anymore Byunghun Oppa! This is too high!" she complained.

The little boy covered her eyes from looking down. "Don't cry anymore Mihye. I'll tell you a secret." he bargained.

The girl sniffed. "What secret?" she asked curiously.

The boy grinned. "I love you Mihye." he giggled. True to his word, Mihye broke into a large smile. "I love you too Byunghun Oppa!"

Jiyong's mouth formed an "O" shape. *So that's how you make someone smile!*


Dara sauntered back into the house after school. She had a bad bad bad day.

She felt humiliated and angered. She knew she shouldn't take that fangirl's word seriously, but she can't help but feel sad at it.


Youngbae had gone to help Dara get her food, so Dara was just patiently waiting at one of the tables in the cafeteria. To her surprise, a girl she didn't know approached her and gave her a slap.

The sound of the slap resonated throughout the cafeteria, gaining attention.

"Slut!" the girl growled. "Who are you to get Youngbae Oppa's attention? You're a bitch!"

Dara frowned. "Hey I think you misunderstood. Me and Youngbae are just friends."

The girl glared. "Better be. If it was any of the other 2NE1 members I wouldn't have minded. But you're the ugliest and most useless amongst them Sandara Park. You're just an empty shell."

Dara clenched her fists and tried hard not to punch that bitch. The bitch smirked and stalked away, leaving Dara to feel extremely upset.


"Ssantoki!!!" Jiyong emerged from the room and gave her his welcome hug.

"Hi Ji." Dara smiled half-heartedly. "Have you eaten?"

Jiyong nodded. "Bom Corn gave me corn."

Dara nodded. "Then I'll be upstairs." she sighed tiredly. Jiyong pouted.

His Dara doesn't seem to be happy today. In fact, she seemed rather depressed. And he didn't like it. Not one bit.

*Jiyong should make her smile!* he thought happily

Dara was halfway up the stairs when she heard Jiyong calling her. "SSANTOKI!!"

Dara turned curiously.

"SSANTOKI!" Jiyong waved and screamed. "JIYONG LOVES YOU SSANTOKI!!"

Dara's mouth fell open as her heart momentarily stopped. *He loves me?*

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