Chapter 22

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"KiHwa Orphanage?" Dara jumped out of her seat. "Ji's there?"

CL smiled softly. "Yeah he is."

Dara squealed and hugged all the girls. "Yes! Thanks for telling me!"
Bom giggled at how stupid she looked. "If you really want to thank, you better thank Youngbae for finally opening his mouth. I think it took him a lot of thinking to finally decide to let you get Jiyong back."

Dara glanced at Youngbae who was silent all the time, listening to their conversation. She approached him meekly and hugged him gently. "Thank you Youngbae." she smiled into his chest.

Youngbae chuckled and stroked her hair. "Just make sure Jiyong won't be such a nuisance anymore."

Dara's face lit up. "He won't anymore! I promise!" she squealed "I'll get him back now!" she exclaimed and darted out of the door.

The smile on Youngbae's face disappeared and he bit his lip hard, restraining the desire to run after her to get her back.

*Don't Youngbae. What she feels for him is just some sort of older sisterly love. Nothing more.*


"KiHwa Orphanage..KiHwa orphanage...KiHwa..." Dara smiled. "It's here!"

She parked the car in a hurry and scrambled to the door, abusing the doorbell and ringing it incessantly. "Open Up!" she pounded.

An irritated motherly woman opened the door with a frown. "Who are you looking for?"

Dara smiled excitedly, jumping restlessly. "Hi! I'm here to look for-"
A blur of a figure pushed past the motherly woman at the door and pounced on Dara, causing the both of them to fall on the ground.


The figure hugged her tight and sobbed into her chest. Dara gasped and patted his head. "Ji?"

The motherly woman came up to them with a soft smile. "So you're the Ssantoki Jiyong kept talking about all day? I'm so glad you came!" she exclaimed. "He kept crying for you for all the week, and nobody could get him to stop, especially when he had such massive strength."

Dara softened and stroked Jiyong's back in a soothing fashion. "I'm sorry Ji. Nothing like that will happen again."

"I'm assuming you'll be taking him back?" the woman asked.

Dara smiled and gave a happy firm nod. "Most definitely! And I'll make sure he doesn't end up here again!"

The woman's eyes softened and gave them a knowing look. "It may be hard agashi, but from what I see you two are very important to each other, so just don't give up."

Dara nodded and pulled Jiyong up. "Ji. We're going home alright?" she wiped away his tears carefully.

Jiyong's bottom lip trembled and he looked at her hesitantly. "Really?" he sniffed.

Dara giggled and took his hand. "Really."

Jiyong's crying face broke into the widest smile possible. It was so bright that even the sun paled in comparison.

"YAY! JIYONG IS GOING HOME WITH SSANTOKI!!!" he exclaimed and hugged Dara tightly, knocking the air out of her.

Both of them tumbled into the car as Jiyong continued jumping in excitement and happiness. The car bumped away like it was driving through some sort of bumpy road, because of Jiyong's continuous jumps even in the car.

The caretaker of the orphanage smiled softly as she watched them go.

*That was the only smile I saw Jiyong wear on his face for this past week. It seems like only that Ssantoki girl can make him smile like that.*


Jiyong had washed up and changed into a new set of spongebob pajamas that Dara bought for him. He jumped on the bed, while pulling Dara in with him.

"Ji, I need to wash up!" Dara protested.

Jiyong shook his head and trapped her firmly in his arms. He positioned her comfortably in his chest and cuddled her.

"Don't leave Jiyong, Ssantoki." he mumbled softly. "Jiyong won't cry when Ssantoki wants to go out, Jiyong won't make Ssantoki wake up at night to tell Jiyong stories, Jiyong won't spoil Ssantoki's work anymore. Jiyong will be a good boy. Jiyong promise!"

Dara softened and she hugged him softly. "Ji..."

"So please don't leave Jiyong again, Ssantoki." Jiyong whispered softly. "Please."

A single tear rolled down his cheek as he fell in much needed sleep he lacked for the past week. Dara smiled softly as she closed her eyes to join him in dreamland.

"I won't leave you again, Ji." she whispered.

"I promise."

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