Chapter 52

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"Hey Dara!" Youngbae smiled as she trudged into Big Bang's house. He had managed to push his old feelings aside and remain as a loyal friend. However, he admits that it does hurt when he sees Dara and Jiyong together.

"What are you doing here over at our house?" Youngbae raised his brows. "Didn't you tell me you wanted to bring Jiyong to the nearby playground?"

Dara pouted and plopped herself on the couch. "Yeah I did." she sighed. "I wanted to bring him to the movies on Monday, the park on Tuesday, swimming complex yesterday, and the playground today."

"And?" Youngbae probed.

"We didn't go." Dara buried her face into the pillow and sighed. "He wasn't free."

Youngbae chuckled lightly. "Jiyong's supposed to be like a five year old, and he is even more busy than you? What's he up to anyway?"

Dara puffed her cheeks. "Well," she started. "He said he went over to some classmate Jaehyuk's house for Monday and Tuesday. Then yesterday it was Jongwook's house. And today's Dongjeon's house. GAAAAH!! What's with all his friends!"

Youngbae chuckled and ruffled Dara's hair. "Well, shouldn't you be happy that he's integrating well into the school? This shows that he made friends doesn't it?"

Dara puffed her cheeks defiantly. "Yeah it does." she replied slowly. "BUT STILL! I'm his girlfriend! Can't he spend some time with me?" she pouted.

Youngbae grinned. "You sound like the five year old. Not Jiyong." he mused. *So this is what Dara-in-love looks like. She never looked like that when she was with me.*

Dara growled and turned the television on, not wanting to continue with the conversation.

Dara's brows raised as she watched a scene where a girl and her friend was talking on the phone.

"Nana! I don't understand what Daewoong is up to!" the girl fumed. "He doesn't treat me bad or anything, but he keeps having so many appointment with his friends! They seem to just appear all of a sudden. He didn't really socialize with them in the past, his attention was all focused on me! Why did he suddenly change?"

The friend gasped. "Miho ah!" she shrieked. "Do you think...Daewoong is cheating?"

Dara's eyes widened as large as saucers and her mouth fell open. *CHEATING??!!*

"What?" The main lead, Miho gasped. "Cheating? But.. I don't think..I mean.. Daewoong.." she fumbled with her words.

The friend sighed. "You said it yourself. Why did he suddenly have so many appointments with his friends? His attention had originally been only focused on you, but now, he suddenly takes all his time for his friends and not for you. Don't you think it's strange?"

Miho bit her lip. "Yeah.. But..." she protested.

"Maybe Daewoong already has another woman!" The friend continued. "That's why he can't find time off for you! That's why he always fibs about going out with his friends! What's his friend's name again?"

"Hodong." Miho said off memory.

"Wait a sec." The friend began typing in her computer. A few seconds later, there came a horrified scream. "OH MY Miho! He sure is cheating!"

"What?" Miho yelped.

"There isn't a single person in school called Hodong." the friend continued. "Not a single Hodong in his previous schools as well. He couldn't have known a Hodong!"

Miho paled. "Maybe he met Hodong out of school?" she tried saying. Only to remember... "But he said Hodong was his classmate..." Miho gulped.

"See!" the friend frowned. "I'm absolutely positive! HE IS CHEATING!"

Dara paled visibly. "Cheating?" she gasped. "Can Jiyong be cheating?" She shook her head. "No way! How can he learn to cheat! He loves me! Right?" she mumbled.

Her thoughts wandered off. *But it's true.. Why did he have so many appointments with his friends all of a sudden? This is seriously weird! And he's always jumpy when I ask him about his day. Something is wrong.*

Dara whipped up her phone and dialed the caretaker's number.

"Yeoboseyo?" Dara screeched. "Is this the kindergarten? I want to ask something!"

"Yes Miss Park?"

"Well I want to ask for Daejeon's address! He's in Jiyong's class right?" Dara mumbled.

"..." The caretaker hesitated. "Miss Park..There are no Daejeon's in Jiyong's class. In fact, there isn't a Daejeon in the whole of kindergarten either."

Dara paled. *Maybe I forgot the actual name. Try again.* "How about Jongwook?" Dara probed.


"Jaehyuk?" Dara crossed her fingers behind her back.

"None again, Miss Park."

Dara gasped and her hand flew to her mouth. "Erm can you tell me..." Dara gulped. "Is Jiyong's behavior weird these few days in class?"

The caretaker hesitated. "Well actually Miss Park..." she started. "There is a good reason for it, but Jiyong hasn't come to school for these few days already-"

"... Hello? Miss Park?"

Dara had already got off line and had run out of the house at top speed.

*Ji...* Dara gasped. *He's really cheating?*

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