Chapter 38

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Dara went out on the date with Youngbae. He brought her to a posh restaurant for French cuisine, then to the Flyer to watch the night scenery, and lastly the park where he even bought mini fireworks.

Dara smiled half-heartedly as Youngbae passed her a stick of firework.

*Ji would have loved to play with this.* She thought dejectedly. Her heart was screaming for her to go home. Throughout the night, her thoughts have never left Jiyong.

Is Jiyong asleep?

Did the Big Bang members make a good meal for him?

Is Jiyong throwing a tantrum because I'm not there?

These question circulated in her mind over and over again, pushing her towards the verge of insanity. She really wanted to go home to see him for herself.


Dara looked up to see Youngbae looking at her questioningly. "Dara are you feeling alright?" he asked tenderly, feeling her forehead. "You look out of it today."

Dara shook her head and forced a smile. "I'm fine Youngbae." she assured. "Just tired."

Youngbae nodded and took her hand. "Then let's go back. I'm sure you want to rest." he smiled softly. Dara watched as Youngbae stroked her hair tenderly, opened the door for her, helping her take her bag.

*Bom was right.* she thought. *Where can I find another better man than Youngbae? I must learn to love him.*

But sometimes, it's just difficult to love someone if your heart already belongs to someone else.


For the next few days, Dara had effectively avoided and ignored Jiyong.

She did not outrightly pretend that he didn't exist, but she wasn't the same Dara she was in the past. She didn't care for him like she used to, she didn't smile at him with that twinkle in her eye, she didn't treat him with as much warmth as before.

Even as a child-like man he was, Jiyong could feel the difference. He yearned for the hugs and smiles Dara gave him that were the source of his happiness. He didn't know what to do to get the old Dara back.

Only Sohee had the patience to deal with him. The 2NE1 and Big Bang members were too caught up in their own romance to care.

But Sohee's care wasn't what he wanted. It was just different from Dara's warmth. Sohee's warmth didn't reach his heart, her jokes can't make him smile till his grin reached his ears.

All he wanted, was some sign that his old Ssantoki was still there. Somewhere.

"Good luck at the Kindergarten Ji. I'll ask Sohee to pick you up later." Dara waved.

Jiyong ran up to her and tugged her sleeve before she closed the car door. "Ssantoki.."

Dara looked at him questioningly. "Ssantoki please..." Jiyong's voice shook. "Can Jiyong please hug you? Just once Ssantoki.. Please.." he pleaded.

Dara's eyes widened and she tried hard not to let that tear drop. She watched his sad and broken face that was looking at her, his eyes pleading.

The smiles that lit his handsome face were gone. He looked tired and unspirited even though he was supposed to be a five year old.

Dara flinched. *Did I hurt him that bad?*

Dara pulled away and hurt flashed in Jiyong's eyes. "I'm late for school, Ji. Goodbye." she pushed him gently and closed the door. She took a last look at him before driving off.

Jiyong burst into tears and sobbed loudly. "My Ssantoki...she doesn't want me anymore..." he cried.

He watched as the car got smaller and smaller and his lip trembled. "Jiyong must get Ssantoki back!" he shrieked.

Without thinking, he ran after the car as fast as he could. The caretake of he kindergarten came out and her eyes widened when she saw Jiyong running away. "Yah Jiyong! Come back!" she yelled.

Jiyong looked back at her apologetically. "Jiyong must get my Ssantoki back!" he yelled determinedly.

The caretaker panicked and dialed Dara's number, which her cell was unfortunately left at home. The caretaker pursed her lips worriedly. "I can't get through with Miss Park!" she shrieed. "I hope Jiyong won't get into any trouble!"

Jiyong on the other hand, with his training back at the Kwon Clan, had successfully caught up with Dara's car after she met with a few traffic lights. He panted as he almost caught up with her car, when the lights turned green and her car went zooming off again.

It was just like their relationship. Every time he tries to get nearer, she backs away.

"Jiyong won't let Ssantoki leave him!" Jiyong panted as he ran. "Jiyong wants ssantoki back!"

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