Chapter 65

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One Month Later

"Jing Young ah! Delivery to Sam Hwa drive!" Ahjuma called loudly.

"Coming!" a handsome faced young man took the chicken orders from the ahjuma. His eyes widened at the large amounts of chicken.

"Wow." he exclaimed. "They're having a thirty people party or what?"

Ahjuma laughed. "No Jing Young." she shook her head. "Its just that kid Lee Jinki. He loves chicken."

The guy gulped at the chicken that could serve a whole army. "This isn't love. This is obsession." he mumbled.

"Bye ahjuma! I'll go deliver this!" he smiled and got on his motorbike, speeding off.

He smiled softly as the wind hit his face with full force. He loved delivering, even if it isn't that exciting as his gangster life. But at least, he isn't doing anything that harms others, and be still gets to drive a bike.

He soon arrived at the Sam Hwa drive where a dorky looking guy was pacing at the ground floor, tapping his feet impatiently.

"Yah you!" he growled as he snatched the chicken from the delivery boy's hands. "I waited so long for my chicken! Don't you know that I'll die if I don't have chicken? Do you want me to die?"

The delivery boy remained silent and gave him the change. "Thanks for ordering." he bowed slightly and drove off.

Jinki rolled his eyes. "What a rude guy." he mumbled. "Who does he think he is? Onew?" he scoffed.

His gaze fell on the chicken and his frown was immediately replaced by a grin. "OH MY CHICKY CHICKY CHICKCAAAANN~~"

The delivery boy took a longer route from Sam Hwa drive, taking a large turn to return to the chicken eatery.

He did this every time he had a delivery, he never seemed to be bored of going pass this place.

He never found it irritating and frustrating to look from the outside, to never show his face, to look from afar.

The familiar house appeared as he drove closer and he hid behind another truck, keeping his gaze on the house. That very house he spent the last few months in. The very house he made friends with the enemies. The house he fell in love.

Something tugged at his heart. He scolded himself.

"Kwon Jiyong." he muttered. "How many times have you come to check on Dara? Why do you still want to go in to look for her? You know you can't be with her so why do you even think about it?"

He closed his eyes and a sigh escaped his parted lips.

*Because I still love her.*

The doors opened and a beautiful girl came out of the house. She wasn't smiling though, and she looked tired and weary with dark circles round her eyes.

Jiyong flinched. *Hasn't she gotten over the fact that I left her?*

She came out with a watering can and began watering the flowers, while Jiyong continued to watch her. He lost track of time, gazing at her fondly. As did her, as she got lost in her memories of him.

Just then, another car came driving into the driveway and Jiyong perked up. He glanced at his watch and cursed. He was late.

He drove off immediately. He could come back a night to make sure Dara was safe.


Dara looked up as a car rolled into her drive way. From the corner of her eyes, she saw a delivery boy from a chicken eatery she never ordered from, drive off.

"Dara ah."

Dara's eyes rounded as her father stood in front of her with his arms wide. "Appa!" she cried and ran into his embrace.

The father flinched when he saw how broken his daughter was. He had learnt of the whole Jiyong and G-Dragon business from Big Bang.

However, Youngbae had advised him not to do anything since Dara was still in a weak state after Jiyong left.

But after a month, his daughter was still the same weak self she was a month ago.

She hadn't gotten over the fact that he had left her. She really meant it when she said that she couldn't live without him.

The Park Leader cursed inwardly. That G-Dragon was really a bastard. When he was G-Dragon, he wanted to capture his daughter. When he was Jiyong, he made his Dara fall for him and then proceeded to break her heart.

But Jiyong did love her. That was what Big Bang and 2NE1 kept repeating over and over, and the only thing that kept him from coming until now.

"Dara." The Park Leader sighed and stroked his daughter's hair.

"I'm dying, Appa." Dara sobbed softly. "I really miss him. I miss him so much, I feel like dying. Why must I be Sandara Park and he be G-Dragon? Why?"


"I would do anything to be with him, Appa." Dara continued. "I love him so much."

The Park Leader frowned. "Is he that good? Why do you want him that much? He left you for God's sake."

"That's because he hasn't come in terms with the fact that he is G-Dragon AND Jiyong! Jiyong is in him no matter what, not only that cold gangster." Dara protested.

The Park Leader sighed and cupped his daughter's cheeks. "What can Appa do to make his daughter happy again?" he asked sadly.

"Don't fight with the Kwons anymore." Dara pleaded. "Please Appa. I don't want us to hurt Ji. I don't want our families to be enemies."

"But his mother killed your mother!" The Park Leader roared.

"Please." Dara looked up at her father.

The latter sighed and hugged his daughter's small shivering frame. "I'll try, Dara. I'll try."

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