Chapter 43

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"Hey. That guy. He looks familiar." Myungsoo pointed.

Infinite huddled at the side of the alley, waiting and planning for their attacks. They had miraculously found where Dara was a few days ago, after a furious search of over two months.

She was in Busan. No wonder it took them such a long time to find her.
They could still remember the day when their maknae found her. He was literally jumping up and down like a girl.


Sungjong had crossed dressed as a girl in order to sneak into the girl's club where some people had told them they had spotted people that looked like 2NE1.

The club was filled to the brim with girls. Sexy, pretty, hot girls.

*Wow!* Sungjong's eyes lit up. *Too bad this is a girl's club. If not, infinite hyung would have loved to come. Especially Woohyun Hyung.*

2NE1 were about the place, dancing. It wasn't difficult to spot them through the crowd.

They shone everywhere they went, including the club. Sexy Bom was dancing in the middle of the dance floor, with other girls whooping and cheering her on. CL was more daring and she was dancing on the bar, much to the bartender's distaste.

Minzy however, chose to sit with Dara at a table, drinking away. Dara had downed several shots and she was still going strong.

Minzy frowned. "Unnie. Why are you drinking so much? Is something bothering you?"

*Yes.* Dara frowned. *Why do I feel so bad whenever I see Ji? Why do I want to hug him and stay by his side? Why am I still not happy even though I have Youngbae?*

"Nothing." Dara shook her head. She stood up. "I'll be going to the washroom for a while." she notified.

Just as she stood up, she collided with another pretty girl. Dara bowed and walked away.

The "girl" stared at the face she just saw. "That's Sandara Park!" Sungjong yelped.


Because they were afraid of Big Bang and 2NE1, knowing fully that they were unable to defeat them, Infinite chose to stay low at the moment and watch.

They couldn't ask for back up since the rest of the Kwon Clan were watching the Kwon Leader. They didn't have enough men.

They noted Dara's schedules, going to school and occasionally partying. And they found something interesting as well.

She was staying with another man. Not a fellow Park Clan member, a man they didn't recognize. A man called Jiyong.

(A/N: if you forgot, Infinite and the members of the Kwon Clan didn't know how G-Dragon really looked like since he always wore the mask. Only a few close friends knew how he looked like.)

And that man staying with their prey, he was running down the street, unguarded and alone. Hoya smirked. "If this man means something to Sandara Park, we have a good bait."
Sunggyu narrowed his eyes. "Catch him." he seethed.

Jiyong was still running with all his might, his mind filled with nothing but Dara. He had to get to her, he had to clarify that he really loved her.

Just then, a hand covered his mouth and Jiyong turned to see seven men shadowing behind him with smirks on their faces. "Hello Jiyong." Sungyeol mused before knocking Jiyong out cold.


Dara felt herself shiver as she rushed to the gates after school. Youngbae had convinced her to look for Jiyong after school.

"If you want him to give up on you, you have to let him suffer a bit under the sun and wait." were his exact words.

But Dara couldn't focus on anything after that, the thought that Jiyong might very well be waiting for her at that very moment at the gates.

She found herself paling when she didn't see him or hear that familiar "Ssantoki" cry. She looked around frantically and asked several students around if they saw anyone that looked like Jiyong.


Guilt washed over Dara. She should have went out to look for him the moment she got the call from the kindergarten.

"Where is he?" Dara whispered, clutching her heart with worry.

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