Chapter 19

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Youngbae rubbed his eyes tiredly as he finally finished the roof of the model, which was to be attached to the two other lower floors.

He raised his brows were he saw Dara sleeping, resting her head against the table. Her brown locks of hair were sprawled round the table like she was some sort of model in a photo shoot.

Her lashes were the longest Youngbae had ever seen, and she doesn't even stick fake eyelashes like Bom does. Her skin looked milky white and smooth, her lips pink and luscious.
He smiled fondly as he brushed her bangs and caressed her cheek. *So pretty.*

He gulped as he bent lower and lower, his lips almost touching Dara's cheek. His heart was pounding, exploding with happiness, excitement, when...
"What are you doing?"

Youngbae gasped and straightened himself immediately, only to see Jiyong standing at the door with a grim expression.

Youngbae rolled his eyes. "Dara fell asleep. I'm bringing her to bed."
He scooped Dara up bridal style carefully, making sure not to wake her. Jiyong frowned. "Jiyong wants to carry Ssantoki like that too."

Youngbae gave him a look. "You'll only drop her. I'll take it." he carried Dara all the way to her bedroom, with Jiyong following behind with eagle eyes.

Youngbae set Dara down gently and covered the covers on her, caressing her hair softly. "Goodnight Dara." he whispered.

He turned to Jiyong, and was about to chase the latter out of the room when he ran and snuck beneath the covers with Dara.

Youngbae's eyes widened when he even had the nerves to cuddle HIS girl. (okay maybe not yet.)

"Yah what are you doing?" Youngbae hissed. "Get out of there now!"
Jiyong pouted. "Jiyong sleeps with Ssantoki everyday. Jiyong wants to sleep with her."

Youngbae gasped lightly. *WHAT? this stupid guy is sleeping on the same bed as Dara EVERY NIGHT? this brat...*

He went to the side of the bed and pulled Jiyong up. "From now on you're not allowed to sleep with her anymore." he commanded. "Sleep downstairs on the couch. Now."

Jiyong stayed limp by Dara's side.
"Now." Youngbae growled. Jiyong puffed his cheeks unhappily and crawled off the bed.

He looked over at the sleeping Dara longingly. Youngbae shot him a look and Jiyong shuffled out unwillingly.
Youngbae turned to caress Dara's cheek one last time. *Goodnight my love.*

Jiyong was sulking all the way as he laid down on the couch. It seemed empty and cold, awfully lonely and depressing. He sighed softly.

*Ssantoki...Jiyong doesn't want to sleep alone without you...*


Dara opened her eyes tiredly and rubbed them. She stretched and was surprised to find that she was alone sleeping in her bed.

She blinked confusedly. *Where's Jiyong?*

She crawled out of bed immediately and dashed to the couch. To her horror, Jiyong wasn't there.

"Jiyong?" she called worriedly.
She ran to the kitchen, the toilet, the dining room, but he was nowhere to be found.

Worry began pulsing through her veins and she ran around like a frantic woman. She arrived at the work room where she and Youngbae had been working on the project the day before.

She finally heaved a sigh of relief when she saw a ball of Jiyong curled up at the side of the room, sleeping deeply. *Oh thank goodness.*

She was about to leave and get him a blanket when she realized why he had gone into this room in the first place.
The beautiful project if a mini semi-detached building they had spent hours on, was crushed into pieces. It looked like it was thrown on the floor, stamped on, used a bat to hit with it.
It was destroyed beyond recognition.
Dara's hand flew to her mouth as she gasped. "What?"

"Hey Dara I brought breakfast for both of..." Youngbae trailed off as he stopped by the door. His eyes were rounded as his sight landed on the pile of unrecognizable materials that was once the product of their hard work. His gaze darted to Jiyong who was sleeping by the side.

He clenched his fists angrily. "I told you I'll only give him one more chance Dara.."

Dara gulped. "There must be an explanation! Maybe Ji was sleepwalking or something!"
Youngbae ignored her blabber, because he knew that Jiyong has done that out of jealousy.

He woke the sleeping man harshly and pulled Jiyong even before the latter fully awoke. "Mmmhhhfff?" Jiyong mumbled.

The rest of the Big Bang and 2NE1 members soon arrived for their get together breakfast every morning and was surprised to see Youngbae dragging Jiyong out of the door.

"Yah Youngbae! Where are you taking that half-kid?" TOP yelled.

Youngbae threw them a glare. "All of you, guard Dara. Don't let her follow me. I want to dispose of this nuisance."

Dara gasped as she rushed to the door, only to be stopped by Seungri and Daesung. "Youngbae! Stop!" Dara cried.

Youngbae gritted his teeth and yanked Jiyong into his car. Jiyong already haf his last chance. He was going to get rid of this irritation once and for all.

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