Chapter 10

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Jiyong wolfed down his ice cream, smearing the white desert all over his mouth. Dara giggled. They had just met today, but she couldn't count how many times this man, or more appropriately, child, made her laugh.
Dara shook her head in amusement and took out a packet of tissue, reaching to wipe his mouth. Jiyong leaned forward to let her do her thing while his cheeks formed round balls as he smiled.

"You want some, Ssantoki?" Jiyong offered her his half eaten ice cream.
Dara shook her head. "It's okay Jiyong. You can have it all."

Jiyong pouted. "Jiyong likes ice cream. Jiyong wants Ssantoki to have it too." he whined.

Dara softened. She grinned and leaned to lick his ice cream. Jiyong clapped happily and Dara just ruffled his hair. *I don't think having Jiyong stay with me will be a trouble at all.*
Hell, was she wrong.


"Jiyong, I'll take the couch and you can sleep on the bed alright?" Dara pointed to her bedroom. She had bought Jiyong some clothes while they were out, and he was now decked in the pokemon pajamas he personally chose.

Jiyong puffed his cheeks and looked at her. "Can't Ssantoki sleep with Jiyong?" he asked sadly.
Dara shook her head. "I'll sleep on the couch. Go sleep on the bed Ji. Goodnight!" she fluffed the pillow and laid down as she heard Jiyong shuffle into the bedroom.

She closed her eyes and let out a small breath. *Perhaps having Jiyong here would make this stay more tolerable.*


Dara was dreaming of running after G-Dragon, where for the first time, that gangster seemed afraid of her. She smirked and pointed the gun at him.

G-Dragon narrowed his eyes at her. "Die G-Dragon." Dara hissed.

And then be pounced. Both of them fell to the ground and he tackled her, trapping her to the floor with his arms round her waist. He smirked. "No. You die."

Dara's eyes snapped opened and she heaved a sigh of relief when she realized she was still in the living room. *Thank god. I thought I was going to die under the hands of that bastard.*

She shifted, closing her eyes to sleep again, when she realized the space on the couch seemed much lesser than before.

And there was a pair of hands draped round her waist just like her dream.
She stiffened. *G-Dragon?*

She turned her head slowly, only to see Jiyong's peaceful sleeping face. His chest was heaving as he breathed softly, and he looked do innocent and calm.

Dara softened. *He came to sleep on the couch with me?*

She nudged Jiyong gently and the latter opened his eyes one tenth to it's normal size. "Jiyong, you have to sleep on the bed. Come on, I'll bring you back."

Jiyong nodded and followed her in his half-awakened state, and Dara was soon tucking him in the bed. She smiled a small smile and went back to the couch to sleep.


To only wake up another ten minutes later to find the same pair of arms cuddling her close.

She raised her brows at Jiyong, who was sleeping peacefully. *He came out again?*

She repeated the same steps, bringing Jiyong back to the bedroom and going to sleep herself on the couch.

... And the whole thing repeated itself for another three more times, and no matter how Dara persuaded Jiyong to stay in the bed, he could come back to the couch.

"Jiyong wants to sleep with Ssantoki..." Jiyong mumbled as he made a weak attempt to pull Dara down on bed with him in his half-conscious state.

Dara glanced at the clock. It was already four in the morning and tomorrow was the first day they all were going to the local university.
She sighed softly as she climbed into the covers with Jiyong. She wasn't going to get any sleep unless she fulfilled his wish. She patted his arm. "Go to sleep Ji, I'll sleep here."

Jiyong smiled with his eyes closed and hugged Dara like she was his bolster. Her head rested against his chest, and his firm grip was nothing near comfortable, but Dara soon fell asleep as fatigue caught up with her.


Dara woke up the next morning to a hard muscular chest. She blinked in surprise as last night's events replayed in her mind. Despite herself, she blushed, realizing it was the first time she shared a bed with a man, a child-like one, but nevertheless a man.
She sat up to get ready for her first lessons, when her leg brushed across some wet part of the bedsheet. She frowned. *The ceiling's leaking?* she glanced up.

She frowned when she realized it wasn't it. Which was then she took a deep breath, only to smelt a little...foul.
She raised her brows as Jiyong began waking up. He sat up and smiled at Dara, his eyes half opened. "Morning Ssantoki!"

Dara nodded. "Morning Ji." she greeted. "Time to wash up Ji."
Jiyong fell back down on bed and snored. Dara nudged him and shook him, but nothing would wake him up. She sighed. *No other choice.*

She tugged at the blanket, pulling it off him in one swift move. Her eyes widened.

"JIYONG!!! YOU SHITTED ON MY BED!" Dara screamed.



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