Special Chapter I : My lovely husband...who doesn't care about me. HUMPHS

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"Baby~" Dara cooed. "Ji~~"

Jiyong furrowed his brows intently at the computer he was typing away at. "Yes babe?" he answered half-heartedly. "What does my Ssantoki want?"

Dara frowned. She shook him while he was glued to his desk. "Jiyong~" she whined. "You haven't been paying me attention at all!!" she complained. "Can't you look at me while I'm talking?"

Jiyong pursed his lips and cursed under his breath. "Damn, the SM clan is getting stronger. Hmm must ask Daesung to back up the South's gang strength.." he muttered, before typing away on his computer again.

Dara fumed. "JIYONG!!!" she screamed.

Jiyong seemed totally unfazed. Oh really, how can a screaming woman scare him when he faced guns and rifles and dead bodies before? Heh.. screaming woman.

Dara huffed angrily. When was he going to pay her attention? She had pestered him for so long already! She fumed as she stomped out of the door. At the last minute, she peeked in to see if Jiyong seemed worried for her explosion of emotions, but he didn't even move an inch from his seat, except for those fingers that were still flying around the keyboard.

Dara growled angrily and stalked to their kitchen to get herself a drink.

They had gotten married a month ago, with blessings from 2NE1, Big Bang, and the whole of Kwon and Park clan, also now known as V.I.P. Dara had thought that their marriage would be wonderful, since their relationship had been rather sweet to her.

But no~ Since Jiyong took the role of clan leader, he had tons and TONS of things to do everyday. Check the gang members's welfare, the enemy's recent activities, their territorial rights...

Oh god, he didn't even have time for her!

He was stuck on that computer, or his phone, or he was around with the clan for meetings or was fighting his ass off. He never had time for his dear Ssantoki at all.

What's worse was that their initial three-month honey moon plan to tour around the world was cut short, to a three day jeju island trip. Seriously, around the world...and Jeju. See how disappointed Dara was?

Of course she didn't say anything, because she didn't want to make him feel guilty or anything, but she felt neglected. *Women need to be loved.* she pouted as she set the glass down on the table. *And I'm completely unloved right now.*

Jiyong was out all day, or he didn't pay attention about her. The only times they had together for real was...on the bed.

NUHUH YOU PERVERTED MINDS. Not THAT type of horizontal tango you're thinking about.

But PURE closing of eyes and sleeping type of bed activity. Jiyong was so worn out everyday from fights at all that half the time, he had bruises or broken arms or legs. They only got intimate once during their honey moon trip. The closest they got nowadays was Jiyong's goodnight kiss to her everynight. And it wasn't even on the lips.

Dara was seriously feeling neglected. She needed love man!! She wanted Jiyong to spoil her once in a while, even though she didn't need riches. Just the affirmation that he loves her and all.

She grumbled to herself and went to their bedroom to lay face down on the bed. It was a water bed, not cheap at all, complete with 100% silk bedsheets that glided across her skin. But it wasn't comfortable at all if she was going to sleep on it alone.

"Stupid Jiyong." Dara muttered. "Stupid G-Dragon. Stupid Kwon Leedah. Stupid stupid stupid." she grumbled into the pillow. She grabbed the pillow and pressed her face into it, before letting out a loud scream that was muffled by the soft cotten.


"Oh really?"

Dara blinked several times before she finally realized she didn't just imagine that voice. She turned and there was the devil that was the cause of all her misery, standing there at the doorway in his model-like pose, and heavenly smirk. Dara tried to keep an angry face, but she loved her husband and she wasn't biased when she said he was hot.

*Kyaaaahhh~~ Jiyong looks so sexy!* she screamed in her mind fangirling, while her face threw him the fiercest glare she ever had.

"What do you want, jerk?" Dara hissed.

Jiyong raised his brows teasingly. He walked up to her slowly in his oh-so-sexy casual manner and sat down beside her, too close for her comfort. Dara shot him a glare and edged further from him. "Don't come so near me, jerk."

Jiyong chuckled. "My dear Ssantoki, if I didn't remember wrongly you were the one in my study room just minutes ago screaming for my attention." he teased.

Dara turned red. "What? Can't a wife want some time with her husband?" she demanded, poking his chest hard with each word.

Jiyong sighed and gathered her in his arms. She was the Park Leader's daughter after all, and Dara struggled to get out of his grip. "Ssantoki please." Jiyong pleaded. "Listen to me, hmm?"

Dara sent him a pissed look. "What? You want to talk to the wife you've been ignoring since the honey moon a month, three days, and seven hours ago?" she shot angrily.

Jiyong's eyes widened. "Wow was that even the correct date?"

"Do you think I'm bored enough to keep track?" Dara demanded. She rolled her eyes. "Yes of course it's the correct date because I've been bored like hell after my husband ignored me for the past one month." she pouted.

Jiyong pulled her closer again and this time she didn't resist. She missed his embrace as well, as much as she wanted to stay angry. "I'm sorry babe." he said softly, stroking her hair. "I'm sorry. This leader role comes with a whole lot of responsibilities as well, and it's not easy managing all that myself. I have to prove to them I'm a worthy leader, their lives and future are in my hands. I can't just leave the job as i want to."

Dara sighed in his arms and buried her face in his chest. "I understand, Ji. I really do." her words were muffled into his shirt but Jiyong could catch every single thing. "I don't need you to be with me all the time. I don't demand for all your attention. I understand you have your responsibilities as well, but.." she faltered. "I need your attention once in a while. I can't just live my life while you live yours. Is that even called a marriage?"

Jiyong kissed the top of her hair and pressed her to him closer. "You know I love you, don't you?" he whispered. He tilted her face up to meet him. "I love you a lot Dara, and that's all you need to know. The work may take up a whole lot of my time but you're always the first for me. You know that right?"

Dara lowered her gaze. "I know you love me." she replied simply. But is she the first for him anymore? The clan and all seemed to take up so much of his time. Can't he just spare an hour for her? Is that too much to ask for?

Jiyong pulled her up to look at her face and smiled at her. "Aigoo my Ssantoki looks so pretty even though she's pouting." he cooed. He pinched her cheeks. "But you look better if you smile, Ssantoki. Smile for me, please?" he cooed.

Dara couldn't help but give in to his aegyo and a smile broke on her lips. Jiyong chuckled and pecked her lips lightly. "I love you, don't forget that alright?" he pecked her lips again.

He stood up again and walked towards the door. "I have to get back to the head department. We're having a meeting today again. You understand right, babe?" he watched her worriedly.

Dara mustered the best smile she could. "I understand Ji." she said quietly. "Go. And be safe."

Jiyong smiled and went off. Dara collapsed back onto the bed, face first. She screamed into the bed covers again.

"I know you love me, Ji." she muttered. "But sometimes, I don't feel you making an effort to show me that love anymore. What happened to the Jiyong who worked part time at the cafe just to get me a ring?" she sighed as she admired the ring on her finger.

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