Chapter 30

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Dara woke up the next morning to find Jiyong hugging her tightly as usual. Her heart skipped a beat as she watched him mumble in his sleep, furrowing his brows slightly.

*He looks so handsome.* she sighed dreamily. She blinked.

*WHAT DID I JUST THINK ABOUT?!!* she slapped herself.

The action made Jiyong stir and he opened his eyes slightly. "Ssantoki??" he mumbled.

Dara jumped out of his arms immediately with a flushed expression. "GOOD MORNING JI! It's late so I'm going to make breakfast now!" she yelled frantically and dashed out of the room.

Jiyong opened his eyes and pouted. "Ssantoki so weird..." he puffed his cheeks. He smiled cutely. "But Jiyong still likes Ssantoki!"


"Seunghyun Hyung~~~" Seungri whined. "Tell me please~ I'm called Seunghyun and you're called Seunghyun too! This must be fate hyung! Will Choi Seunghyun please help Lee Seunghyun?" he battled his eye lashes.

TOP shrugged. "Sorry man. Your girl's not talking to you, not me. You should ask her."

Seungri pouted. "But Bom Noona would have known, so you would know too! Tell me~~" he whined. He shot a glance at CL who was ignorning him.

CL growled and slammed her spoon down. "Don't disturb others Seungrat. No one goes around hugging and kissing their friends on the cheek!" she spat.

Seungri's eyes widened in surprise. "So that's the reason my baby isn't talking to me??" he cooed, squishing CL's face.

CL turned red and yanked his hands off. "Ewww don't use aegyo maknae, you're not fit for it." Daesung gagged.
"Jihye's just my cousin and I haven't seen her in a year!" Seungri continued, ignoring Daesung's remark. "I'll always to be faithful to my dear cutie honey pie Chaecat!" he nuzzled CL's cheek.

CL blinked in surprise. "She's your cousin?" she blurted without thinking.

Seungri smiled smugly. "Yeah. You were jealous right?" he clapped. "HAH! I never thought my dear cutie honey pie would ever get jealous!"
"Ugh." CL buried her face in her hands. Minzy giggled. "Don't worry Chaerin unnie, every other girl would be a friend to Seungri Oppa except you."

CL wrinkled her nose while Seungri nodded enthusiastically.

Dara gulped at the word "friend." *Yes, friends. Jiyong and I are just friends. I love him as a friend.*

Just then, the doorbell rang and TOP went to get it. A minute passed and he returned with another girl who was holding a whole pie in her hands.
"Seunghyun, who's this?" Bom asked curiously.

"ANNYEONGHASEYO!" the girl bowed enthusiastically. "I'm Ahn Sohee and I've just moved into the house opposite yours! We are going to be neighbours from now on!"

"Ah~" everyone nodded. "Sit down Sohee sshi, eat breakfast with us." Youngbae offered.

Sohee's face brightened significantly. "I can?" she beamed. "I brought this apple pie for you too! I hope we will be good neighbours!"

Everyone began introducing themselves and Sohee responded enthusiastically to everyone of them. All but Jiyong. He ate his food in the corner, smiling widely to himself and occasionally at Dara, seeing nothing but food and Dara.

Once Sohee fixed her gaze on Jiyong, she found that she couldn't turn away. He wasn't the prettiest guy, I mean, compared to Taemin no one is prettier. (I couldn't help that ^^) But he was charming in his own way and most definitely handsome.

"Who's that?" Sohee asked in a dreamy voice.

Dara's face hardened at how Sohee was looking at Jiyong, but she nudged Jiyong nevertheless. "Ji, introduce yourself." she whispered.

Jiyong looked up at Sohee and cocked his head to the side. He blinked several times and returned to his food. "Ji!" Dara hissed.

Jiyong pouted. "Jiyong's more interested in eating, and Ssantoki." he said honestly.

Dara reddened and cleared her throat. "Ahem I'm sorry, he has a mental capacity of a five year old. He's called Jiyong." she explained.

"A five year old?" Sohee's bottom lip trembled. "Tell me what happened!" she exclaimed with full concern.


"So that's what happened to my poor Jiyongie!" Sohee cooed and stroked Jiyong's hair, which the latter frowned at. "Jiyongie don't worry, I'll still take care of you!"

Every one tried hard not to gag. "Ah well.. it's the weekends so my Bominator and I are going for a date." TOP pulled Bom away.

Daesung and Minzy smiled meekly. "Hehe us too." they skipped out, holding hands.

Seungri looked longingly at CL. "MY DEAR CUTIE HONEY PIE~~"

"Yeah yeah yeah let's go alright?!" CL snapped. Seungri grinned and whisked her out in no time.

Dara tapped her chin, thinking what she would do with Jiyong for the day, when Youngbae beat her to it. "Dara ah, let's go out. Just the two of us." he suggested.

Dara raised her brows. "But what about Ji?"

"I CAN TAKE CARE OF HIM!" Sohee offered immediately.

"But-" Dara hesitated.

"Don't worry Dara, sometimes you have to let him grow up." Youngbae advised, looking at Sohee trying to get Jiyong's attention.

Dara frowned slightly and nodded. "Neh. Let's go out then Youngbae.."

Jiyong pouted as Dara and Youngbae went out together. His heart cringed ever so slightly and his mood dampened.

*Jiyong must not cry, or Ssantoki will leave me.* he told himself over and over again.

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