Chapter 11

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Jiyong blinked at Dara, curious why she was screaming her head off.
Dara's lip trembled at the once pink now brown sheets. And to think she actually slept beside him. OH GOD.
"Ji, don't you know that if you want to pee or shit, you have to go to the toilet?" Dara asked, exasperated.
Jiyong cocked his head to the side. "Toilet? What's that?"

Dara wanted to kill herself for not telling him sooner. He gestured for Jiyong to stand up and follow her, and she instantly regretted it.

Her whole mattress was now in full view, with a pile of poo in the middle. No need to go into full detailed descriptions, one word: disgusting.
Jiyong's once cute pokemon pajamas were also ruined. Dara sighed. *If I happen to be a mother next time, I'm going to be such a fail.*

"Come with me Ji." Dara took his hand and led him to the toilet. She gestured to the toilet bowl.

"This is where you shit or pee Jiyong." she told him seriously. She sat down without pulling off her shorts. "If you want to shit or pee, take off your pants and sit down like this. And then you do whatever you want to. Understand?"

Jiyong nodded, his face smiling because he learnt something new.
Dara bit her lip. Better safe than sorry. "So what do you do when you want to pee or shit Ji?"

"Come here, take off Jiyong's pants and sit on that." he pointed to the toilet bowl.

Dara smiled. "That's right." she seriously hoped it would go in his head.

Then Jiyong said something that made her make up her mind not to put too much expectations on supposed five year olds.

"But what does Jiyong do when Jiyong wants to pee AND shit?" he tilted his head in confusion.

Dara smacked her face. This is going to be a long toilet tutorial session.


"Ewwww!" Seungri gagged. "Eww Eww Eww Eww ewwwww~"
CL punched his arm. "Stop being such a girl and get on with it." she chided.
Seungri almost wanted to let go of his corner of the matress he was carrying. "I'm going to die of disgust Chaecat!" he whined.

The Big Bang members were carrying the shit filled mattress to the nearest dump to discard it as soon as possible. Youngbae was going to buy Dara a new one. Never was he going to let her sleep on where Jiyong decided to shit.

They finally dumped it, and all four of them tall muscular renowned fighters ran out of the dump, holding their nose and wailing.

"I almost died in there!" Daesung fanned himself.

Minzy passed him a bottle of water and fanned him. "Good job Daesung Oppa."

Bom passed TOP a piece of her corn. "Reward for the hero!" she smiled cutely.

CL just sat on the couch, reading the day's newspaper. Seungri pouted and nudged her. "Aren't you going to reward me for my brave act Chaecat?" he tapped his cheek.

CL rolled her eyes. "Please Seungrat. You should be glad I didn't even punch you for being so whiny with the task."

Seungri pouted. "CHAERINNN AHHHH~~~" he whined.

CL sighed and leaned over to him. Seungri brightened and closed his eyes excitedly, waiting for his Chaecat to plant her first kiss on him.
When he felt something cold land on his cheek. He wiped it and to his disgust, it was whipped cream. "Rewarded."  CL smirked and walked off.

Seungri pouted. "Stop playing hard to get Chaecat! You're mine!" he shouted.
Youngbae frowned at Jiyong who was happily eating the pancakes Dara made him. Yes. Dara's first batch of pancakes went to that little brat.
Youngbae felt rather irritated that this Jiyong was causing so much trouble around. He had inconvenienced Dara and the rest of them, and is going to take a whole lot of effort to care for him.

*If only Dara didn't find him in the beginning.* he scowled.

Soon, the gang of fighters were ready for their first day at university. Can you imagine them carrying books and reading them while they walked?
Well don't. Cause it jolly well won't happen.

All their faces were gloomy and depressed about going to school, except Minzy. Seungri and TOP were by far the most upset about the whole matter.

"Why must we go to school?" TOP complained. "Have you seen any gangsters know how to recite Shakespeare?"

Dara chuckled and followed the crowd out, only to be held back by someone grabbing her wrist. "Ji."
"Ssantoki.. Where are you going?" Jiyong frowned, his eyes watery. "Are you leaving Jiyong?"

Dara patted his head. "No. I'm just going to school. I'll be back home soon Ji. Don't worry."

Youngbae scowled at how fast Jiyong earned himself an endearment, and how Dara didn't seem to mind skinship with him.

"But..." Jiyong's bottom lip trembled.
"I'll be back okay?" Dara promised. "Wait for me Ji, I'll be back soon."
They went off, chattering and mostly complaining about school.

Jiyong watched them through the window, his face long. "Ssantoki...don't go..." he whimpered.


Here's a triple update! Sorry if it takes forever 😊 gotta go~!

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