Chapter 7

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Dara skipped happily towards the convenience mart that was near her house. She admired the buildings along the way, even though they were nothing compared to the mansion she lived in before.

But somehow, without the guards all around her, everything seemed much more beautiful.

2ne1 are like her sister, but they had a job. And the job was to protect her. Even as sisters, they could be rather paranoid at times.

She smiled softly at the brief genuine freedom she got, when her gaze fell on a broken form of a man, lying in the middle of the road.

There weren't many cars down the road at this time, fortunately, or the guy would have been run over.

Dara gasped lightly and run to the man immediately. She winced as she saw the blood that had already started to dry, clotting at his hair.

He has an unfamiliar face, but a handsome one. And most definitely badly injured.

Dara whipped out her phone immediately and dialed for the ambulance. "Sir are you awake? Please wake up!" She rocked the man in her hands.

He remained unconscious, seemingly hinting the severity of the impact. Dara saw the shards of glass on the floor and she cursed inwardly. *Stupid drunks that drinks in the day.*

She pulled the man in the sidewalk, not wanting to stay in the middle of the road. She didn't see the dragon mask that fell out of his pocket, laying forgotten on the floor. The only piece of evidence for his identity, and she missed.


"What do you mean five year old?" Dara laughed nervously. "He's definitely more than twenty."

The doctor sighed apologetically. "The impact on his head had caused a concussion. Its too serious. It has affected his mental capabilities and his IQ. It would have dropped below fifty, which renders him helpless like a five year old."

Dara gasped, not believing. "But will he get his IQ back?"

The doctor twisted his lips. "Its hard to say. His memories are also gone, so it's like starting life from five years old again with a blank piece of paper as his memory. It will be hard work taking care of him."

Dara sighed as she eyed the broken man lying on the hospital bed. She felt sympathetic.

"I know its not your responsibility to take care of him since you just found him off the road, so I can entrust him in some welfare service." the doctor offered.

Dara bit her lip. She looked at the man. She wanted to know him more. She didn't want to leave him in the hands of a strangers.

"Its okay. I'll take care of him." Dara smiled softly.


Dara gazed at he man that was breathing softly as he rested. *A mental capacity of a five year old.* she flinched. *Would he be sad?*

She shook her head. Its a blessing he was going to be a five year old, he wouldn't know to be sad.

She cocked her head to the side and watched as he slept.

Where did he lived in the past?

Who was he?

What did he do for a living?

Dara sighed softly. *To him who's ignorant, he wouldn't feel sad. But knowing he just lost his whole life just like that....its sad.*

Her brows raised as she noticed his rough fingers moving slightly. Her gaze snapped to the man's face and she stood up immediately.

"Sir? Are you awake?" she asked worriedly.

The man furrowed his brows, his eyes fluttering open. He blinked confusedly and rubbed his eyes.

He looked around. "Where am I?" came his clear and steady voice.

Dara smiled gently. "Its the hospital."

The man blinked. "Haw-bi-toul?" he scratched his head.

Dara bit her lip to bite back a smile at how cute he looked. *Stop Dara! You're supposed to be sympathetic!*

Dara nodded. "Yeah the hospital." she repeated. "Do you feel unwell or anything?"

The man tapped his body from his shoulders to his legs. He brightened significantly. "I'm alright!" he giggled.

Dara couldn't help but smile. She tilted her head. "Do you know where you lived?"

The man frowned his brows. His cheeks puffed and confusion passed in his eyes. " I...don't know..." he pouted.

Dara nodded. She didn't expect him to remember anyway.

"Do you remember.....who are your parents? What did you do for a living?" she probed.

The man frowned, burying his head in his hands. His bottom lip trembled. "....I don't know!" he burst, ready to cry.

Dara panicked. "Its okay!!!" she assured with a cute smile. "Don't worry. Its okay."

The man smiled and nodded happily, clapping. Dara smiled. It seems she really can't find his family. She would have to care for him to the time being.

"What is your name?" Dara asked, hoping he would remember.

The man pouted again. His bottom lip stuck out and his eyes tilted towards the ceiling in deep thought.

"Its okay if you don't -" Dara started, afraid he would start crying again.

"JIYONG!" the man aka Jiyong clapped. "My name is Jiyong!"

Dara brightened. "Jiyong? Your name is Jiyong? That's great!" she smiled. "Do you remember your surname?"

The smile was wiped off Jiyong's face again. He frowned. "Sir Name? What's that?" he scratched his head.

Dara shook her head good-naturedly. "Its okay."

She walks towards him and took his hand. "I'll be bringing you home okay? Will that be alright?" she asked tenderly. "Jiyong smiled brightly and nodded. "Yes! Jiyong wants to go home with Ssantoki!"

Dara blinked. "Ssantoki?"

"Ssantoki! You're a rabbit!!" Jiyong clapped and pointed at her. "Jiyong is going home with Ssantoki!"

Dara giggled softly at his childishness. "No Jiyong. My name is Dara!"

Jiyong blinked and cocked his head to the side."Daaaaraaaaa?" he drawled on.

Dara nodded. "Yes Dara."

Jiyong looked at the ground for several seconds. Dara blinked at him, not knowing what's going to happen.

"No! You're Ssantoki!" Jiyong clapped. "Ssantoki let's go home!" he squealed and pulled Dara out of the door.

Dara giggled and follow him along.

My Boyfriend's IQ &lt;50Where stories live. Discover now