Chapter 26🎆

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Dara picked Jiyong up from the kindergarten and the latter hopped into her car excitedly, narrating everything that happened that day

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Dara picked Jiyong up from the kindergarten and the latter hopped into her car excitedly, narrating everything that happened that day.

"And then Jiyong and his friends played a game called catch!" Jiyong hopped up and down his seat. "And Jiyong won every round!" he exclaimed smugly.

Dara giggled. Of course he would win. He had a brain of a five year old alright, but his body was still of a twenty somethin man!

"And they gave Jiyong this white disgusting mushy thing!" Jiyong gagged. "It was eeeky! Jiyong doesn't like it!" he pouted.

Dara raised her brows. "What's that?" she asked. "Porridge?"

Jiyong nodded, his eyes furrowed. "Jiyong doesn't like porrree rriige.. Eeeky." he stuck his tongue out.

Dara laughed and ruffled his hair. "I'll make you pancakes once we get back alright?"

Jiyong smiled widely and nodded enthusiastically. Dara's eyes fell on his lips and she gulped.

Her cheeks began flushing red and her heart pounding hard against her chest. *Sandara Park! Get a hold of yourself! This guy is your dongsaeng!*

"Jiyong is hungry..." Jiyong pouted.

Dara nodded and averted her gaze from him. She was afraid that any more distracted she got by Jiyong, they would get into an accident.


"Ssantoki! Jiyong wants kimchi!" Jiyong smiled widely.

Dara flushed red and she pushed the bowl of kimchi to Jiyong without meeting the latter's eyes. "Thank you Ssantoki!" Jiyong exclaimed.

Dara nodded and focused on her rice. "Uhhhmmm."

CL raised her brows at her. *Dara's behaving strangely.*

Youngbae scooped some of the food on Dara's plate. "Eat more Dara. You're so skinny."

Dara smiled warmly. "Thanks Youngbae."

Jiyong pouted and he scooped generous amounts of the clam dish on Dara's plate. By generous amounts, I mean almost the whole serving. "Eat more Ssantoki!"

Seungri pouted. "Yah Jiyong! I wanted to eat that too!" he whined.

CL smacked Seungri's head. "Just eat what's left Seungrat!"

Seungri smiled cheesily at her. "Yes my dear cutie honey pie Chaecat~~~"

The rest of them gagged. "What the hell?" TOP rolled his eyes. "Dear cutie honey pie Chaecat? That was so cheesy!"

Seungri slung his arm round CL's neck. "What's wrong with having endearments for my girlfriend?" he winked.

"GIRLFRIEND?" everyone chorused.

CL flushed red and wriggled out of Seungri's grip. "I'm starting to regret it already." she muttered loudly.

Everyone laughed at Seungri's pouting expression. Bom raised her brows. "Seriously CL! What made you accept him all of a sudden?"

CL gave a pissed look. "I was tricked okay!" she fumed. "He appeared at the door covered in blood and I thought he was dying! He said his last wish was for me to be his girlfriend! Of course I would have agreed!"

Daesung guffawed. "That was such a good one maknae!" he high fived the maknae who was grinning widely.

"Awww my Chaecat~" he cooed and poked her cheek. "If you didn't think I was dying, you wouldn't have revealed your true feelings right?"

"Yah! Just eat!" CL growled softly. Dara laughed and focused on her food. *That's right. If you thought that person was dying, you would reveal your true feelings.*

"I wonder what Jiyong's reaction will be if he thought I was dying?" she mumbled under her breath.


"SSANTOKI!" Jiyong yelled. "Come watch Power Puff girls with Jiyong!"

Dara played with her fingers nervously. The other members ad left much to her disappointment. She didn't know why it was suddenly so difficult for her to be in the same room alone with Jiyong all of a sudden.

"Uh Ji," Dara shook her head. "I have homework. You watch it yourself."

Jiyong pouted, but he didn't protest. Dara heaved a small sigh of relief and ducked to her room. She looked at the bed and realized that she would have to sleep with Jiyong later at night.

She face palmed herself. "Why am I getting nervous about all these all of a sudden?" she asked no one.

She decided to take her mind off things and read a magazine. Time passed as she flipped through the pages.

Suddenly, she felt an uncomfortable feeling in her abdomen. She glanced at the calendar. *Oh shit! Its that time of the month again!*

She felt a gush of liquid and she scrambled to the toilet with an extra change of pants and a pad.

Jiyong on the other hand, had just finished watching Power Puff girls. He wondered what his Ssantoki was doing and he went into her room.

To his surprise, he saw her rushing to the toilet in a flurry.

His eyes widened when his sharp eyes caught the red patch at the back of Dara's pants. Blood.

"Ssantoki..." Jiyong croaked in disbelief.

"Ssantoki is dying!

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