Special Chapter VI: His Adorable Wife

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A week passed in a flash with Dara's "condition." Not only did she get a good time torturing Jiyong with her childish requests, Bom got a chance to give TOP a scare as well when she confronted him about Dara's sudden liking towards him.

Jiyong had paid all his attention to Dara in the span of the week, and he didn't even bother about clan duties. His fellow clan members knew of his wife's condition and excused him.

He was having a time of his life as well, watching his wife acting like a child. Sometimes she could be quite a brat, requesting him to get her things and if he didn't want to, she's whine and cry, stomping her feet on the ground. Once, she got him to drive all the way to Daejeon because she saw a soft toy on tv that only a Halmeoni in Daejeon sold.

But most of the times, Jiyong just wanted to pinch her cheeks for being so cute. Her cuteness didn't only come with the aegyo, but mostly with her confusion. Jiyong would sometimes drop hints that he knew she was tricking him, and her expression was one he really wanted to take a picture of.

So far, she hasn't caught on that he knows her secret, and she still thinks she got the upper hand. Jiyong wonders how long it'd be till she's going to find out. He dropped so many hints already.

Dara came bouncing into the bedroom and attacked Jiyong on the bed. "Ahjusshi! Ahjusshi Dara wants to go on a picnic!" she tugged on his arm. "Pwweasseeee Ahjusshi~" she whined.

Jiyong bit back a smile and hid his hands behind his back to avoid from squishing her cheeks together. "A picnic? Okay then, shall we call TOP Hyung along?"

Dara looked confused. *Why the hell would he want Seunghyun to come along! Doesn't he want to spend time alone with me??!!* she frowned.

Jiyong wanted to laugh at her face. *Oh gosh. I'm enjoying this too much.* Dara shook her head at him. "Ani. Dara decided to give Seunghyun Oppa to Bommie. Bommie is my best friend and I shall give Seunghyun Oppa to her instead."

Jiyong smiled widely. "Good choice Dara. You never made a better choice in your life." he patted her head. He grabbed her hands and pulled her out from the bed. "Since my Dara made such a good choice, we'll go on a picnic. Just the two of us."

Dara beamed happily. "YAY!!!" she danced around and bounced out of the door, leaving Jiyong to chuckle to himself. "Sometimes I really wonder if she's acting, or I really married a child."

"Ah~ Mashita!" Dara beamed as she swallowed a strawberry. Jiyong made it a point to prepare a whole range of picnic snacks, and picnic necessities.

Jiyong chuckled and used her tissue to wipe at her mouth. "Aigoo...my Ssantoki's so dirty."

Dara pouted at him, and turned her attention to the scenery in the park. It was beautiful, calm, scenic. She really wanted to enjoy times like this with Jiyong, the two of them.

She glanced at Jiyong and her gaze fell on his lips as he chewed on a couple of grapes. Her heart skipped a beat and she bit her own lips. Oh how she kissed those lips on her own! If only she didn't have to pretend to be stupid, she would be able to cuddle and kiss him and enjoy the date to the fullest.

Jiyong caught her staring and smirked. "What's wrong Dara? See something that interests you?" he asked huskily. "Or rather...something in my face?"

Dara turned pink. "Dara was just looking...at the tree behind Ahjusshi." she fibbed lamely, leaving Jiyong to smirk. "If you say so." he shrugged.

Dara seemed a little confused at his actions. *Why does it seem that he knows more than I think he knows? But he can't possibly know I'm acting right?* she bit her lip deep in thought.

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