Chapter 48

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"Ssantoki, Jiyong will miss you." Jiyong pouted as he hugged Dara tightly in front of the kindergarten. The caretakers were looking at them with renewed interest and new gossips were surfacing.

However, Dara didn't care. She smiled into Jiyong's chest, hugging him just as tightly. It was a pleasant feeling to be able to express her thoughts and affections without thinking of the consequences, without thinking of the in the most logical way.

She loved him, and that was all she cared about.

"I don't want to go too, Ji." Dara mumbled. "But I have to go to the university, and you have to go to kindergarten. Seungri will come and fetch you after school okay?" she cupped his cheeks.

Jiyong puffed his cheeks and thought for a while. "Okay then. If only Ssantoki agrees to make me pancakes later!" he beamed.

Dara giggled and ruffled his hair. "Arraso. Be a good boy at school okay? I'll see you at night." she waved and got into the car.

Jiyong watched her as she left, jumping up and down like a lunatic. "BYE SSANTOKI!! JIYONG LOVES YOU!" he screamed.

Dara blushed as she stared at him through the rear mirror. *I love you too, Ji. I love you, a lot.*


"Will you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop looking at the clock?" Bom asked exasperatedly. "You've been staring at it since the beginning of club activities! If you really wanna go back to your baby boy that much then go!"

"I can?" Dara's eyes brightened.

CL rolled her eyes. "No. She was kidding." CL scoffed. "Come on Dara concentrate."

Dara bit her lips guiltily. "Mian." she reddened. "I.. just want to return as soon as possible." she mumbled incoherently. Minzy unfortunately heard and she giggled. "You do like Jiyong Oppa a lot don't you, Dara Unnie?"

Dara blushed pink and she played with her fingers. "Ani." she shook her head. "I don't like him. I love him." she smiled dreamily.

Bom, CL and Minzy gagged dramatically. "Wow I've never seen this side of you, Dara." Bom shook her head. "This is certainly new. I really never expected you to fall for Jiyong."

CL nodded. "Especially not when you already had Youngbae." she searched Dara's eyes. "Are you sure this is what you want, Dara? A guy who can't provide for you, a guy with an unknown past, a guy with an uncertain future.. is this what you want?"

Dara smiled teasingly. "After all, they say that love conquers all right?" she winked.

Bom giggled and hugged her Park sister. "Awww even if things become rough, I know you'll be happy because it's him."

Dara nodded. *Yes, because it's Ji, nothing else matters.*


Seungri peeked at Jiyong who was dancing along to the Power Puff Girl's theme song. *EWWW Gay.* he scoffed. *I can't believe this baby man is the one who defeated my Youngbae Hyung, stealing my Dara Noona's heart!*

Jiyong sang loudly and beamed at the TV. Seungri chuckled at how happy he looked. *But at least I know they really love each other.*

"Maybe I should help this innocent baby man have some progress in his relationship!" Seungri snickered.

The TV shut off just as Blossom and Bubbles were fighting against a monster. Jiyong's brows creased in irritation and he stood up angrily. "YAHHHH!" he growled.

Seungri, being a gangster, actually felt afraid of this baby man for an instant. He collected his guts while Jiyong yelled at him. "Seunggieeeee!! Jiyong was watching it!" he whined.

"Neh I knew!" Seungri flustered. "But I have more important things to talk to you about!" Jiyong just stared longingly at the TV, trying to turn it back on with his mind power.

"Yah!" Seungri waved his hands in front of Jiyong. "Are you listening?"
Jiyong ignored him.

"It's about your Ssantoki~~" Seungri mused.

Jiyong's head whipped up and he paid full atteniton. "WHAT ABOUT SSANTOKI?" he yelped. Seungri smirked. *Gotcha.*

"Well," Seungri started. "If you want to make Dara happy, this is what you should do." Jiyong nodded enthusiastically and followed his every word.

"You know that time you came over to Big Bang's house when Dara wasn't free as well?" Seungri asked and Jiyong nodded in response. "Well, you peeked at me watching some ahem.." he flushed red. "Videos right?"

Jiyong recalled the moaning and groaning sounds he heard from the video. Jiyong blinked. "Yeah, Jiyong remembers."

Seungri smirked as he leaned closer and whispered in Jiyong's ear. "Now that you're Dara Noona's boyfriend, you can do those things in the video to her. She'll be really pleased!"

Jiyong brightened and hugged Seungri. "Gomawo Seunggie! You're the best!"

Seungri smirked. *I know.*

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